Cavalier buffs Dec 2021

New cavalier buffs arent fun at all. Especially for #Thunderbolts #Inhumans #Defenders, they have the worst cavalier buff.


  • Multiverse1998Multiverse1998 Member Posts: 15
    I feel so too
  • Multiverse1998Multiverse1998 Member Posts: 15
    This month's EQ is without a doubt the hardest EQ ever!
  • BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Member Posts: 2,542 ★★★★★
    edited December 2021

    This month's EQ is without a doubt the hardest EQ ever!

    It depends upon roster too. I won't say it is hardest atleast for me, but it is no fun any more and time consuming
  • Multiverse1998Multiverse1998 Member Posts: 15

    It depends upon the roster too. I won't say it is hardest at least for me, but it is no fun anymore and time-consuming
    The roster doesn't matter, the fact that they made buffs to specific champion tags, made nodes just to mess with us, and overall ruined the fun of event quests is what pisses me off for what these idiots did.
  • WarmachibeWarmachibe Member Posts: 6
    I actually quite enjoy this months EQ. It’s refreshing to not have to bring in certain classes then having to find even more specific champs in said class with extra specific abilities. This at least gives a more broad layout of champs to use, and gives you the ability to learn new play styles and even experiment with champs you’ve never used before. For example, on the Sinister Six chapter I used Electro and found that he was genuinely fun to play. I haven’t gotten to Mercemaries or GOTG yet so can’t speak for those, but all in all I’m very happy with this new look at EQ.
  • Warriorpriest_1Warriorpriest_1 Member Posts: 3
    edited December 2021
    This months Cavalier event quest not fun to play. Nodes support useless characters and it’s not worth to upgrade them for the small rewards. Either rewards should be worth enough to spend revives or units or nodes should be playable. Above this control issues dexterity and parry not working. Luke cage is attracting like magnet when he throws his specials. Am a player with 11.6k prestige.
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    You can mostly use any champ you want on paths.
  • FluffyPigMonsterFluffyPigMonster Member Posts: 2,069 ★★★★★
    I ignore the tags and just take the champs I need. It’s worked way better than limiting me to the “tagged” options.

    For instance, I’ve used Nick Fury for so much of it.

    Don’t let the tags limit your imagination and ability to problem solve the nodes
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,655 ★★★★★
    edited December 2021

    You can mostly use any champ you want on paths.

    It's just gonna take alot longer.
    which is exactly what people want, without the shadow of a doubt.

    Thankfully this one isn't here to stay and will shift next month
  • Alex_warsiAlex_warsi Member Posts: 58

    I actually quite enjoy this months EQ. It’s refreshing to not have to bring in certain classes then having to find even more specific champs in said class with extra specific abilities. This at least gives a more broad layout of champs to use, and gives you the ability to learn new play styles and even experiment with champs you’ve never used before. For example, on the Sinister Six chapter I used Electro and found that he was genuinely fun to play. I haven’t gotten to Mercemaries or GOTG yet so can’t speak for those, but all in all I’m very happy with this new look at EQ.

    Are you even real ? does it gives u broad layout or or it restrict you on the broad layout, how many good avengers are there that u can use (I have R4 5 star BWDO but she aint sufficient )??? earlier at least we use to go with normal player like Luke or SPX etc and the node used to make them beyond , but now even when we go with tagged champ , the fight looks same barely a difference.
  • WarmachibeWarmachibe Member Posts: 6

    Are you even real ? does it gives u broad layout or or it restrict you on the broad layout, how many good avengers are there that u can use (I have R4 5 star BWDO but she aint sufficient )??? earlier at least we use to go with normal player like Luke or SPX etc and the node used to make them beyond , but now even when we go with tagged champ , the fight looks same barely a difference.
    Namor, Thor Ragnarok, Falcon, Cap IW, Iron Man IW just to name a few
  • Texas_11Texas_11 Member Posts: 2,646 ★★★★★
    edited December 2021

    My team for each quest was pretty decent .
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