Level Up Event Missing? [MERGED THREADS]



  • ThēMandalorianThēMandalorian Member Posts: 312 ★★★

    So we miss out on our rewards and items expire because what was scheduled and promised was not delivered even though we brought it up when it should have been active?

    That's not good. I'd hope that a manual Level Up can be triggered to help us out now ASAP.

    Why no update now that we can see this new 22 hour event that skips Level Up?

    @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Porthos @Kabam Boo

    Theyve said before. 22 hour events are on a schedule. Arena Wins would have come put regardless.

    Last time this happened they just ran 2 events side by side.
    Nothing is confirmed, I was asking as this was a possibility and it wasn't said by any Mod that this would automatically correct itself to the next event.

    I was asking and I am asking for clarification that a manual Level Up Event can be started and, if so, will it be today.
  • frodo2377frodo2377 Member Posts: 315 ★★★
    @DoubleDelta Not disagreeing with you, but shouldn't that have been communicated? That "Arena Wins" would come out on time and not to be alarmed....that they were still working on the solution for the "Level Up" event? Would have saved themselves some trouble....
  • Chrisco66Chrisco66 Member Posts: 66
    edited October 2021
    So I see arena wins is coming soon. So what is the course of action about the missed level up event? Compensation for the missed revive & units or do we get ignored? An answer isn’t too much to ask
  • King_SternyKing_Sterny Member Posts: 58
    Typhoon said:

    Typhoon said:

    You guys really can't get anything right, can you?

    I don't have anything appearing as "coming soon" in my solo events.
    Restart your app. It's right here for me. Arena wins coming in 20 minutes.
    Yeah, that did it. I hope they run Level Up at the same time like other folks are saying.
  • TyphoonTyphoon Member Posts: 1,798 ★★★★★

    Typhoon said:

    You guys really can't get anything right, can you?

    Well that's the one that's scheduled for today.. its just we've missed the whole level up. As I've said previously, it's likely they'll run them side by sids
    I'd argue its just as likely they'll just tell us there's nothing they can do and to wait until the next level up event.
  • leviddletonleviddleton Member Posts: 91

    Hey there everyone, just wanted to jump in here and clear some things up. The team was alerted yesterday that the event wasn't appearing as expected and they began working to investigate the cause. We believed we had found a solution and that the event would begin appearing correctly for everyone yesterday. When the event didn't appear, Porthos had let the rest of the team know this was still the case so they could continue looking into things. We apologize for any confusion, but as soon as we have more concrete info to share, we'll let everyone know.

    @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Porthos
    Thanks for the clear up, much appreciated!

    Tell the team double-doubles on me if this is fixed by midnight EST!
    Ok how many coffees am I door dashing over?
  • H1790H1790 Member Posts: 7
    They've replaced it with arena wins. So we've skipped level up?! What kind of devilry is this? Some of us save ranking up for this event. Do you think they skipped it because the first challenge with anti venom was to level him up?? If so, sneaky that.
  • WayWorn2525WayWorn2525 Member Posts: 971 ★★★
    Kabam, why don't you run both the Level Up and Arena Wins concurrently at the same time, instead of skipping the Level Up. You cost a lot of players' ISO and those that were waiting to level up their champions.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,501 ★★★★★
    This is all a bit dramatic for a Solo Event. The error was on their side, not debating that. Obviously they could only reinstate the rotation. No one is trying to deprive anyone of a Rev and 25 Units. People have the right to be upset, but saying things like they can't do anything right, or they're inept, is just uncalled for. Especially given what it is.
  • Doomsfist79Doomsfist79 Member Posts: 922 ★★★
    TheVyrus said:

    Hey there, I checked and can confirm that there is a Level Up event coming later today.

    Um, so this was an outright lie apparently?
    Maybe.. or maybe the mod who responded was provided with inaccurate information..
  • MrAverageMrAverage Member Posts: 6

    Hey there everyone, just wanted to jump in here and clear some things up. The team was alerted yesterday that the event wasn't appearing as expected and they began working to investigate the cause. We believed we had found a solution and that the event would begin appearing correctly for everyone yesterday. When the event didn't appear, Porthos had let the rest of the team know this was still the case so they could continue looking into things. We apologize for any confusion, but as soon as we have more concrete info to share, we'll let everyone know.

    This certainly helps and is the best response we've seen from Kabam on this issue. I appreciate that. However...there are still outstanding questions that I would like to see addressed.

    1. When the 22-hr solo events come back, will it be the level-up event or the arena wins event (heaven forbid it last another day and it's the event quest event)?
    2. Missing out on the milestones and rank rewards have consequences for players (revive/units/shards, etc.). Furthermore, for those players like me (and most in my alliance) that only rank/level-up during the level-up event, it's impacted our Alliance SA rewards (I know the rewards are trash but it's the principal). How will this be addressed?
    3. From the time between the first communication/response on this issue and the second from Porthos this morning was roughly 15 hours. Are you telling us that in that time no one from the company knew this wasn't fixed?
    Exactly this. At a minimum, I have lost the milestone rewards and the Top Rank rewards. In addition to that, I’m almost certain it has cost me a hundred 5* shards and a T1 Alpha from Summoner Advancement alliance event. Not too worried about shards, but I never have enough T1 Alpha.
  • FrydayFryday Member Posts: 975 ★★★★
    So...no level up, no information and no explaination hey.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,501 ★★★★★
    Fryday said:

    So...no level up, no information and no explaination hey.

    They gave information and an explanation.
  • AlexMiloAlexMilo Member Posts: 57
    Guess I’m gonna have to sell the cr*p ton of mystic ISO I had saved for Sigil Witch..
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,501 ★★★★★
    AlexMilo said:

    Guess I’m gonna have to sell the cr*p ton of mystic ISO I had saved for Sigil Witch..

    Are you not capable of using it without Level-Up?
  • magnus_xixmagnus_xix Member Posts: 2,019 ★★★★★
    Who would've thought level up would cause such a ruckus
  • Doomsfist79Doomsfist79 Member Posts: 922 ★★★
    TheVyrus said:

    TheVyrus said:

    Hey there, I checked and can confirm that there is a Level Up event coming later today.

    Um, so this was an outright lie apparently?
    Maybe.. or maybe the mod who responded was provided with inaccurate information..
    Then they cannot confirm anything.
    LOL.. well when they were told the information to pass on they probably didn't know it wasn't accurate..
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,501 ★★★★★
    No_oneuk said:

    Ben93 said:

    AlexMilo said:

    Guess I’m gonna have to sell the cr*p ton of mystic ISO I had saved for Sigil Witch..

    Are you not capable of using it without Level-Up?
    Do you have another constructing comment?
    No one wants to level up champs outside the level-up event, except if you are forced to (AW defense, clear a specific content).

    I had to sell isos too because Kabam doesn't know how to code their game. Plus the parry issues, the bad event quest where you had to do 50 times the same fight in act 6... It's starting to annoy lots of people!
    If people are letting things go down the tubes because they don't want to Rank outside of Level-Up, then that's a choice. Nothing is stopping people from using their Resources outside of it so they don't expire.
    I had to use a chunk of ISO last night before I went to bed otherwise it would just expire. But I think lots of folks are hesitant to use ISO that's shortly going out because it feels like any minute now they could/should be putting up the event. Like, my next ISO is expiring in 2 days so I am good for now, but if I had ISO expiring in 1 hour, I would be waiting until the last minute to use it just incase level up drops. It would really suck to level up toons only for the event to come out 5 minutes after.
    That much I can't clarify. It would help if they commented that the cycle will run through, or otherwise. All I'm saying is sometimes people are too set in their ways and are willing to lose Resources for the sake of doing things the same.
  • Jeal79Jeal79 Member Posts: 444 ★★★
    Same. Just had to suck it up in the end and level my R3 cause I want to use them in today's war attack.
    Massively frustrating though. And I really could have done with the revive after pushing through the tripe that was the Shang Chi challenge.
  • Vintage773Vintage773 Member Posts: 62
    edited October 2021

    Hey there everyone, just wanted to jump in here and clear some things up. The team was alerted yesterday that the event wasn't appearing as expected and they began working to investigate the cause. We believed we had found a solution and that the event would begin appearing correctly for everyone yesterday. When the event didn't appear, Porthos had let the rest of the team know this was still the case so they could continue looking into things. We apologize for any confusion, but as soon as we have more concrete info to share, we'll let everyone know.

    I think people are more so irritated with that lack of communication initially than actually missing the event itself. A simple update from a mod stating they’re aware of the issue, and are investigating the cause would have gone a long way. It’s no secret that the game is broken right now, so everyone is naturally frustrated. People were frustrated that for the longest time there was no real communication, and when there was some…everyone chilled out a bit. Then the conversation around compensation was really vague, which lead to a new source of frustration. This game team and these forums have a history of not communicating with its loyal base, and when they do…it’s often times quite condescending (mainly talking about Miike).

    To summarize, people aren’t THIS upset over missing a simple 22h level up event. They’re upset that the way it was handled continues an established pattern of poor communication.

  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,501 ★★★★★
    LouisW89 said:

    This is all a bit dramatic for a Solo Event. The error was on their side, not debating that. Obviously they could only reinstate the rotation. No one is trying to deprive anyone of a Rev and 25 Units. People have the right to be upset, but saying things like they can't do anything right, or they're inept, is just uncalled for. Especially given what it is.

    I don't think that's the point. It's 3 months+ of bugs, server crashes, broken events. This on it's own isn't really a problem, but you can't deny that there has been problems/bugs/lag with every single update or weekly event recently.

    And then for Kabam developers to say 'we thought it was resolved but whoopsie', basically equates to 'we have no idea why our game keeps breaking and we don't know how to fix it'.

    And I'm not saying they're not trying to fix it - they clearly have made some effort. But it's laughable at this point that bugs happen so regularly. I honestly don't understand why people are still throwing money at the game while it's still such a mess
    Money or lack thereof isn't going to make things get resolved any faster. Nor does it help to have a list of issues in the backs of our minds to pull out anytime something goes wrong. All that does is build up frustration that most certainly cannot be satiated.
    I'm not saying things haven't gone wrong. Clearly they have. I'm just saying I look at individual issues as they are.
  • ShaaneneganShaanenegan Member Posts: 112
    Just give a definitive statement. Say we skipping it this time. Or say we starting in 1 hour. The problem is the waiting.
  • AndremlopesAndremlopes Member Posts: 85
    You have got to be kidding me!!! Level up bugs up but the arena one comes normal?!?!
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