Looking For Alliance

Good day fellow Summoners,
I am a looking for a new alliance to call home as my current one is not very active. I have a 67K Hero rating. I am mostly looking for a chill alliance when people are active and where members understand that life comes first (and I do not get kicked for not logging in for a day) and also who does and complete map 2 or 3 on a regular basis. I am a very active player and grind arena pretty regularly and participate in alliance quests. I have attached a screenshot of my 4* and 5* below. I plan to take Archangel and Thor to 4/40 in the next week or 2. And Bring Vision and Electra to the 4/40 squad later when resources are available or If I don't get a cool mystic champ like(Magik, Dormammu, or SW).
IGN: Starboy_100
I have discord. No line atm but if the alliance is what I am looking for I don't mind making an account to communicate better.
Thank You

I am a looking for a new alliance to call home as my current one is not very active. I have a 67K Hero rating. I am mostly looking for a chill alliance when people are active and where members understand that life comes first (and I do not get kicked for not logging in for a day) and also who does and complete map 2 or 3 on a regular basis. I am a very active player and grind arena pretty regularly and participate in alliance quests. I have attached a screenshot of my 4* and 5* below. I plan to take Archangel and Thor to 4/40 in the next week or 2. And Bring Vision and Electra to the 4/40 squad later when resources are available or If I don't get a cool mystic champ like(Magik, Dormammu, or SW).
IGN: Starboy_100
I have discord. No line atm but if the alliance is what I am looking for I don't mind making an account to communicate better.
Thank You

We do expect you to be active about 3 or so times a day to help clear lanes but are very understanding when things do come up.
I sent you a request in game so check us out. Marvel Mania, MM26
FYI, LINE app is mandatory.