Thanos and Kang rework

Hi Kabam
With the higher drop rate of Thanos and Kang in GGC, can we hope to see those two super villains get a good rework this year please ?
They are two of the most powerful villains in Marvel and their mcoc version doesn’t reflect this
With the higher drop rate of Thanos and Kang in GGC, can we hope to see those two super villains get a good rework this year please ?
They are two of the most powerful villains in Marvel and their mcoc version doesn’t reflect this
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on
Also they both have awesome special animations and I wanna see them more in use.
If kabam really decided to rework trophy champs, they should look to champs like Unstoppable Colossus, OG Ultron, and Platinumpool, champs who are owned by a much broader number of players
Well it’s just a wish i do so this trophy champions can be of use outside of arenas
I’m sorry but trophy champs shouldn’t get a rework until they do all other champs
They are a trophy champ after all
I’m not too big on thanos or kang being good per say, but their animations, especially thanos, I do love. Wish their were more opportunities to achieve them. Maybe that would be better than adding them to the basic pool? Make them more available to achieve? I don’t know, but I definitely share your sentiment on the matter
Jokes aside, I wouldn't mind having them available into the basic pool but even then I still wouldn't agree that they should automatically be overhauled until such a time that everyone can be guaranteed one of each. As others have pointed out trophy Champions Trophy Champions they're supposed to be rare they're not really supposed to be used for anyting they're just supposed to exist in the game to show hey out of all the people who play this game, you're one of the handful who are lucky enough to possess a champion that not everyone can. And while I understand the desire to overhaul them has been around for quite a while, you can really tell that desire went up tenfold when they released Weapon X and even earlier to some extent when gold and platinum pool arrived. Buy again, it's understandable, people are hoping that all current and future trophy champs would have more viability in content and not just sitting there as a humblebrag for your collection.
I might have a slight bias for him to get buffed
This is what Thanos will do to anyone who disagrees
On the other hand, these are "Villains of the Contest" and have regularly shown up in various permanent and non-permanent content. That means (1) to be effective opponents, they should definitely be in the "buff list", but also that (2) it will need to be as minor 'Tune-Up' buffs, since Kabam won't want to over-complicate the major villains of Acts 3 and 4. Swap 'Platinumpool' for 'Punisher' and this is a very valid point. Hopefully this is already on their to-do list...
That being said, I think there's a valid argument to be had that their "trophyness" has fallen off lately. Not that they aren't still rare, but we have champions like Weapon X and 5* Redpool that are even rarer while also being significantly better. I wouldn't mind it if Kabam switched out the trophy champions of old to newer ones, introduced the old ones into the basic pool, and eventually buffed them.