Should I buy the Deadpool thronebreaker gold offers even though it would make me low on gold?
The title pretty much says this one. I’ve got 13 million gold currently and the thronebreaker offers together cost around 10 million. I would 100% buy them if it didn’t put me down to 3 million gold. I’m hesitant though because I have a lot of champs I want to upgrade and I don’t want to run out of gold. So what do you guys think? Thanks.
Should I buy the Deadpool thronebreaker gold offers even though it would make me low on gold? 126 votes
Now I’m gold broke but it’s still very worth it. Especially if you’re in an ISO drought.
Since I’m jailed and can’t post, who do you think I should choice from my nexus?
One of few offers its worth to spend.
Edit: forgot to tag you @Riptide
Also, why’d you get jailed?