Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

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    Ben550pBen550p Posts: 38
    My fav is probable kitty pryde even though i dont have her. She just has a cool playstyle and animations.
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    naikavonnaikavon Posts: 299 ★★★
    Easily Kitty Pryde. Her in game mechanics model so closely with who she is in the comics. It makes you feel like you are her. Well done character.

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    Saske97Saske97 Posts: 81
    Definitely Hercules!
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    DeaconDeacon Posts: 4,161 ★★★★★

    design .. animation ... degen counter!!! #perfectlybalanced
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    El_ProfessorEl_Professor Posts: 14
    Other champs may have cooler animations (Mr. Negative, Purgatory) or hit harder (Hercules, Shang Chi), but Odin is a character I've loved for a long time in the comics and movies, and I've looked forward to him joining the contest for a long time. I was lucky enough to pull and dupe him from featured crystals, ranked him all the way up and have been using him non-stop since then. I love his animations, his damage, and his illustrious beard, and I always enjoy finding new content to bring him into.

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    PrylankPrylank Posts: 14
    Shang Chi
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    TelbertTelbert Posts: 20
    edited December 2021
    Been waiting since launch for her to join the contest, I know shes not the best champion but I find her a lot of fun to play as

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    odishika123odishika123 Posts: 5,391 ★★★★★
    Loved his animations from day one of his announcement
    Awesome damage and insane utility

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    LilMaddogHTLilMaddogHT Posts: 1,183 ★★★★
    Spiderman 2099

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    Pizza99Pizza99 Posts: 1

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    MarkusWelbyMarkusWelby Posts: 2
    Overseer #12DaysofMCoC #sweepstakesentry
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    DoomactusDoomactus Posts: 53
    For sure it was the king in black, Knull . Who could be better than the god of symbiotes? So personally my favourite champion of 2021.
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    SpagNidusSpagNidus Posts: 52
    Has to be knull!
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    Brad366Brad366 Posts: 76
    edited December 2021
    Got to be Hercules

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    Gogeta91199Gogeta91199 Posts: 990 ★★★★
    Hands down Kitty Pryde! Best champ of 2021 and probably top champ in the entire game! Great kit, great synergies!
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    MattstafariMattstafari Posts: 691 ★★★
    Shang Chi
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    Theshark1Theshark1 Posts: 77
    Shang chi #12DaysofMcoc #sweepsteaksentry
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    melmenartmelmenart Posts: 24
    Mr. Negative
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    KevinnyoyoKevinnyoyo Posts: 1
    Knull! Awesome design #12DaysofMCoC #sweepstakesentry
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    Excelsior_92Excelsior_92 Posts: 15
    My favorite champion released this year was Shang chi and kitty pride.
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    A_NAZA_NAZ Posts: 713 ★★★
    Shang Chi has been my favourite 2021 champ. Tonnes of fun to play and I haven’t pulled that shirtless dude yet so…

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    Chantz_882Chantz_882 Posts: 1
    Kraven. So hyped for more Spider foes.

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    AraluAralu Posts: 1
    Hercules and Antivenom
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    NetbreakerNetbreaker Posts: 181
    Purgatory, absolute sweet animations 👌🏼

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