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Who do u think will win summoner choice my bets on prowler

Who do u think will win summoner choice my bets on prowler 179 votes

JuggerNotShock29AncelNemesisOfFuryMeme_bwoi76 5 votes
Robbo101TheVyrusHammerbro_64Brutus2099Geo10megAvi613 6 votes
GroundedWisdomCrusherUltimatheoryAce_03TheManMythLegendrishisaiDrenlinSundance_2099LeellisonJcobra25NOOOOOOOOPEEEEEMixalisThatGuyYouSaw235Xcrøss_TRThefire13Stagedear85cx23433Cap366Reverend_RuckusColonaut123 101 votes
Spider woman
Apocalypse189GrassKnucklesFire_3 3 votes
Baron zemo
Total_Domin01MaxGamingCaptain_Pug30Luke9523HavanaknightSmittyGr8TonyStark13579rebel_ 8 votes
Snake_EyesEthereality 2 votes
Foxhero007Wasy1 2 votes
Beta ray bill
SnakeEyes69fmussapIrakliMqc19Fredhorst23NojokejaymCupidKojak7421LibertyPrimeV1StarKillerVIIDooberman420BowTieJohnDenzel116JChanceH9ScarRealmNablockJoBoB1982Mother_FlerkenEwell65SSS69Trenzalore 44 votes
AJ007 1 vote
Other (couldn't fit them all)
mostlyharmlessnKingsumMaxwell24PsyGrinder_XPseudo_19CiedreDetective_Pikachu 7 votes


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    FluffyPigMonsterFluffyPigMonster Posts: 2,069 ★★★★★
    edited December 2021
    I want Bullseye as my first choice, but Quicksilver seems to be ahead in all the fan polls by a ton
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    Pseudo_19Pseudo_19 Posts: 396 ★★
    Other (couldn't fit them all)
    I don’t know why quicksilver is the top fan favorite when kabam has said a few times that they don’t have the ability to provide to proper animations for a speedster. I feel the community will be really disappointed when they introduce quicksilver and he runs at the same speed as any other character in the game. My vote will be going to Mirage first and then Zemo.
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    Eh, I'm still bitter about the last one to vote... that being said, Dani or Agatha seem cool
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    AburaeesAburaees Posts: 514 ★★★
    I hope Quicksilver looks fast, triple mediums and double lights, with burst damage rivalling Stealthy.
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    AncelAncel Posts: 109
    Hobgoblin would be the coolest ngl
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    FluffyPigMonsterFluffyPigMonster Posts: 2,069 ★★★★★
    Ancel said:

    Hobgoblin would be the coolest ngl

    What class would he be?
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    Prakhar_82Prakhar_82 Posts: 713 ★★★
    Pseudo_19 said:

    I don’t know why quicksilver is the top fan favorite when kabam has said a few times that they don’t have the ability to provide to proper animations for a speedster. I feel the community will be really disappointed when they introduce quicksilver and he runs at the same speed as any other character in the game. My vote will be going to Mirage first and then Zemo.

    well if they have given him a chance, I am pretty sure they will have something in the bag for quicksilver for sure. And for my wildest guess, they will do something similar to what they did with hawkeye's perfect release but for whole fights.
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    FluffyPigMonsterFluffyPigMonster Posts: 2,069 ★★★★★

    QuickSilver is overrated I do not get what people see in this guy.

    Popularity. Bullseye, Hobgoblin, etc have so many abilities
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    MaxGamingMaxGaming Posts: 3,204 ★★★★★
    Baron zemo
    It is gonna be Quick Silver but I honestly hope Baron Zemo makes it to the top 2
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    Pseudo_19Pseudo_19 Posts: 396 ★★
    Other (couldn't fit them all)

    Pseudo_19 said:

    I don’t know why quicksilver is the top fan favorite when kabam has said a few times that they don’t have the ability to provide to proper animations for a speedster. I feel the community will be really disappointed when they introduce quicksilver and he runs at the same speed as any other character in the game. My vote will be going to Mirage first and then Zemo.

    well if they have given him a chance, I am pretty sure they will have something in the bag for quicksilver for sure. And for my wildest guess, they will do something similar to what they did with hawkeye's perfect release but for whole fights.
    I would personally hate having an entire fight in slow-mo, upon release it most likely wouldn’t effect the clock so it would make him terrible for AW and AQ. And I would seem a bit counterintuitive to make fights with slow mo for a speedster lol. Like I understand he’s moving so fast everyone else is in slow mo but I don’t see how that could translate to in game mechanics. It will most likely me only special attacks he moves like a speedster. Maybe with the release of relics. He could have his own relic that gives you 10-15 seconds of slow mo where the AI can’t react fast enough so you could get in 3-4 full combos or chain heavies.
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    NH2NH2 Posts: 27
    Quicksilver it’s going to be him. He’s going to be the first speedster just imagine how cool it is to have a champ that can potentially have a slow time mechanic.
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    Cap45Cap45 Posts: 419 ★★
    It’s gonna be quicksilver but I think what the game needs is Agatha. We need another op mystic. The last one released was doom. I know sorcerer and tigra and sw are outstanding but they are not doom and Claire. Plus she will have really cool animations and she can buff the mystic class, making champs like mephisto or dormomu meet their comic potential. The sad thing is a lot of people have not watched Wandavision which is why she won’t win
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    Cap45Cap45 Posts: 419 ★★
    I swear if everyone watched the show, she would definitely take the win
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    Will3808Will3808 Posts: 3,569 ★★★★★
    NH2 said:

    Quicksilver it’s going to be him. He’s going to be the first speedster just imagine how cool it is to have a champ that can potentially have a slow time mechanic.

    @NH2 guess you haven’t been paying attention. Two champions how have slow time mechanics. Mordo on his sp2 and now Hawkeye on his sp1 and 2. If quicksilver is added only his specials will slow time because they can’t possibly make all of his animations do it, so it’ll be the same thing as we have currently.
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    Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Posts: 2,986 ★★★★★
    hard agree on Quicky being overrated. If you read the comics, he's also a **** most of the time.
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    Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Posts: 7,249 ★★★★★
    I honestly do not care who wins. Without knowing their abilities it is guesswork.
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    13579rebel_13579rebel_ Posts: 2,542 ★★★★★
    Baron zemo
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    ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Posts: 3,182 ★★★★★

    QuickSilver is overrated I do not get what people see in this guy.

    He'd be the first speedster in MCOC.
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    DeaconDeacon Posts: 4,157 ★★★★★
    these things are always about whatever the popular character is around the net it'll be Quicksilver or Beta Ray Bill ... i prefer more unique characters myself but I know it's a waste to vote for a Nemo, Kushala etc.
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    Liss_Bliss_Liss_Bliss_ Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    When/where is the official voting?
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    FluffyPigMonsterFluffyPigMonster Posts: 2,069 ★★★★★
    Next week
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    StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Posts: 5,017 ★★★★★
    Cap45 said:

    It’s gonna be quicksilver but I think what the game needs is Agatha. We need another op mystic. The last one released was doom. I know sorcerer and tigra and sw are outstanding but they are not doom and Claire. Plus she will have really cool animations and she can buff the mystic class, making champs like mephisto or dormomu meet their comic potential. The sad thing is a lot of people have not watched Wandavision which is why she won’t win

    Tigra is most definitely an OP mystic.
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