@RaviDavi I have been trying to awaken him for 3 4 months now. I think its better to look at other skill champs.
I would take up Nick and just wait for a 5* awakening gem. You can try to snag a generic, but class gems have gotten common enough that eventually you'll get a skill one, probably much sooner than you'll awaken naturally.
I would rank up Hit-Monkey. He'll be of more use to you until you awaken Nick Fury, then you can rank up him. Ranking up Nick over HM right now futureproofs your roster but doesn't help you a whole lot at the moment (even if he's still a fairly good champion unawakened, just not completely broken as he becomes in his second life).
Fury is the safest option. He's a great champ, and even without him awakened, he's still a support champ that doesn't waste a slot with his attack boost self-synergy. I've never pulled HM, so I can't speak to his usefulness, but Gwenpool and Masacre are both favorite champs of mine. GP gets a lot of bleeds and can use them to infinitely power-lock after SP2. Masacre is a dot beast after his buff, and it's so easy to ignite his bat now.
To be honest , rank up Nick , because you have a five star awakening gem crystal from summer canteen and if you get lucky , you have a beyond god tier champ at your disposal
If not, just pick NF, you can't go wrong with him, you'll awaken him sooner or later.
Also, only waiting 3-4 months is not too bad, plus 5* awakening gems are becoming fairly common now.