7.3 Path-by-Path Exploration Guide

Hi everyone, as of writing this first part, 7.3 dropped a few hours ago and I've decided to keep a log of my thoughts on each path and use it to make a guide. When you read this, I'll be done 100% and please pray for me to have pulled some good champs from the Nexus crystals.
Onto the guide. I'll identify each path by the main nodes on it. I won't go into massive detail for each path here, this is meant to be more of a quick comment on the main issue in the path, and a quick tip to get around it, but if you want greater detail or specific advice just drop it down below and I, or someone else who's done it, can advise.
I will also drop an arrow (--->) on one or two paths that I believe are the easiest ones if you just want to go for completion, and also on the boss that I think is the easiest.
I will need to split it up into quest 1-3 and 4-6 since I think it goes over the forum word count. This will be a long one, so just jump to whichever quest and path is needed. Hope it’s helpful!
Quest 1
Muscle Wizard, Riot, Can't Stop Won't Stop
I used Diablo, Claire and Doom for this path mainly. They all did really well, remember to activate the nullify pre-fight with Diablo. I imagine most good nullifying mystics will do well here, the main issue is the unstoppable/unblockable buff. When you start the fight, they are unblockable - so dealing with that is pretty important. Champs with accessible nullifies, like Sym Supreme, Claire etc who can quickly sort it are useful. When you knock them down with a special they go unstoppable. So try and nullify that too. When you heavy them, they will go back to unblockable. It's all about controlling those buffs, and knowing that if heavy them, you want to be able to nullify the unblockable straight away.
---> Mutant Mastery, Persistent Pressure, Endurance Trial
This path is super simple, use mutants -> apply debuffs -> get prowess -> reduce unstoppable timer
Essentially, every 15 seconds they'll go unstoppable for 5 seconds, duration of unstoppable is minus 0.5 seconds for every prowess buff/prowess. So you want a mutant with a ton of debuffs. Sunspot is ideal, can easily solo the entire path. Wolverine especially as a horseman will do well. A tip is just to hold special attacks until after the unstoppable triggers. Your prowess go away after a special, so if you throw it after the timer resets you have more time to build back up. I used Sunspot, Havok, Namor, Kitty Pryde.
Run and Gun, Might Charge, Powerful from afar, unblockable specials
This path was really fun. Basically, rushing forward gives you fury passive doubling your attack, dashing back removes it. So how do you avoid dashing back? Using champs that allow you to avoid it. Spider Gwen kills it, throw two sp1s and you never have to dash back again, their special attacks are unblockable so you evade every hit (watch out for venom). Professor X is fantastic. Get to 2.9 bars of power and 100 charges, then throw the special, you can dash forward, and throw a special over and over and your attack just sky rockets. Watch out for powerful from afar, someone like Doom can handle that well. I used Gwen, Prof X, Doom.
---> Paradox -Block, Quantum Control, Pumping Iron
This is essentially a buffed up path on steroids, but holy Cosmic Ghost Rider can this get nutty. You want to hover between 3-9 paradox, below 3 they nullify buffs you trigger but for every paradox you have you increase buff potency by +30%. Gain paradox by well-timed blocking, remove by dexing. This makes for some broken interactions. This potency applies to all buffs, including stuff like power gain. CGR with 6 or 7 paradox makes his power gain get him to an sp3 with his first trigger. So you can parry 7 times, and MLLLL gets an sp3. Fury potency goes up, cruelty, aptitude, everything. Hyperion will gain so much power, same with Aarkus. Any cosmic with meaningful buffs will absolutely destroy here. I used Cosmic Ghost Rider for almost every fight.
Paradox - Block, whittle Down, Quantum immunity
Enemy is debuff immune below 3 paradox, each paradox increases your debuff duration. You get paradox by parrying, lose it by throwing specials. This one is a great path, really easy to manage paradox. Science Champs with a lot of debuffs rule here, although you don't have to be limited to just science. I used Torch, Spidergwen, Mr negative and S2099. Gwen gets super long enervates which just shut down the fight. I imagine I-Abom will do great, same with I-Hulk, Red Guardian etc.
Special Delivery, Power Shield, Matador
Very, very fun path. This is one of the paths you breeze through with a grin on your face. Champs with 1 or 2 hit heavy work really well here, the design is such that you want to give them power, bait sp1 and throw your own specials for massive damage. Anyone with high special damage is gonna work well here. Prof X, S2099, Negative and Tigra were my champs. But anyone like CGR, Doom, Gambit, Ghost etc will smash it. Not much to worry about here.
---> Red goblin is straightforward enough, just swap in Ronan and stun lock away. I can't imagine many won't have a ronan. But I used Tigra on my first clear. I assume most mystics will work well for him.
TaskMaster is pretty straightforward. Just need someone who can crit well really, and potentially not rely too much on debuffs. Someone like Shang Chi will do perfect. There is also the ebony maw cheese, but it depends if you have a spare hour or two.
Ultron is kinda tricky, you need someone who armour breaks a lot, since when he has armour up he is unblockable. Armour shatter won't work since he has increased AAR, but I found Vision Aarkus useful nonetheless, just don't use sp2 and keep spamming sp3 for the constant armour breaks. CGR smashed it too. I'm sure champs like Medusa, King Groot, CMM will work great.
Quest 2
KnockDown Paradox, Power Snack, Increased Power Rate
This path could be quite tough if you don't have an immune to nullify champion. Get out your Civil Warrior's, Angela's and Things since Mr Negative and Overseer aren't as widely available. Red Guardian and Spidey 2099 will be good too since they can't gain buffs. The aim here is to knock the opponent down 3 times, without parrying, and this will remove the increased combat power rate they get. If you get too high in paradox charges, parry a few times to reduce them. Champs who can reverse power or control power will be good too, with the power snack/high combat power rate. Torch works really well for the path, since he crushes Stryfe, Sinister, Diablo, Purgatory and Chavez.
---> Impatience, Shake and Bake, Buffed Up
This path is cosmic chaos. You want a cosmic champ who has a low chance to proc buffs on basic attacks, as every time it fails, you get a chunky fury. I found Gamora, Ronan and Hyperion to be absolute beasts for it. You're gonna see some massive numbers here. Watch out for Emma, every time your buffs expire the opponent gains a prowess, so specials can hit hard. Make sure you dodge them.
Cage Rattler, Stun Vulnerability, Galvanise, limber
This is a timer alternating between shocking you when you hit their block, and being unblockable. You want skill champs here and essentially just hit their block while they're unblockable. Watch out for Joe Fixit Sp1 if it's unblockable. Jabari works amazing, since she can cleanse the shocks from the block. Other great options are Stealth, Nick (don't go unblockable) and OG BP. But really, any skill champ is good.
Buff Synthesis, Power Struggle, Subterfuge Block, Combat Deja Vu - Unblockable
Essentially, if you do the same attack in a row, they go unblockable but you can parry to get the fury and dex to merge it into a prowess buff. Champs with really good buff control work well here, to avoid the unblockable buff. But also, champs with really high special damage on Sp1 or 2 (or don't require Sp3 due to power struggle) are great. Also, if you have a decently ranked Miles, bring him. He cheeses the unblockable and you can just heavy attack in the corner, while they throw specials and miss you.
Pleasure to Burn, Right back at it, Got a light?, Redoubled determination
Really, any champ that doesn't rely on specials or heavies work here. Every time you knock them down they go debuff immune, so I'd suggest not using any specials or heavies if you can help it. The incinerate vulnerability works hugely in your favour. Watch out for redoubled determination giving them attack and power gain. Don't use bleed champs. Torch works great, Stealth Spidey is awesome for it, one sp1 and you're away and Elsa works too after 1 sp1.
Paradox - Special, Power Reserve, Quantum entangle
Another Power reserve, another Prof X cheese. With this one, the champs are quite "sneakily" chosen that you can't stun cheese them with champs like gambit or ronan, each of them has a way to shrug off or go stun immune. Activating a special (either champ) gives you a paradox and knocking the defender down removes. You have -100% DAAR while under 3. I'd probably recommend bringing someone like white mags if you have him 5/6*, just to get around the shrug off champs. Or Apoc. Any champ with decent special attack damage is a good shout here (more damage with more paradox charges), though it's hard to recommend specific champs, since it's more about playstyle and managing your paradox.
---> I-Hulk isn't too bad, no need to worry about do-not-go-gentle unless you need a solo, you can just take him down with your main and tap him with another champ. I used Nick Fury, but really any non-energy damage champ can deal with it.
CGR goes down without much of a fuss, I'd recommend skill champs that can remove debuffs and deal with that aspect. Or mystic champs that can control power so he can't use as many specials. Don't bring a villain who can't deal with armour break, or he'll be unblockable for the rest of the fight.
OML is pretty simple, just watch out for arrogance giving you a falter and don't nullify him/heal reverse him. I'd recommend a miss counter, but it can be played around. I used Prof X.
Quest 3
Mystic Curse, Rejuvenate, Picture of Health, Limber
This was a really interesting path, essentially, they regenerate with passive stacks more and more unless poisoned, in which case they lose regen stacks. Activating a special attack applies a poison, potency scaling with number of buffs. I mainly used Diablo here, he crushed it. No regen to deal with. However, high special attack spamming mystic champs will do great to keep up the poisons, and champs who apply poisons themselves will be great too. Claire, Man thing, Dragon Man, Doom, Tigra etc. Annihulus can be a tough fight there, but a champ with accessible nullify works wonders.
Paradox - Special, Do you bleed, Quantum Power
This is a pretty straightforward path. What you want to do is bait out 3 specials, and then hover between 4 and 5 paradox. Each special they throw gives a paradox charge, each time you intercept you remove one. Obviously skill champs dominate here, although I'm sure other bleeders work well too. I used Moleman, BP OG, Nick Fury and Jabari Panther. Moleman is great to get those intercepts off well, BP works fantastic with his intercept playstyle. For mysterio, remember you can hit him during his sp1 damage reflect, since you won't be doing any damage except through bleed.
Paradox Buffs, Quantum Entangle, Spite
You have -100% DAAR until above 3 paradox. Each time you gain a buff you gain a paradox, well timed blocks remove them. Here, you absolutely do not want a buff heavy champ. Spite and paradox dissuade that. Any champ can do it, just dex and that counts as 2. Really, you just want to aim for a spite counter. Void, Mr Negative, She Hulk, Overseer, YJ can all do well here. The main issue on the path comes from Havok and Bishop, meaning you need a tech counter. I used Vulture here, and he was amazing. I brought the Tigra synergy (pretty necessary) and the Stealth synergy (helpful but not needed). Your specials also power burn based on how many paradox, so that's helpful for power control. This is a pretty tough node combo, with pretty tough defenders. So get a good team in. Make sure you keep up a few paradox and use them to power drain, with even your sp1 if necessary.
Stunning reflection, Mix master, best defence
This was a pain for me, but fun, it's a pretty hard path that requires specific counters. Evade counters with poison or incinerate. I can actually only think of two, Apoc and Archangel. Elsa is almost perfect, but unfortunately when the opponent evades you apply coldsnap instead of incinerate. In any case, I'd probably recommend going down the route of countering one aspect or the other. Either cope with the evading, and bring an incinerate/poison champ, or deal with basically stun immune champs and bring an evade counter. I brought Apoc and ramped him up on the Jane foster, he shuts down the evade nicely, and using sp1 can shut down the stun reflect. I also found Diablo worked nicely, MLM until you get a poison to stick, then parry heavy. I also brought Moleman and kept him under 8 monster mass, going in and out of frenzy. Prof X will work well too.
---> Acclimation, Triple Threat, Power Shield, Use it or lose it
This is a very fun path. Get your favourite mutant team and go wild. The theory behind it is very fun indeed, try and get debuffs on yourself, purify them and gain power, but don't hold onto your special for too long or you lose the power. You can either push for the next bar of power, or use the current special you have. Apoc is odd here, because he won't let himself purify the debuffs, but you go immune to bleed and incinerate so it's not too bad. Your specials hit very hard here. I used Prof X, Rogue, Apoc and gambit. But any hard hitting mutant will work well.
Rising Sun, Stacking Power, Stage Fright
Now I think this was more my champ choice, rather than the path but I really didn't enjoy it. I used Negative and Apoc, but I just felt like you get too much power from each buff, making it a chore to manage your power rather than fun. I used Apoc's sp2 in the end to reduce the furies I procced. And Negative not being able to parry due to disorient removing dark energy was a bit eh, but manageable. I found myself hanging around special throwing because of stage fright and just didn't enjoy it. I imagine champs like I-Hulk, Corvus and Hercules would have had a much better time.
Spider-Ham can be a massive pain. The issue here, is that you want to dump your special one as soon as you get it, as that keeps his nonsense down. However, you're inflicted with a power sting when you reach a bar of power, so you can't throw it straight away. Obviously this is pointing you towards a debuff shrugger/ Evade counter. My number one suggestion is Elsa Bloodstone, she coldsnaps him preventing evade, and shrugs off all his debuffs. Other suggestions are Nick Fury, thought shifting bleed/poison immunity can slow him down. Moleman as long as you get into frenzy at the right moment. Stealth Spidey, although you wouldn't be able to use specials unless you timed it right. Or Shang Chi, focusing on debuff shrug and slow.
Sparky was an odd one. You need an evade counter right off the bat, you can't really build up to it. Your first parry will make him go unblockable, so She Hulk and Spidergwen with evade counters there and then work well. You also have heavy assault, so if you get him stuck in the corner, you'll be able to spam heavy and do tons of damage. I can imagine Nick Fury would wreck this fight, so would Elsa, Moleman, Falcon, Stealthy etc.
---> Stealthy is alright, foresight really helps, but you need an evade counter that doesn't rely on debuffs (due to his tenacity). I recommend Prof X (he really is an MVP for 7.3) but watch out for his true focus. Another option is Apoc, if you take him on the mix master path, there is a perfect opportunity there that you could use to ramp up his evade counter and then Apoc would counter loads about this stealthy, tenacity, evade etc.
Onto the guide. I'll identify each path by the main nodes on it. I won't go into massive detail for each path here, this is meant to be more of a quick comment on the main issue in the path, and a quick tip to get around it, but if you want greater detail or specific advice just drop it down below and I, or someone else who's done it, can advise.
I will also drop an arrow (--->) on one or two paths that I believe are the easiest ones if you just want to go for completion, and also on the boss that I think is the easiest.
I will need to split it up into quest 1-3 and 4-6 since I think it goes over the forum word count. This will be a long one, so just jump to whichever quest and path is needed. Hope it’s helpful!
Quest 1
Muscle Wizard, Riot, Can't Stop Won't Stop
I used Diablo, Claire and Doom for this path mainly. They all did really well, remember to activate the nullify pre-fight with Diablo. I imagine most good nullifying mystics will do well here, the main issue is the unstoppable/unblockable buff. When you start the fight, they are unblockable - so dealing with that is pretty important. Champs with accessible nullifies, like Sym Supreme, Claire etc who can quickly sort it are useful. When you knock them down with a special they go unstoppable. So try and nullify that too. When you heavy them, they will go back to unblockable. It's all about controlling those buffs, and knowing that if heavy them, you want to be able to nullify the unblockable straight away.
---> Mutant Mastery, Persistent Pressure, Endurance Trial
This path is super simple, use mutants -> apply debuffs -> get prowess -> reduce unstoppable timer
Essentially, every 15 seconds they'll go unstoppable for 5 seconds, duration of unstoppable is minus 0.5 seconds for every prowess buff/prowess. So you want a mutant with a ton of debuffs. Sunspot is ideal, can easily solo the entire path. Wolverine especially as a horseman will do well. A tip is just to hold special attacks until after the unstoppable triggers. Your prowess go away after a special, so if you throw it after the timer resets you have more time to build back up. I used Sunspot, Havok, Namor, Kitty Pryde.
Run and Gun, Might Charge, Powerful from afar, unblockable specials
This path was really fun. Basically, rushing forward gives you fury passive doubling your attack, dashing back removes it. So how do you avoid dashing back? Using champs that allow you to avoid it. Spider Gwen kills it, throw two sp1s and you never have to dash back again, their special attacks are unblockable so you evade every hit (watch out for venom). Professor X is fantastic. Get to 2.9 bars of power and 100 charges, then throw the special, you can dash forward, and throw a special over and over and your attack just sky rockets. Watch out for powerful from afar, someone like Doom can handle that well. I used Gwen, Prof X, Doom.
---> Paradox -Block, Quantum Control, Pumping Iron
This is essentially a buffed up path on steroids, but holy Cosmic Ghost Rider can this get nutty. You want to hover between 3-9 paradox, below 3 they nullify buffs you trigger but for every paradox you have you increase buff potency by +30%. Gain paradox by well-timed blocking, remove by dexing. This makes for some broken interactions. This potency applies to all buffs, including stuff like power gain. CGR with 6 or 7 paradox makes his power gain get him to an sp3 with his first trigger. So you can parry 7 times, and MLLLL gets an sp3. Fury potency goes up, cruelty, aptitude, everything. Hyperion will gain so much power, same with Aarkus. Any cosmic with meaningful buffs will absolutely destroy here. I used Cosmic Ghost Rider for almost every fight.
Paradox - Block, whittle Down, Quantum immunity
Enemy is debuff immune below 3 paradox, each paradox increases your debuff duration. You get paradox by parrying, lose it by throwing specials. This one is a great path, really easy to manage paradox. Science Champs with a lot of debuffs rule here, although you don't have to be limited to just science. I used Torch, Spidergwen, Mr negative and S2099. Gwen gets super long enervates which just shut down the fight. I imagine I-Abom will do great, same with I-Hulk, Red Guardian etc.
Special Delivery, Power Shield, Matador
Very, very fun path. This is one of the paths you breeze through with a grin on your face. Champs with 1 or 2 hit heavy work really well here, the design is such that you want to give them power, bait sp1 and throw your own specials for massive damage. Anyone with high special damage is gonna work well here. Prof X, S2099, Negative and Tigra were my champs. But anyone like CGR, Doom, Gambit, Ghost etc will smash it. Not much to worry about here.
---> Red goblin is straightforward enough, just swap in Ronan and stun lock away. I can't imagine many won't have a ronan. But I used Tigra on my first clear. I assume most mystics will work well for him.
TaskMaster is pretty straightforward. Just need someone who can crit well really, and potentially not rely too much on debuffs. Someone like Shang Chi will do perfect. There is also the ebony maw cheese, but it depends if you have a spare hour or two.
Ultron is kinda tricky, you need someone who armour breaks a lot, since when he has armour up he is unblockable. Armour shatter won't work since he has increased AAR, but I found Vision Aarkus useful nonetheless, just don't use sp2 and keep spamming sp3 for the constant armour breaks. CGR smashed it too. I'm sure champs like Medusa, King Groot, CMM will work great.
Quest 2
KnockDown Paradox, Power Snack, Increased Power Rate
This path could be quite tough if you don't have an immune to nullify champion. Get out your Civil Warrior's, Angela's and Things since Mr Negative and Overseer aren't as widely available. Red Guardian and Spidey 2099 will be good too since they can't gain buffs. The aim here is to knock the opponent down 3 times, without parrying, and this will remove the increased combat power rate they get. If you get too high in paradox charges, parry a few times to reduce them. Champs who can reverse power or control power will be good too, with the power snack/high combat power rate. Torch works really well for the path, since he crushes Stryfe, Sinister, Diablo, Purgatory and Chavez.
---> Impatience, Shake and Bake, Buffed Up
This path is cosmic chaos. You want a cosmic champ who has a low chance to proc buffs on basic attacks, as every time it fails, you get a chunky fury. I found Gamora, Ronan and Hyperion to be absolute beasts for it. You're gonna see some massive numbers here. Watch out for Emma, every time your buffs expire the opponent gains a prowess, so specials can hit hard. Make sure you dodge them.
Cage Rattler, Stun Vulnerability, Galvanise, limber
This is a timer alternating between shocking you when you hit their block, and being unblockable. You want skill champs here and essentially just hit their block while they're unblockable. Watch out for Joe Fixit Sp1 if it's unblockable. Jabari works amazing, since she can cleanse the shocks from the block. Other great options are Stealth, Nick (don't go unblockable) and OG BP. But really, any skill champ is good.
Buff Synthesis, Power Struggle, Subterfuge Block, Combat Deja Vu - Unblockable
Essentially, if you do the same attack in a row, they go unblockable but you can parry to get the fury and dex to merge it into a prowess buff. Champs with really good buff control work well here, to avoid the unblockable buff. But also, champs with really high special damage on Sp1 or 2 (or don't require Sp3 due to power struggle) are great. Also, if you have a decently ranked Miles, bring him. He cheeses the unblockable and you can just heavy attack in the corner, while they throw specials and miss you.
Pleasure to Burn, Right back at it, Got a light?, Redoubled determination
Really, any champ that doesn't rely on specials or heavies work here. Every time you knock them down they go debuff immune, so I'd suggest not using any specials or heavies if you can help it. The incinerate vulnerability works hugely in your favour. Watch out for redoubled determination giving them attack and power gain. Don't use bleed champs. Torch works great, Stealth Spidey is awesome for it, one sp1 and you're away and Elsa works too after 1 sp1.
Paradox - Special, Power Reserve, Quantum entangle
Another Power reserve, another Prof X cheese. With this one, the champs are quite "sneakily" chosen that you can't stun cheese them with champs like gambit or ronan, each of them has a way to shrug off or go stun immune. Activating a special (either champ) gives you a paradox and knocking the defender down removes. You have -100% DAAR while under 3. I'd probably recommend bringing someone like white mags if you have him 5/6*, just to get around the shrug off champs. Or Apoc. Any champ with decent special attack damage is a good shout here (more damage with more paradox charges), though it's hard to recommend specific champs, since it's more about playstyle and managing your paradox.
---> I-Hulk isn't too bad, no need to worry about do-not-go-gentle unless you need a solo, you can just take him down with your main and tap him with another champ. I used Nick Fury, but really any non-energy damage champ can deal with it.
CGR goes down without much of a fuss, I'd recommend skill champs that can remove debuffs and deal with that aspect. Or mystic champs that can control power so he can't use as many specials. Don't bring a villain who can't deal with armour break, or he'll be unblockable for the rest of the fight.
OML is pretty simple, just watch out for arrogance giving you a falter and don't nullify him/heal reverse him. I'd recommend a miss counter, but it can be played around. I used Prof X.
Quest 3
Mystic Curse, Rejuvenate, Picture of Health, Limber
This was a really interesting path, essentially, they regenerate with passive stacks more and more unless poisoned, in which case they lose regen stacks. Activating a special attack applies a poison, potency scaling with number of buffs. I mainly used Diablo here, he crushed it. No regen to deal with. However, high special attack spamming mystic champs will do great to keep up the poisons, and champs who apply poisons themselves will be great too. Claire, Man thing, Dragon Man, Doom, Tigra etc. Annihulus can be a tough fight there, but a champ with accessible nullify works wonders.
Paradox - Special, Do you bleed, Quantum Power
This is a pretty straightforward path. What you want to do is bait out 3 specials, and then hover between 4 and 5 paradox. Each special they throw gives a paradox charge, each time you intercept you remove one. Obviously skill champs dominate here, although I'm sure other bleeders work well too. I used Moleman, BP OG, Nick Fury and Jabari Panther. Moleman is great to get those intercepts off well, BP works fantastic with his intercept playstyle. For mysterio, remember you can hit him during his sp1 damage reflect, since you won't be doing any damage except through bleed.
Paradox Buffs, Quantum Entangle, Spite
You have -100% DAAR until above 3 paradox. Each time you gain a buff you gain a paradox, well timed blocks remove them. Here, you absolutely do not want a buff heavy champ. Spite and paradox dissuade that. Any champ can do it, just dex and that counts as 2. Really, you just want to aim for a spite counter. Void, Mr Negative, She Hulk, Overseer, YJ can all do well here. The main issue on the path comes from Havok and Bishop, meaning you need a tech counter. I used Vulture here, and he was amazing. I brought the Tigra synergy (pretty necessary) and the Stealth synergy (helpful but not needed). Your specials also power burn based on how many paradox, so that's helpful for power control. This is a pretty tough node combo, with pretty tough defenders. So get a good team in. Make sure you keep up a few paradox and use them to power drain, with even your sp1 if necessary.
Stunning reflection, Mix master, best defence
This was a pain for me, but fun, it's a pretty hard path that requires specific counters. Evade counters with poison or incinerate. I can actually only think of two, Apoc and Archangel. Elsa is almost perfect, but unfortunately when the opponent evades you apply coldsnap instead of incinerate. In any case, I'd probably recommend going down the route of countering one aspect or the other. Either cope with the evading, and bring an incinerate/poison champ, or deal with basically stun immune champs and bring an evade counter. I brought Apoc and ramped him up on the Jane foster, he shuts down the evade nicely, and using sp1 can shut down the stun reflect. I also found Diablo worked nicely, MLM until you get a poison to stick, then parry heavy. I also brought Moleman and kept him under 8 monster mass, going in and out of frenzy. Prof X will work well too.
---> Acclimation, Triple Threat, Power Shield, Use it or lose it
This is a very fun path. Get your favourite mutant team and go wild. The theory behind it is very fun indeed, try and get debuffs on yourself, purify them and gain power, but don't hold onto your special for too long or you lose the power. You can either push for the next bar of power, or use the current special you have. Apoc is odd here, because he won't let himself purify the debuffs, but you go immune to bleed and incinerate so it's not too bad. Your specials hit very hard here. I used Prof X, Rogue, Apoc and gambit. But any hard hitting mutant will work well.
Rising Sun, Stacking Power, Stage Fright
Now I think this was more my champ choice, rather than the path but I really didn't enjoy it. I used Negative and Apoc, but I just felt like you get too much power from each buff, making it a chore to manage your power rather than fun. I used Apoc's sp2 in the end to reduce the furies I procced. And Negative not being able to parry due to disorient removing dark energy was a bit eh, but manageable. I found myself hanging around special throwing because of stage fright and just didn't enjoy it. I imagine champs like I-Hulk, Corvus and Hercules would have had a much better time.
Spider-Ham can be a massive pain. The issue here, is that you want to dump your special one as soon as you get it, as that keeps his nonsense down. However, you're inflicted with a power sting when you reach a bar of power, so you can't throw it straight away. Obviously this is pointing you towards a debuff shrugger/ Evade counter. My number one suggestion is Elsa Bloodstone, she coldsnaps him preventing evade, and shrugs off all his debuffs. Other suggestions are Nick Fury, thought shifting bleed/poison immunity can slow him down. Moleman as long as you get into frenzy at the right moment. Stealth Spidey, although you wouldn't be able to use specials unless you timed it right. Or Shang Chi, focusing on debuff shrug and slow.
Sparky was an odd one. You need an evade counter right off the bat, you can't really build up to it. Your first parry will make him go unblockable, so She Hulk and Spidergwen with evade counters there and then work well. You also have heavy assault, so if you get him stuck in the corner, you'll be able to spam heavy and do tons of damage. I can imagine Nick Fury would wreck this fight, so would Elsa, Moleman, Falcon, Stealthy etc.
---> Stealthy is alright, foresight really helps, but you need an evade counter that doesn't rely on debuffs (due to his tenacity). I recommend Prof X (he really is an MVP for 7.3) but watch out for his true focus. Another option is Apoc, if you take him on the mix master path, there is a perfect opportunity there that you could use to ramp up his evade counter and then Apoc would counter loads about this stealthy, tenacity, evade etc.
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
---> Power Suppression, Power Snack, Feat of Energy, Special 2 Bias
So this one is interesting. Science champions throwing special attacks apply a 6 second enervate, that reapplies by consuming a debuff on the defender. However, the opponent has power snack, and feat of energy (gaining a bar of power over 4 seconds). So both of these power sources get around the enervate. The game plan here is to bring high-debuff, power reversing champions who (ideally) are nullify immune. Throw a special for the enervate, then apply debuffs to re-trigger, and also reverse power gain if possible (or just don't throw specials, that way you don't go above a bar of power more than once). Spidey-2099 and Mr Negative are awesome for this path, but not highly accessible right now. So champions I'd recommend are Void, Red Guardian, Thing, Torch.
Mix Master, Double Down, Shifting Immunity
An odd path, you either want a heavy bleed champ or one that doesn't need to parry. Essentially, you can't parry stun them unless you have precision buffs on you which give you a passive stun with longer duration for each precision instead, then consumes the buffs, all while dealing with mix master. I found Elsa was a beast for this path, along with Nick. It can be hard to find your rhythm sometimes, but stacking up precisions during bleed immunity, then cashing them in to do bleed damage during poison immunity seems to be the best tactic to me.
Paradox Debuffs, Entropic Aptitude, Heavy Handed
I found this path really tough as a resonate runner. Every time you place a debuff you gain a paradox, dexing removes it. It is really rough trying to MLLLM and placing debuffs that much. I’d suggest low debuff champions and try and focus on champs that only need to parry for their debuffs. Paradox increases buff potency, so finding champs with potent buffs, but not many debuffs, is important. I used Mojo, who absolutely crushed it with his already massive fury and an extra 200% potency. It’s hard to find a good Havok counter here, but I’d suggest Warlock and War machine who don’t apply too many debuffs. Domino and Red Skull can be pains too.
Ebb and Flow Knockdown, Steady Perseverance, Kinetic Transference
This was a really fun path for me. You have to knock them down to get openings, but deal with evade without debuffs ideally, since they can purify when ebb and flow returns. I ended up building a mutant team with Apoc 5* and 6*, Prof X, Cable and Cyclops Blue team (for the Heimdall-esque cheat death regen). I ramped up one Apoc on the first gwenpool and one on Kingpin. Watch out for AV and Joe fixit’s multi hit sp1 for kinetic transference. Other champs who don’t rely on debuffs to counter evade like Ghost, Killmonger etc I’m sure are great for this path.
ThunderStruck, Right Back at it, Live Wire
This is the second version of the incinerate path in quest 2, except with shock this time. Same principle as before, use champs who don’t need to knock down opponents too much or use specials. Watch out for Redoubled determination with power and attack. This time, I used Wolverine as a horseman, I ramped Apoc up on stryfe and Wolv actually worked really well even with re-doubled det. His regen was more than enough to deal with special damage and block damage, but watch out for Punisher’s specials they can hit hard. Stealth and Torch work fantastic again.
Paradox Buffs, Entropic Generator, Special Delivery
You get paradox for gaining buffs, lose it by finishing with a light combo. Paradox gives you increased offensive power rate. I’m sure you can figure out some stun lock cheese tactics here with I-Hulk or Gambit, but I wanted to try something else. It didn’t work super well, but I had an ok time. The opponent is unblockable under 3 charges, which I found a little tricky to remember what paradox charge your champ was on going into the fight, but ah well. I brought Miles to cheese the unblockable, but it was a little hard to set up without dexing too much. I had Jabari, Nick and Tigra. I’d probably suggest another team, though Nick did do really well with the light ending combo in his kit. Watch out for Aarkus, Nick and Hyperion they can be tough.
Symbiote Supreme. It can be hard to find openings to heavy attack him to remove protection, so you may sometimes end up stalling the stun immunity to be able to. Since he's immune to power gain rate reversal it can be quite tough, but usually he will throw specials, so if there's nothing fueling his buff metre too much, you'll be ok. Torch will melt him, Negative works great. Not a huge threat.
---> Sorcerer Supreme. I don't know exactly how hard she is to be honest, I used Spider Man 2099 and he crushes her. Reversing power with heavy attacks and sp2 meant she was locked down and threw off one special the whole match. I imagine any champ that reverses power does equally well, though Spider Gwen and Miles can definitely deal with her unblockable well.
Dr Strange is tough. I am so glad I had S2099 to deal with him. Basically, if he throws off one special you’re gonna be dealing with damage back the entire fight unless you can armour break/nullify him. So either deal with the armour with an armour break (not cosmic though), nullify it or stop him throwing specials. I think good options would be Cap IW with cosmic and tech teammates, to get him to throw less specials (which are reversed, so extra fun) and to armour break him if you do. Void, Magik, Doom etc will be good options too. Watch out for the armour in his base kit, he will damage you back from that too.
Quest 5
Cosmic Avalanche, Suffocation, Power Play
This was really tough for me the first time, I tried Venom, Aarkus and CGR, and the latter two worked really well. I did find it very hard keeping track of timers sometimes, especially against Hulkbuster, but overall the node isn't too bad. Basically, bring a cosmic with a lot of different buffs, and ideally power gain. The power gain helps you stay above the opponent's power so you don't get fatesealed. You can however use it to your advantage with CGR and retrigger judgements. Try and throw specials right when the fate seal has triggered on your opponent, so you have a lot of time to deal with the next trigger.
Paradox - debuff, Power reserve, Quantum invasion
Honestly, I have no good suggestions here except Professor X. This is a really tough path. The opponent is unblockable below 3 paradox. You get paradox by applying debuffs, and lose them by ending with a 4th light hit. It is really tough to manage, especially since I run resonate. You need a champion who can access debuffs easily enough to get them to stop being unblockable, but not so many that you die from paradox. I ended up just using Prof X and cheesing the power reserve, you can throw specials using no power at all.
Beserker Barrage, Heal or Hide, Vigorous assault
I really enjoyed this path, you won’t if you’re a suicide user. You basically want a heal block/heal reverse champ, or just outdamage it. There’s not a huge amount of regen, but the design is really fun giving you a choice. The defender gains passive furies, and every time heal or hide triggers you have a choice whether to take the buff yourself and stop them going unblockable, but they keep the passive furies, or you can let them go unblockable, regen a bit but lose their furies. It’s a fun choice based on whether you want to risk their higher damage or give them some health. I used Mr Negative, Tigra and Stealth here.
Be Like Water, Polda Dot Power, Rise to power
Again, as a resonate user, this was rough. They are unblockable a hell of a lot of the time, since every non-damaging debuff you apply triggers it. If you have White Mags, here is where to use him. And bring champs who don’t apply non-damaging debuffs. Alternatively, use champs like Ghost, Tigra, Gwen and Miles who either get round unblockable, or cheese it. Airwalker can be a pain if you don’t have a counter, and avoid mystic champs with YJ.
---> Paradox – KnockDown, Quantum safeguard, CounterStrike
Here is where you can get some broken interactions. Knocking down gives you paradox, using specials removes them. Each paradox increases debuff duration by 30%, meaning you can get up to 240% increased duration, that is insane. Grab your champ with the best debuffs to increase and knock the opponent down a bit and you’re golden. Imagine I-Hulk with an insanely long stun, Spider-Gwen with an enervate that lasts years, or Nick fury with a Bleed almost 2 and a half times as long. The interactions here are endless, just watch out for Torch’s Sp1 triggering 4 counterstrike charges and make sure you bring a sasquatch counter.
Technical Suppression, Grudge, Aggression regeneration
This was kind of a nothing path for me. I didn’t feel like the nodes challenged, or promoted fun, they were just.. there. Kinda boring if I’m honest. Activating specials with tech champs applies a heal block, and a fury if they’re already heal blocked, but when a heal block expires the opponent is immune to debuffs, but you get increased combat power rate? It just didn’t flow for me like other paths did. I ended up just powering through with Warlock really. Nothing challenging, just eh really.
Cable is rough. He's unblockable when regenerating, has a ton of specials to throw, and has enhanced triggers so his buffs trigger a LOT. You're gonna want someone who can strip away his buffs really well, or reverse power and regen. Void, Mr Negative, Doom etc.
---> Elsa is easy enough, get a mutant with a few prowess to deal with the unstoppable and ideally an evade counter (or just be careful when you knock her down). Professor X works amazingly. I feel like Sunspot, Apoc, Magneto can all work well too.
Warlock can be very tough. There’s a lot going on here to keep your eye on. He’s got ebb and flow heavy, so you need to parry heavy, he has bubble shield so don’t parry too much, he has red-lining so you need to watch out for the power drain or it degens you and your SP2 is the only one that does damage. Also, stage fright degens you if you use two specials too quickly. It is a very tricky juggling match here. You sometimes need to waste time to use next special, but often parry to do so, meaning more block damage. It’s a tough one. My best suggestion is CGR, he did the most work for me. MLLLL to start off, heavy, by which time you’ll have increased Combat power rate to get to sp2 and you do a nice chunk of damage. Venom and Aarkus worked ok for me too, but really CGR did the best.
Quest 6
Selective Time Stream, Oscillate
This is a pretty straight-forward path. Just be careful you don't get trapped when they're passive in armour phase from oscillate and about to regenerate. Make sure you can get an incinerate on them. Champs who can incinerate/shock with heavy attacks are very helpful here to make sure you can apply one if they're blocking. Torch, IMIW, Domino, are all great.
---> Acid Wash, Right back at it, Toxican Toxican't
The third version of this path with poison this time. First thing I can think of is use I-Abom, I don't have him but I imagine he does amazing here with all the poisons. I used Stealth, G2099 and Nick. Again, just watch out for the extra power gain, and use champs that don't require knocking down the enemy too much. Emma frost is a very interesting fight. If she has less power than you she's in diamond form and immune to poison, but if you use your special to make her go into telepath form she will go debuff immune. My advice is to use a ramp up champion, since you will basically be doing no damage while diamond/debuff immune, so someone like G2099 means you can ramp up and take advantage while you have a window of damage.
Paradox Combo, Entropic Extinction, Safeguard
You get paradox by having 5 hits on combo, lose it by intercepting. You get +30% debuff potency for each paradox which can lead to some broken interactions with damage over time to get around the safeguard. My single biggest piece of advice is if you are using an evade counter for spider-gwen that needs a debuff like slow is RAMP THEM UP ON P2099. It is a nightmare trying to get 3 paradox so the opponent stops going debuff immune by trying to get 15 hits on spidergwen without her evading and slapping you in the face. Wish I wasn't talking from experience. My second piece of advice is for Kang. This is one of the paths that he will take 0 damage unless you have some paradox, so you need to leave some champs with paradox charges for the final boss, you can't swap in any champ at the end and be fine (unless they have easily accessible furies or precisions). My advice is to focus on a couple champs to main for Kang - make sure they're skill, science or cosmic, use them to fight and make sure you finish the fight with 7 or 8 paradox. Then don't use them again until Kang. You don't want to restart the path because you have a couple champs with 2 paradox. Also, don't ramp up Mr Negative to 8 paradox, take him into Kang fight and dash back, removing all your fury buffs and doing 0 damage
Paradox Combo, Quantum Control, Shatter
I'll copy and paste my advice here, the same as the other paradox path, this is the second of the paths that he will take 0 damage unless you have some paradox, so you need to leave some champs with paradox charges for the final boss, you can't swap in any champ at the end and be fine (unless they have easily accessible Armour or prowess or power gain).my advice is to focus on a couple champs to main for Kang - make sure they're mutant, mystic or tech, use them to fight and make sure you finish the fight with 7 or 8 paradox. Then don't use them again until Kang. You don't want to restart the path because you have a couple champs with 2 paradox. You gain paradox on the path for every 5 hits, and lose by knocking them down. Each paradox increases special damage by 30% so bring hard hitting special champs like Doom or Ghost. The path itself doesn't pose too many challenges, but watch out for Champion and Skrull. I used Doom, Prof X, Kitty, Tigra, Ghost
The Gloves are off, Scrap Wars, Crumbling armour
Use a tech power boost here, you won't regret it. I was throwing back to back specials with warlock and ghost like there was no tomorrow. I got 7 armour breaks with warlock at one point and he hit hard. When you get armour broken you get a fury buff, and when you parry you armour break them and get an armour buff. There's also crumbling armour. So I found parrying a couple times, then letting yourself be armour broken for the furies and then throwing a massive special was the best tactic. Watch out for bubble shield however. Overseer can be a pain if you don't have a counter, same with BWDO. I used Warlock, Ghost, Kitty, tigra and Nick.
Backfire, Hubris, Clapback
This is a hell of a fun path to finish it off. All I can say is, use Mr Fantastic power sting synergy or Spider-Ham/YJ if you have him. Basically, you do very little damage normally and apply a power sting on parries with science champs, but when the opponent activates a special they take full damage and then after the animation take 350% of all damage. Sounds weird, but basically it reapplies the power sting at 350% potency, so Spider-Ham, YJ and Mr F synergy all add to the damage. And, if you can, sneak a hit in at the end of the animation and that gets reflected too. I saw some 80k+ reflections, I'm sure Ham can do even more. Watch out for the unblockable and clapback. Champs I'd recommend are Torch, She Hulk, Ham, YJ and basically any science champ that can apply a lot of debuffs.
Final Kang
I won't do a super long explanation for each phase here, I'm still not the best at Kang fight and can largely just recommend you to study up on the fights, make sure you know what you need to do each phase, and check out some YouTube videos on how to do it. It's similar to the GrandMaster and GwenMaster fight clearly, where it's more about how you play. Learn Kang's special attacks, a tip for the Sp1 is that you need to dex a little before you think or you will block it and get power drained. You can also dex his Sp2, don't be afraid to push him to it. Check out MSD's vid on dexing it. Try and get used to how much power his sp1 gives and drains you, you can easily manipulate your power meter by baiting his Sp1 and this is the key for completing time loop.
The basic structure of Phase 1-3 is he activates a timer with an amount of bars of power (power loop), 0-3. Get to that number when the timer resets or use the special that is on the timer, and you get a power charge. You can pause the timer by heavy attacking which can be useful.
Phase 1 - get to 3 power charges, then he suffers from time collapse (equivalent of wounded)
Phase 2 - get to 4 power charges. You gain 1% of a bar of power every second (+1% each time you throw a special). Your specials cost 50% less, so you can't always dump a special attack to get to lower bars of power for time loop. E.g if you have 3 bars of power and want to get to 0, an sp3 will leave you on 1.5. Seems obvious, but in the fight you can forget. It's better to use his sp1 and block it to drain your power. He also gets passive dormant furies, transferred to you when you gain a power charge which stick around during time collapse.
Phase 3 - get to 6 power charges. You lose 1% of a bar of power every second (again, +1% for each special). You can manipulate your power bar by using the same combo ender twice in a row to lose 50% of a bar of power. Very useful to drop power quick. This phase can be a pain for the Sp3 power loop prompt, so make sure you use your Sp3 when it happens, since you're being drained and can't stay on that amount of power at the end of the timer.
Phase 4 - This phase is a rush to your SP3. You have to stay close to Kang, or you won't make it. Biggest recommendation here is use a power gain champ, it helps you get a head start. CGR for example, dex, and trigger MLLLL and you'll be almost there. Hyperion too, Aarkus probably. You get the idea. If you can do it, delay your combo slightly in the middle of it, but not so much that you let Kang respond, just wait a fraction of a second longer than you normally would and that helps you stay close to him. It could also be vital if Kang is on Sp3 and you're nearly there. Also, this isn't an insta kill like GM, if your special 3 doesn't do enough damage it will leave him on 1%. If you have a tankier champ getting hit can be a way to get extra combat power rate.
A few champ suggestions based on my experience and what I've seen:
Hercules, Doom, CGR, Kitty Pryde, Nick Fury, Hyperion, Spider-Man 2099, Ghost, Torch. I know there are others, but these are just a few.
I want to highlight just how good Kitty is. With her phase mechanic you can get around any unfavourable power loop prompts by timing it right, I'm sure ghost can too. Also since Kang can't miss, if you slip up you have her true focus cheese safety net.
Also, Spider-Man 2099's SP2 burst damage is in-freaking-sane when it lined up. I went in at 45% with Spidey, built up my debuffs which is really easy to do with how many specials you can throw off, and really easy to keep up with how often you dex and with every debuff on Kang I got to his time collapse phase, threw my Sp2 and it took him directly down to 2%. It blew my mind. And then, with the wither debuff reversing his power gain, the final phase was an absolute cake walk, I just watched his power remain at 0 as I shot up. It's half the reason I took him to R3 the second I finished Act 7.3.
In any case, that’s the guide done. If you have questions on specific tactics/fights/bosses/paths and who to use I’d be glad to help. I loved a ton of 7.3, it was some of my favourite content for a while and writing about it has really made me realise how good some of the design was for the nodes and fights. Good luck!
I’m sure this took a lot of time not just to do the content but to think it through and write it all out for us. Thanks for all that you do for the community!
I found wasp works well for sym supreme. My r3 took off 80% in less than 100 hits. She can also apply concussion and he never went stun immune
I took him to rank 2 and used him all over exploration, which lead me to….
Here’s the first nexus. I briefly thought about OR but I have 3 mutants I want to r3 first, I have a 5/65 sig 200 I barely use and I don’t particularly enjoy him. Surfer is new, seems interesting and I have a surplus of T5CC cosmic.
Prof X would just be sigs, Psycho man I did briefly consider for a potential buff but it doesn’t seem like Kabam are buffing any newer champs just yet. Centurion seems very interesting and @Demonzfyre has hyped him up enough to me. Hope to dupe him soon!
Now this is where it got interesting, I decided to pop open a couple Anti Venom crystals for celebration of completing 100%, expecting very little. First Crystal, 6* Falcon dupe taking him to sig 140, nice, not game changing but can never turn down a 6*. But then I opened the next one.
A 6* nexus?! Again!! I was absolutely baffled at this luck. What was going on. So I went to open my next nexus…
This one had me stumped for 40 mins. I love Miles. I think his buff is so much fun, as you can see, I used him a ton in act 7.3, he cheeses unblockable so well, he’s fun to play and just a great champ. But G2099 is G2099, she’s awesome.
The rationale for my choice was thus, I use Guilly in AQ to solo Apoc occasionally in map 7, but outside of there I just don’t use her. I think I used my 5/65 once in 7.3, I just don’t find her that fun to play. But Miles was close to an MVP in 7.3, and he’s a ton of fun. So I know there will be some HoW CoUld YoU ChoOsE MilEs HeS BaD kinda people, but I went for the fun option for my account.
I also selected enough t5cc to form a mystic for Claire/Sigil witch. Close to a tech for Vulture/Silver Centurion and a science for…
Such a fun champ, can’t wait to do more with him!
Used your guide to complete some paths, now currently on 7.3.5. It definitely made planning which path to attempt for completion less stressful.
Just some additional comments to help others as well:
7.3.3 Bosses - Used Venom for Sparky, easy fight to not have to deal with evade. I imagine he'd work for Stealthy as well. Maybe for Spider-Ham as well.
For 7.3.4, took the Paradox Debuff / Entropic Aptitude / Heavy Handed path.
For Havok, I first tried Warlock but it can be both a blessing and a curse that you can't simply parry his medium attack (hurts when you're trying to build up paradox, but helps to avoid accidentally getting 9 Paradoxes). I instead used Guardian (easier to know when you are parrying).
Note: Guardian has an incompatible interaction with Domino and Paradox. Since Domino reduces ability accuracy, Guardian places a permanent Shock debuff. Despite it appearing permanent, this resulted in my Paradox charges increasing over time, such that I quickly reached 9 Paradox charges without me attacking/parrying.
Took boss Sorcerer Supreme. Like you said, a good power reverser makes it easy (I used Void; and once I had two Petrifies or FoTV on, I didn't have to worry about specials anymore; I could just do parry-heavy to not have to worry about too many staggers building up on me).
I used Spider-Gwen, Mr Negative, Torch, Hyperion and I-Hulk this time. All pretty in line with what I said in the guide about the path. Science champs work perfectly for it in my opinion, Spider-Gwen worked just as well as I said with very long enervates that keep the enemy shut down, Torch's pre-fight doesn't apply, so only use it for Mephisto (who goes down very quickly with that) but his incinerates are very much extended and deal massive damage for an opponent like Mangog on the path. Mr negative worked great since you don't need to play him parry heavy.
So regarding paradox, you said: "you get them at a faster rate than you can throw off specials if youre a player that relies on parries/use beardo" I feel like you kinda answered your own issue here..
I think your issue is you ended up going for a champ like Cap IW who heavily relies on parry, or perhaps you as a player rely on parrying. As unfortunate as that is, I can't help but think it's not entirely my fault that you decided to use that champion or that tactic. I can't go through each path and say every champ who isn't going to work. It also sounds like you read my post, grabbed a bunch of science champs and dived into the path without testing and found yourself halfway through with a team you didn't like - if that's not the case, then that's absolutely fair, I'm just telling you how it sounds. As helpful as I hope this guide is, it's not a bible for which team to bring. It's suggestions for you to try out and based on what I did, if you have questions on paths and think, oh that's not working here, I'm more than happy to help suggest, expand and clarify on it - rather than someone get stuck partway through and lay all the blame at my feet.
With that being said, I realise now, I should have added a couple lines in the guide. Firstly at the start saying "This is just a guide, don't take it as gospel, I may have easy times on paths where you struggle, and I may have hard times on paths where you guys breeze through and think "What the hell Bitter? Why you struggling?". Try these path suggestions out and if it isn't working, ask!"
That's just how the game works, all I can do is talk about my experience and suggest based on that. I think you need to keep that in mind while reading guides. But I can include it in future if I do more.
Secondly, I should have included a line in the path section saying try not to use parry reliant champions, that's my part of this that I'll easily own up to. I suppose when I did the path I used largely non-parry heavy reliant champions aside from Hyperion who is a different case since he has more specials to throw off to reduce his paradox if necessary. I hope you can appreciate I wrote close to 6,000 words on this guide, writing 24 path guides, 15 boss guides and a Kang guide. I'm gonna miss something somewhere..
That being said, I'm absolutely happy to help out in any way I can so while it sounds like you're already finished on that path if you are stuck on any others, or running into other issues please ask! I'd love to help. And if you haven't finished this path yet let me know, and I can record a video using champs from your roster of how I'd tackle the path.
Plus it made me slow down a little and not burn as many units and energy refills..