Never Received FINAL PREPARATIONS Solo Objectives



  • HatchetHatchet Member Posts: 4
    I haven't received anti - venom neither, what's goin on? How do you get to the final preparations objectives? Do u have to complete all special objectives like Dream team and Nightmare fuel?
  • HatchetHatchet Member Posts: 4
    Can somebody please answer as I have spent a lot of money on this game as I really enjoy it but am getting quite frustrated with the fact that I can't get an answer to my reletiverly easy questions!
  • tja2015tja2015 Member Posts: 5
    Same here, has anyone gotten feedback from Kabaam yet?
  • tja2015tja2015 Member Posts: 5
    Never received the objectives
  • Peter116Peter116 Member Posts: 8
    I’m still in the same boat. Nothing has shown up. This is a mess Kabam!

    @Kabam Miike you know what the crack is with this?? Is there something being done to fix this?
  • MrParadoxMrParadox Member Posts: 23
    I need help with this too
  • MrPhookyMrPhooky Member Posts: 9
    I can’t tell if half of you are stupid… but you need to complete all September quests. This includes Training Daze, Special Forces, Dream Team, etc… there 5 I think to complete.
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