What Changes Should Be Made For New Players



  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    I wasn't notified so why should new players be? There's a forum to ask questions and research about the game
  • SpiritOfVengeanceSpiritOfVengeance Member Posts: 2,353 ★★★★
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    @Deadbyrd9 I know but all these guys do is ask for more help and a mod will end up seeing this and taking it to the team so they stop asking.
  • The1_NuclearOnionThe1_NuclearOnion Member Posts: 908 ★★★
    Notify players of the beginners arena bracket & its accessibility
    Just a thought for the "they should have to do the work we did":

    Let's not forget that while "yes" you have worked very hard for your benefits in the game you also had Thor, Scarlet, etc. pre-nerfed who were absolutely ridiculous and allowed many of the seasoned players to get ahead in a way that is not still available to up and coming players.

    Now that avenue is gone. We need new avenues since a guy like me trying to beat heavy and difficult content without what YOU had available can be much more difficult. In fact it is the seasoned players that back that statement up in these forums. Just look up videos of pre-nerfed champs and what they could do!
  • TheSOURATheSOURA Member Posts: 674
    Double the Act 1 & 2 exploration rewards if completed within a time frame from starting
    Very nice post. But to b honest i dont know which option should i choose. Hope kabam watching it.
  • The1_NuclearOnionThe1_NuclearOnion Member Posts: 908 ★★★
    Notify players of the beginners arena bracket & its accessibility
    As far as new players, in game notification and countdown timer, as someone suggested, is a great idea.
    I fell in the middle of all of this. Post-nerfed champs. Didn't get any indicator of beginner brackets. Grinded like crazy.

    Whether seasoned, Beginner, or somewhere in the middle, the game should feel like "Progression" not "never able to catch up".

    I wish a mentorship type system could be implemented without being exploitable by dupe accounts.
    Much of what I learned was from more seasoned guys in the alliance. That has made me progress. That has made Kabam money.
  • SpiritOfVengeanceSpiritOfVengeance Member Posts: 2,353 ★★★★
    edited August 2017
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    I am one of the ones who never had those "god tier" champs until shortly after they were nerfed.... I had a 3 star iron fist and 3 star abom who were my only 2 best champs not even maxed out i used them to explore the first 3 acts and waited so long for resources and energy no alliance no masteries i couldnt grind arena for anyone since i had very few champs 4 stars were a myth that i didnt need to do all that.
  • Captain_MaimCaptain_Maim Member Posts: 398
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    There was a player who posted on the forms recently and he or she started a couple months ago and has grinded as much as possible then showed a pic of the results and his or her roster is full of 4 stars now. I tried making a new account as well and it is honestly much easier to progress through the game nowadays than when the game first came out maybe some notifications and help like that will be good for you guys but more rewards is something that is not really needed in my opinion it would make it much easier.

    Keep in mind @Kabamalicious that starting a new account with all your gained knowledge would be much easier, partly because of the better rewards, but also in large part to the knowledge you now have about the game and what to make your time investment in. Wouldn't you agree?
  • SpiritOfVengeanceSpiritOfVengeance Member Posts: 2,353 ★★★★
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    Yes i agree but as someone else said you can get a lot of help now especially on forums you ask a question you get an immediate answer from someone.
  • Captain_MaimCaptain_Maim Member Posts: 398
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    Deadbyrd9 wrote: »
    I wasn't notified so why should new players be? There's a forum to ask questions and research about the game

    @Deadbyrd9, I appreciate your opinion, however I think since I gave you the option of "make no changes" you could at least vote for your it to participate in the discussion. That being said, your opinion is kind of like a new player saying, "well I will never get a 6* champion, so why should you get one?" it's a pretty limited perspective... Either way you're entitled to that opinion, just wish you'd vote before commenting.
  • Captain_MaimCaptain_Maim Member Posts: 398
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    Yes i agree but as someone else said you can get a lot of help now especially on forums you ask a question you get an immediate answer from someone.

    @Kabamalicious I respectfully disagree. Many times posts asking beginner questions get pushed down the list so far that no one sees them, or is laughed out of the forums. It is more rare than you think to have a question answered respectfully, and even when that DOES happen, it's entirely reliant in a brand new day 1 player knowing to go to the forums. How do they know to that? There's nothing telling them about it. I love the forums but many people don't know they exist even after playing for over a year! You could find out on global chat if it weren't fill of creeps trying to find girls on a game....

    Maybe you would suggest the change that should be made is giving an introduction to the forums?
  • SpiritOfVengeanceSpiritOfVengeance Member Posts: 2,353 ★★★★
    edited August 2017
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    Deadbyrd9 wrote: »
    I wasn't notified so why should new players be? There's a forum to ask questions and research about the game

    @Deadbyrd9, I appreciate your opinion, however I think since I gave you the option of "make no changes" you could at least vote for your it to participate in the discussion. That being said, your opinion is kind of like a new player saying, "well I will never get a 6* champion, so why should you get one?" it's a pretty limited perspective... Either way you're entitled to that opinion, just wish you'd vote before commenting.

    That is not the best comparison a new player would say that anyway but deep down they would also know they cant get something like that especially at that level in fact only a selfish player would say that so if that new player somehow obtained a 4 or 5 star somehow they just would not feel content and feel jealous seeing someone else with a 6 star, whereas what @Deadbyrd9 said was that we had to login and research ourselves so why cant other players do that it is a very fair and valid point.
  • Captain_MaimCaptain_Maim Member Posts: 398
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    That is not the best comparison a new player would say that anyway but deep down they would also know they cant get something like that especially at that level in fact only a selfish player would say that so if that new player somehow obtained a 4 or 5 star somehow they just would not feel content and feel jealous seeing someone else with a 6 star, whereas what @Deadbyrd9 said was that we had to login and research ourselves so why cant other players do that it is a very fair and valid point.

    @Kabamalicious @Deadbyrd9
    Yes, admittedly it was an exaggerated example, but I used it to illustrate exactly what you said @Kabamalicious. It was a selfish way of thinking. That is true of both. So what if it was more difficult when we started? Isn't the point of improving a game just that? - improving?? Why shouldn't we make the game better across the board rather than take the mentality that because it sucked for me, it should also suck for you?

    Think of it like when you have kids? No one wants their kids to suffer the ways they did. You want to give your kids a leg up.
  • Captain_MaimCaptain_Maim Member Posts: 398
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    Should I take the silence as agreement?
  • SummonerB2SummonerB2 Member Posts: 556
    Don't make any changes to help new players.
    I dunno. Either yes or no one sees this.
  • RedLeederRedLeeder Member Posts: 2
    Have the beginners daily calendar guarantee 1 3* crystal and 1000 4* shards
    Third one makes the most sense to me. The incentive for this game is based on grinding out shards. At the end of the day, everyone wins. Players starting now are going to experience a short term incentive boost, Kabam will have increased their playing member numbers (and with a taste, the new players will become more inclined towards adding to the paying member numbers), and veteran players will not be affected in much of a way (a 3* champ and 1/2 of a 4* will not put much of a dent in points either way.) Certain players may feel slighted that their own path was harder or more rigorous...but they should understand that not every gamer is created equal. A minor incentive to increase overall membership, potential in-app purchasing revenue for Kabam, and keeping new players interested seems a small price to pay.
  • RedLeederRedLeeder Member Posts: 2
    Have the beginners daily calendar guarantee 1 3* crystal and 1000 4* shards

    That is not the best comparison a new player would say that anyway but deep down they would also know they cant get something like that especially at that level in fact only a selfish player would say that so if that new player somehow obtained a 4 or 5 star somehow they just would not feel content and feel jealous seeing someone else with a 6 star, whereas what @Deadbyrd9 said was that we had to login and research ourselves so why cant other players do that it is a very fair and valid point.

    @Kabamalicious @Deadbyrd9
    Yes, admittedly it was an exaggerated example, but I used it to illustrate exactly what you said @Kabamalicious. It was a selfish way of thinking. That is true of both. So what if it was more difficult when we started? Isn't the point of improving a game just that? - improving?? Why shouldn't we make the game better across the board rather than take the mentality that because it sucked for me, it should also suck for you?

    Think of it like when you have kids? No one wants their kids to suffer the ways they did. You want to give your kids a leg up.

    As in any market, there are going to be subsections of the community. The gaming community will offer a litany of different players. The truth is that catering solely to ANY one group cannot be the priority for a successful company. If new players reach levels faster, that increases the over number of competitive players, perhaps even pushing them up to the next tier of the gaming community. This, in turn, increases the incentive to use real dollars for in game currency, and allows more capital for engineers, devs, community team members, etc. The increased staff should then be able to create a better game for all. (I understand that this is a very idyllic vision, but I am a dreamer) The numbers that you may crunch to determine best AW placement or hours spent grinding are no more important than getting more new players and growing the community.
  • SpiritOfVengeanceSpiritOfVengeance Member Posts: 2,353 ★★★★
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    Oh god this thread was dead someone had to bring it back didnt they
  • Captain_MaimCaptain_Maim Member Posts: 398
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    RedLeeder wrote: »

    As in any market, there are going to be subsections of the community. The gaming community will offer a litany of different players. The truth is that catering solely to ANY one group cannot be the priority for a successful company. If new players reach levels faster, that increases the over number of competitive players, perhaps even pushing them up to the next tier of the gaming community. This, in turn, increases the incentive to use real dollars for in game currency, and allows more capital for engineers, devs, community team members, etc. The increased staff should then be able to create a better game for all. (I understand that this is a very idyllic vision, but I am a dreamer) The numbers that you may crunch to determine best AW placement or hours spent grinding are no more important than getting more new players and growing the community.

    Well said, @RedLeeder!
  • JabbawokkyJabbawokky Member Posts: 139
    Have the beginners daily calendar guarantee 1 3* crystal and 1000 4* shards
    I voted for them to get the shards. It seem like so many people hold a grudge because of how long it took them to get this or that champ, they dont want to see people behind them do better. I dont harbor that grudge. If something will keep a new player playing instead of quitting at lv 15, then I'm all for it.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,966 ★★★★★
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    I stated Other. I was going to select the first option, but I'm not sure what accesibility refers to. I wouldn't exactly say, "Get more Champs while you can!". However, I would support some kind of notice when a new Bracket is reached. I had no idea about them. I went from Top 50 to....well, you get the point. Of course, we have a community so I learned after. It would be helpful to know officially.
  • GambitGambit Member Posts: 8
    Mabye an easier way to get parry or dexterity
  • FluffygoldfishFluffygoldfish Member Posts: 1
    It's a joke. New players high drop rate. If you move alliance higher droop rate.
    If your loyal grind and stay put. U get shafted with 2 or 3 *
    Bottom line they care about $
    Not game play or balancing.
    Look at $$$$ they have made
    Shame on us for being dumb enough to keep going
    Yep burnt out
  • mum_m2mum_m2 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★
    Notify players of the beginners arena bracket & its accessibility
    the biggest disadvantage in the beginning without any experience or assistance is not knowing what bracket you're in and how it's calculated. After a month in, my roster exploded because I found this out.
  • WalrusManInACanWalrusManInACan Member Posts: 14
    In my opinion, make arenas based of Total hero rating rather than days played, better act 1 and 2 rewards, and tips from bungie about parry, dexterity, and such things.
  • VandalSavageVandalSavage Member Posts: 267 ★★
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    I selected (Other) as option #1 didn't fit perfectly.

    The game should notify ALL players what bracket they are in. Right now, beginners can only go into the beginners bracket. Intermediates can only do intermediates. And finally, vets can only do vet brackets. But nobody knows that from the game itself.

    So when you go to the forum to ask how many points you need to win and get a response saying 12 million points, the new player's natural reaction is wtf! Intermediates would have a similar reaction but they would be used to it by then.

    The end result is that there would be fewer players trying to win it all in beginner/intermediate brackets. In other words, players in those brackets won't be trying their best, if they even try at all. With fewer and/or weaker competition, this would, in theory, make it easier for the go-getters to win it all when the competition isn't trying their best.

    If players knew that they would be competing against other players in similar situation (i.e. smaller roster, weaker heroes, fewer masteries if any), then they would play harder in the arena.

  • VandalSavageVandalSavage Member Posts: 267 ★★
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    ... So what if it was more difficult when we started? Isn't the point of improving a game just that? - improving?? Why shouldn't we make the game better across the board rather than take the mentality that because it sucked for me, it should also suck for you?

    Think of it like when you have kids? No one wants their kids to suffer the ways they did. You want to give your kids a leg up.

    There is nothing wrong with improving the game itself. Nothing wrong at all.

    However, the core component of the game is competition. Certain people do not want to give the competition a "leg up". They want to be the first to climb that ladder and then topple it over so nobody can follow in their foot steps. That's why when vets kept bringing up milestones for arenas back in the old days, they keep raising the threshold because they didn't want it to be too easy.

    Years ago, I suggested that there should be more brackets. Other games do.

    But the vets hated the brackets from the start. They hated the fact that new players with their 3-team roster aren't competing against them in arenas -- while ignoring the simple fact that it wouldn't matter if the newbies played in the same bracket or not. There were endless cries of how unfair the "lower" brackets were.

  • edited November 2017
    This content has been removed.
  • NDK13NDK13 Member Posts: 620 ★★
    Don't make any changes to help new players.
    why should there be changes made for new players. I don't get it at all.
    I'm an old player and its almost 25 months or more in the game. Back then t4c and t4b were rare af. Arena was a **** to reach at the top. Act 4 was actually kinda hard.
    Now you have solo missions. 4 freaking arenas. T4b and t4c in monthly calender. A monthly calender. Too many OP champs. Special events like webslinger which can be beat by 3 star champs what else do new players need??????
    Act 4 is now made easier as well.
    So OP tell me why do you new snowflakes need anything more?????
    I came to know about arena brackets after 5 months into the game as well.
  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★
    But... why not just take the same as everyone else did?

    If I had to choose, I would double the Act 1&2 rewards as it isn't game changing.
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