Angela is better than cmm and kingpin is better than Moleman



  • Jeal79Jeal79 Member Posts: 444 ★★★

    Jeal79 said:

    Jeal79 said:

    1. It's true accuracy (you can't read)
    2. So by that definition you believe that he should lose true accuracy anytime he goes into frenzy? Like even if its triggered at 5 mass?

    Lastly just point me in the direction of where its been confirmed as a bug

    1) ????
    2) as per his kit description, Yes.

    I'm going off his ability set. You show me where they have confirmed it is working as intended

    I took a lot of time to write a solid explanation. The least you could do was to read it

    Also... I'm not the one who's saying he's broken. My evidence is in the game currently the way he can be used. The obligation is on you to prove he has been confirmed as bugged.
    As of now, he can keep his true accuracy while he is in frenzy AND above 10 monster mass. This is something that directly contradicts his kit anyway you look at it
    For the love of god read the lengthy post I wrote!!
  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★
    Jeal79 said:

    Jeal79 said:

    Jeal79 said:

    1. It's true accuracy (you can't read)
    2. So by that definition you believe that he should lose true accuracy anytime he goes into frenzy? Like even if its triggered at 5 mass?

    Lastly just point me in the direction of where its been confirmed as a bug

    1) ????
    2) as per his kit description, Yes.

    I'm going off his ability set. You show me where they have confirmed it is working as intended

    I took a lot of time to write a solid explanation. The least you could do was to read it

    Also... I'm not the one who's saying he's broken. My evidence is in the game currently the way he can be used. The obligation is on you to prove he has been confirmed as bugged.
    As of now, he can keep his true accuracy while he is in frenzy AND above 10 monster mass. This is something that directly contradicts his kit anyway you look at it
    For the love of god read the lengthy post I wrote!!
    Most of the "lengthy" post is meaningless rhetoric
  • Jeal79Jeal79 Member Posts: 444 ★★★
    I refer you to your statement of "any way you read it" and refer you also to my focus on the use of "granting him" in the ability description.

    I apologise if reading isn't your strong point or if your confirmation bias blinded you from anything insightful that I wrote within.
  • Grootman1294Grootman1294 Member Posts: 894 ★★★★
    KP is better than mole man, albeit not by much.

    KP has basically full debuff immunity with hood, loads of raw damage, unstoppable and AAR from the sp1 degen.

    Mole man has loads of bleeds, unstoppable and crits, along with shock immunity and true accuracy to boot.

    Both are great, but I always find that I use KP a lot more, especially in 7.3
  • The_Sentry06The_Sentry06 Member Posts: 7,783 ★★★★★

    KP is better than mole man, albeit not by much.

    KP has basically full debuff immunity with hood, loads of raw damage, unstoppable and AAR from the sp1 degen.

    Mole man has loads of bleeds, unstoppable and crits, along with shock immunity and true accuracy to boot.

    Both are great, but I always find that I use KP a lot more, especially in 7.3

    Mole Man also has debuff shrug off.
  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★
    Jeal79 said:

    I refer you to your statement of "any way you read it" and refer you also to my focus on the use of "granting him" in the ability description.

    I apologise if reading isn't your strong point or if your confirmation bias blinded you from anything insightful that I wrote within.

    Assume I agree with your point of "granting him". Why does he lose true accuracy when he goes above 10 monster mass without having frenzy?
  • Jeal79Jeal79 Member Posts: 444 ★★★
    Well that's entirely where I agree that his description needs to be more specific. The way I have read and interpreted his ability (to match what he can do in game) I believe that going above 10 mass while not in frenzy is a condition of removal.

    We can agree on one thing here at the very least either one of 2 things need to happen...

    1) Kabam confirm he is not working as intended and alter the Champion (would seem very odd that this hasn't been done yet when both Herc and Shang Chi were both "corrected" very quickly)

    2) The ability description should be re-written so that it is less ambiguous.

    Look, if he IS bugged then fair enough. I'm just sick of players who talk up that he is bugged as if this were a confirmed fact despite there being no official confirmation that this is the case. This ability in question is one of the number 1 reasons that people would use him (like against this months Sym Spider or against act 6 Medusa) - remove it and he'll have a lot less use in everyone's roster.
  • MisterSwinMisterSwin Member Posts: 20
    Cmm trash
  • SungjSungj Member Posts: 2,113 ★★★★★
    Jeal79 said:

    Well that's entirely where I agree that his description needs to be more specific. The way I have read and interpreted his ability (to match what he can do in game) I believe that going above 10 mass while not in frenzy is a condition of removal.

    We can agree on one thing here at the very least either one of 2 things need to happen...

    1) Kabam confirm he is not working as intended and alter the Champion (would seem very odd that this hasn't been done yet when both Herc and Shang Chi were both "corrected" very quickly)

    2) The ability description should be re-written so that it is less ambiguous.

    Look, if he IS bugged then fair enough. I'm just sick of players who talk up that he is bugged as if this were a confirmed fact despite there being no official confirmation that this is the case. This ability in question is one of the number 1 reasons that people would use him (like against this months Sym Spider or against act 6 Medusa) - remove it and he'll have a lot less use in everyone's roster.

    Look you're actually right but you explained it horribly. You literally added ten completely irrelevant arguments to your posts I'm not surprised people a) just missed the one little paragraph where you actually explained it correctly or b) stopped taking you credibly after some ridiculous arguments for why it's not a bug. Ill explain it much more clearly for everyone that missed your point

    There are two obviously stated conditions for moleman's true accuracy to be active. Word for word it is active when Frenzy is not active and moleman is below ten monster mass. That give's two conditions when individually are not met clearly states true accuracy will no longer be active. However because it says and connecting the two clauses instead of or it can be implied that both conditions have to be fulfilled. Therefore if both conditions are not met the removal of true accuracy does not apply. Moleman being in frenzy and above ten monster mass still technically meets the requirements stated in his abilities to keep his true accuracy.

    Now if this was intended or if they messed up the description of his ability and it ended up in his code we cannot know but it actually is part of his currently written abilities that he can keep his true strike simply because they used the conjunction and instead or or.

    It has nothing to do with everything else you listed. Him being newly buffed; irrelevant, its been over half a year, the ability being good and him being worse without it; irrelevant, the fact other champions can reduce AA better; irrelevant.

  • ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Member Posts: 3,112 ★★★★★
    Mole man probably isn’t bugged, but the wording might be off has never been fixed. People probably say it’s a bug since he has a fan base that have high praise for him and want to see them get crushed because we live in a society. If this was a bug, it’s very beneficial for us players and been here for a couple months now. Highly doubt kabam would ignore that. And it’s not game breaking either. Probably working as intended but it never hurts to ask. @Kabam Miike able to give any clarification on this?
  • GildenlowGildenlow Member Posts: 691 ★★★
    cmm seems better to me, I mean I use her more than angela, I think I only go for angela when she is part of a synergy team, otherwise cmm is my way to go.

    As for the skill dudes I don't think i can choose one of them.

    I have them both duped as r3 and I use them both, I kind of like kingpin more because of his regen but both are awesome.
  • Grootman1294Grootman1294 Member Posts: 894 ★★★★

    KP is better than mole man, albeit not by much.

    KP has basically full debuff immunity with hood, loads of raw damage, unstoppable and AAR from the sp1 degen.

    Mole man has loads of bleeds, unstoppable and crits, along with shock immunity and true accuracy to boot.

    Both are great, but I always find that I use KP a lot more, especially in 7.3

    Mole Man also has debuff shrug off.
    True, can't do that while you have frenzy tho so it isn't permanent
  • Wu_Bangerz23Wu_Bangerz23 Member Posts: 993 ★★★
    I actually agree with both of these
  • DaJiveTurkeyDaJiveTurkey Member Posts: 72
    Have to disagree with you about Angela with regards to damage. I use CMM a lot and I still think she rips through anybody faster than any other champ once ramped up, even my CGR. However I tend to use CGR more these days due to greater damage overall and more utility. Angela is good but I'm not sold on her.
  • DaJiveTurkeyDaJiveTurkey Member Posts: 72

    I agree with both of your arguments.

    CMM is probably the most overrated champ in this game, period. I never understood the hype for her. Her damage is uninspiring, her damage is lacklustre, and I absolutely hated her in the movies. I wouldn't rank her up even if I had a gun to my head.

    As for the second argument, I do agree that KP is better than Moleman, but not by a large margin. I kinda wish that Moleman could retain his true accuracy permanently, maybe through a synergy. That would be cool.

    Her damage is lacklustre? Hahahaha you obviously haven't used her or don't know how to because that is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. Ramped up she rips through anyone faster than any other champ I know, even my CGR. However he has more utility and greater damage overall so I tend to use him more these days. Angela is good but I'm not sold on her.
  • DaJiveTurkeyDaJiveTurkey Member Posts: 72
    Lol couldn't see my last message so I repeated myself.
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