Yellowjacket rant

This is in no way shape or form a post to comment on bugs or even talk about ways to fix Yellowjacket but rather just something to get mine and possibly others frustration out.
I hate Yellowjacket. Hate him with a burning passion, he was my first 6* dupe and I have been cursed with receiving him as a 6* a total of 8 times... yes he is dupe 140... and yes the 8th pull of him was about 5 minutes ago. I hated him before his buff and I hate him now months after his buff. I don’t use him nor will I ever. I have tried testing him in his “best matches” and still can’t see why I’d ever actually use him. He is a waste of space and waste of pulls. I would be DELIGHTED if kabam deleted him from the game completely. Screw a buff, just toss him in the trash. I’d even settle for them to remove him from my account with no reimbursement what so ever with the promise that I will never have to pull him again. This champ makes me mad just seeing him sit on my roster.
If you read my rant then thank you for allowing me to vent, that is all.
I hate Yellowjacket. Hate him with a burning passion, he was my first 6* dupe and I have been cursed with receiving him as a 6* a total of 8 times... yes he is dupe 140... and yes the 8th pull of him was about 5 minutes ago. I hated him before his buff and I hate him now months after his buff. I don’t use him nor will I ever. I have tried testing him in his “best matches” and still can’t see why I’d ever actually use him. He is a waste of space and waste of pulls. I would be DELIGHTED if kabam deleted him from the game completely. Screw a buff, just toss him in the trash. I’d even settle for them to remove him from my account with no reimbursement what so ever with the promise that I will never have to pull him again. This champ makes me mad just seeing him sit on my roster.
If you read my rant then thank you for allowing me to vent, that is all.
His buff just made him more annoying on defence
Energy resistance
Physical resistance (for quake)
75% Reduced unblockable damage for ghost/wasp
Power sting became debuffs instead of passives
His damage is underwhelming even with the HB synergy
I feel you though, hopefully once they get through all the Champion Reworks they'll then loop back around and give the Less Than Stellar Buffs a Second (or Third) Chance. That'll take a while though of course...
YJ has the highest energy resistance in game without sig investment or synergy. (only higher than him are, max sig mordo: on block, max sig guardian, and WM with prefight+ tigra synergy, and s99 after 100 stacks of resistance.)
He is incredibly tanky with high physical resistance.
Has high health, great powersting damage. On demand slow. Petrify. Heal reduction. Heavy intercept range, easy intercept animations. He has very high resistance to unblockable attacks.
I havehim r3 sig20 on my alt, and grinded his arena on main (r3ing him there as well). He is one of the better versatile champs in alliance war and content. At sig140 his sp3 powersting is very durable too.
One of THE BEST underrated buffs in game currently. People like big yellow numbers and discount anyone without those. Well, YJ is a perfect example of a buff done right.