First rank 4 six star

TrubluMateTrubluMate Member Posts: 385 ★★★
edited December 2021 in Strategy and Tips
Who would you choose out of these two monsters and why?

First rank 4 six star 107 votes

Awakened Dr Doom
TendersquadOUYOAjisdopeKamikaze_TurtleQuikPikUnsilentpseudosaneTheHeroDeservedAckbar67KerneasDRTOBarrier ReefMalreck04doctorbRookiieRockypantherx_Sham_psp742TRONG94AMS94 53 votes
Awakened Hercules
MegaSkater67MagicBentonSpeedbumpFoxhero007Jcobra25Kennado16wegnerkTotal_Domin01TheLegend27MysterioIvarTheBonelessPikoluDart1981Bugmat78EtjamaNo_oneukMother_FlerkenDeaconDes99Username19273 54 votes
Post edited by Kabam Habanero on


  • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 8,299 Guardian
    Awakened Hercules
    Look up KarateMikes video on r4 herc, that's why.
  • Cap45Cap45 Member Posts: 419 ★★
    Awakened Hercules
    It somewhat depends on sig level of each. I use my r5 doom and he is amazing and I never have a prob with him, I can only imagine what the r3 does. H don’t need him at r4. I think Hercules is more fun and he can always use a boost in his stats. And at the end of the day, it’s just a game and we are really here to have fun
  • HoitadoHoitado Member Posts: 3,707 ★★★★★
    Awakened Dr Doom
    Doom has more Utility than Hercules b ur you can’t wrong.

    Plus Prestige is better
  • houndogακιhoundogακι Member Posts: 305 ★★
    Awakened Dr Doom
    Doom and i'm a greek guy who love Hercules
  • AMS94AMS94 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★
    Awakened Dr Doom
    Provides much more control over the fights that he can do
    Also fulfills the role of a defender when needed
    Has better prestige
    Hard to die with that tankiness
    Herc still has great damage at R3
    However if u use suicides more often than not then u should go with Herc
  • psp742psp742 Member Posts: 2,714 ★★★★
    Awakened Dr Doom
    Either way it's a good call..
    For me Doom does so much more even if he is an older champion (heavy stagger, sp1 power steal, sp2 incinerate and gain one fury, sp3 damage and stun.. he can also cause shock damage, immune to armor break.

    Hercules after 12 feats challenge rank up, has pretty nutty damage, it's actually insane and when low health, he gains Immortality and unblockable.

    Both are great champions but if they face off Doom has the edge since he can nullify Hercules Immortality and that would be end of that.

    If you are able to rank4 them one after the other.
  • AjisdopeAjisdope Member Posts: 969 ★★★
    Awakened Dr Doom
    Wow 80 votes and it’s tied
  • Phillip14233Phillip14233 Member Posts: 581 ★★★
    Awakened Hercules
    Simple answer is you can’t go wrong. But Hercules is my pick
  • TrubluMateTrubluMate Member Posts: 385 ★★★
    Thanks guys. It definitely seems there is no wrong answer.
  • R1s02R1s02 Member Posts: 274 ★★
    Awakened Hercules
    Hercules' numbers just get a lot better w r4, n doom is alr insane at r3 so herc
  • KennadoKennado Member Posts: 1,014 ★★★
    Awakened Hercules
    Can't possibly go wrong either way. For me, it boils down to how frequently you run the suicides masteries. If no suicides 24/7, Go Doom. If you, like me, run suicides 24/7, go Hercules. I LOVE my r4 Hercules. Incredible champ at r4.
  • ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Member Posts: 3,197 ★★★★★
    edited December 2021
    Awakened Hercules
    Kerneas said:

    I feel like Doom has more utility. If you don't have suicides, Herc isn't that good except for immortality (in terms of utility only! His damage is still bonkers). Doom has powerdrain, incinerate, shock, stagger, nullify, passive stun and all, so I think r4 Doom will find more use than Hercules

    I find this to be crazy. Just wild. What causes people to mindlessness believe herc is useless without immortality? (Edit: hercules has no utility other than immortality?)

    He is poison/bleed resistant (so more suicide friendly than doctor doom who constantly throws specials), passively stun immune, true sense, cruelty and precision to gather big crits, along with passive burst damage built into his basic combos with his feats, easy ramp up, infuriate for easy intercepts, similar to how doom controls the fight hercules has that ability to make the opponent play into your special attacks and basic combos conveniently and with less risk, which also decreases opponent OAA by 60%, and while his sp2 doesn’t break armor. It pierces through opponents that do have armor, with a nice stun. Sp3 is good for taking an sp3 to the face if it comes to that. This is all without immortality. With immortality, it ties all his utility together and wraps a little knot to an amazing kit, as he has near CGR level damage with really solid utility, and being immune to death for however long you are attacking the opponent, which is easy with the unblockable you receive with the immortality.

    Now that we know both champs control the fight with doom edging out in that field, hercules has the damage, utility is pretty split between effective power control and dominance over the match with immortality and unblockable, both having a weakness to wither nullify or slow, survivability is hercules by a mile but doom can take a hit, longer content is pretty split but herc being faster, suicide friendliness going to herc and doom not so much, war defense goes to doom but he’s not as difficult as he was in 2019, and both champs having top tier prestige, I’d go hercules as he’s not only a much more unique pick than doom, he’s probably suitable for more content in general since all of his little pieces of utility all compliment each other so well for every matchup, long, short, class disadvantage, war, etc. The ability to go into the fight with such high base damage and burst damage is pretty sweet if there are nodes that mitigate some of that damage, or restrict buffs. Stun immunity for encroaching stun, stunning reflect, even that super parry node in act 7 i think it’s called. And as for immortality, we’ve had corvus long enough to know that’s a pretty big piece of utility to have., same with those big crits constantly. Hercules is just so good for many aspects of the game and is more fun to play than doom. Easy pick imo, wouldn’t even think twice.
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