While I agree with a lot of other people in this thread, I must mention Cosmic Ghost Rider. I find dexing both his SP1 and SP2 really satisfying, but obviously the first one even more so since it's usually unblockable. It's just that, in the same way that they are insanely satisfying to fire off when you play him because you just feel incredibly powerful, you are also desperately aware of how much in the muck you'll be if you miss the dex and eat it to your face. So when you don't...it feels soooo good.
The felling you get when you dex it the 1st time is undescribable
And i'd like to say Mags' isn't either but unfortunately for my sake it is
2 doc strange/ sym supreme sp2
3 Doc ock sp2
4 Sorc supreme sp1
Apocalypse special 2
realistic answer: Redmag SP2 or DS SP1, the timing is horrible for me.