Spider-man 2099 true effects issues

This is what happened in today's war: spiderman 2099 lose his 75% true strike damage reduction ability.
Is it a secret nerf or something? I spent a lot to grind him from arena.
Can't upload video here, only the screenshots. The damage showcase means his ability didn't work on AW boss. His true effect resistance worked well before, almost 5-6 mojo and doom boss fights in war. If kabma nerfed it, please announce and refund me all the resources i spent in arena!!!!

Is it a secret nerf or something? I spent a lot to grind him from arena.
Can't upload video here, only the screenshots. The damage showcase means his ability didn't work on AW boss. His true effect resistance worked well before, almost 5-6 mojo and doom boss fights in war. If kabma nerfed it, please announce and refund me all the resources i spent in arena!!!!

though I'm not sure if this changes anything
Seems to be working fine for me. Easy to test, just practice against Corvus
Checked again against TS specifically. Seems fine on my end in a vacuum.
There is another thread somewhere here about the bug