Who do you constantly pull that needs a BUFF?!? [edited by Mod]

I have failed in the "tune-up" department within my roster. For some time these buffs have been coming out and consistently its not someone I own with any measure of desire or leveling... Who is on your team that you can't stop pulling and every month hope they get a buff?!?! For me 100% Cyclops Blue Team... and to a lesser extent Nightcrawler. LMK!?!?! (In my particular case I refer to 6*)
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
I’ve actually pulled him so many times I decided to make him my prestige champ.
I even got him 2 or 3 times in nexus
I Rank Up Him to 5/65, While I'm waiting for him buff
Oh wait...
I don't hate him but please buff
The problem now is if it will be 'soon'
As for me, I'd say Rogue. Not that she's bad or anything, she's solid, don't get me wrong. But she's sitting on sig 140, highest of my 5*s that I haven't pumped sigs into. I don't know why she's attracted to my account
Both Cyclops are duped too.
I've said it before; Cyclops deserves better treatment than CAIW. He was more of a leader in X-Men than Cap was with the Avengers.