Does Doom featured arena results mark the return of arena?

My point is though the end game and whales have doom, still I never expected that 6star Doom will go to 62 Million. The reason is Arena bots. If arena bots were active, the minimum cutoff would be higher. I mean higher than this 62 Million.
I think Kabam has done a great job in removing/banning Arena bots and I believe we will see the return of Arena.
I am very hopeful that now everyone (except heavy whales) have a good chance of getting their most favourite and/hunted champs from Arena.
Kudos Kabam!
I think Kabam has done a great job in removing/banning Arena bots and I believe we will see the return of Arena.
I am very hopeful that now everyone (except heavy whales) have a good chance of getting their most favourite and/hunted champs from Arena.
Kudos Kabam!
Maybe you’re right, but I’m sceptical personally.
The big reason is almost everyone with the units and the champions already has a doom, so imo only the top 20-35 spots will be really high points for the whales who still need him, and you can expect a meh result after that.
You’re probably right that almost everyone with the units and champions already have doom, but 60 mil isn’t that big a task to get even without units. So now, seeing such a small score for such a great champ, more people are likely to go for him, pushing the score up. How much the score will go up, I’m not sure. I’d be very, very surprised if it went down though.
Not to mention, that anyone going this round is going to aim for at the very least 60 mil, probably 65, as aiming for exactly what the champ went for in the first round is setting yourself up for failure.
But damn the Doom arena score rocketed up, I did think that the low score in round 1 would mean that lots of people would jump on it as an opportunity to get doom.
Unfortunately one of my mates put up this score and missed out
Apparently 114m missed out as well, with spot 139.
After coming up short of 6* Shang Chi, and now this, what little desire was left in me to grind is now running on fumes.
No idea how much #100 did
Arena cutoffs are not about scoring. They are about psychology. (In this case) the top 100 people get the prize. It doesn't matter how much effort they put it. When 101 people put in blockbuster effort, the cutoff is super high. When 99 people put in blockbuster effort, the cutoff is much lower. When 48 people put in blockbuster effort, the cutoff can fall dramatically because the guy who normally places 151 isn't putting in tons of points to get to 151. They are just coasting in with 50, 60, maybe 70 million points. When a lot of the top grinders don't bother, someone still has to win.
People don't put maximal effort into arena. They put in the effort they think is reasonable for the reward they think they are going to get. When they are right most of the time the arena scoring tends to fall into an equilibrium of self-fulfilling prophesies. But every so often, everyone is wrong. When that happens cutoffs change dramatically, and everyone's confidence in their predictions takes a hit, and everyone changes behavior to accommodate. In this case, the people who absolutely knew that 100 million would not be enough were wrong in round one, and a lot of them decided to try a whole lot harder in round two, guaranteeing that scores would go up because people were in fact trying a lot harder.
You got a 3*.
Once you get there you will cruise after 3xmultiplier in featured arena