Nothing in their kits that would make me use them over champions I already have at R3.
VtD is an acquired taste, I'll give you that. He's the only essential build-a-Champ, though. SG has insane Bleeds, but fair enough. Not sure what you have that does what Tigra does. Sasquatch is good as well, Regen and Damage. In terms of the pulls all being garbage, disagree.
How do you know this is easy? Quest is not released yet.
Why wouldn't it be? They said in the announcement that the "tougher" fight will just be for TB. If it's anything like this months SQ, then it's easy. There's literally zero thought needed for this months SQ.
The Anthropomorphic Crystal is available in Grandmaster and Cavalier.
How many Shards per Crystal: 4,000
Limited pool of Champions Beast Dragon Man Hit-Monkey Howard The Duck Man-Thing Mole Man Nightcrawler Rhino Rocket Raccoon Sabretooth Sasquatch Spider-Ham Squirrel Girl Tigra Venom The Duck
Wouldn't it be better to add synergy slots instead of strikers? that would encourage us to use champions that rely on synergies much more, also would make it easier for you to buff champions by synergies instead of full rework. @Kabam Miike@kabam boo
Every fight in each Quest will also feature a new experimental gameplay mechanic called Strikers! You can summon a specific Striker (chosen by a Quest buff) in a fight by pressing a new button above the Special Attack button. Each Striker has a different effect that they will apply to the Attacker or the Defender depending on the Striker. When you summon a Striker right after landing the 4th Light Attack in a combo, the Striker’s effect is enhanced. Strikers are available right away at the beginning of a fight, and after they are summoned there is a meter that must be built up before they can be used again. Some build up over time, while others build up by landing Hits and by being Struck.
The Strikers that will be available for these Quests are: Quest 1: Colossus - grants the Attacker an Unblockable buff. Quest 2: Wolverine - grants the Attacker a Regeneration buff. Quest 3: Hulk - inflicts the Defender with a Weakness debuff. Quest 4: Juggernaut - grants the Attacker an Unstoppable buff.
***Cavaliers and up: Legendary difficulty contains a special 5th path in Quest 4 that makes use of all four (4) Strikers and features some tougher fights but also a better reward!
Wondering whether it is still similar to the display in this video.
How do we collect Anthropomorphic crystal shards? Or am I missing something?
SOLO OBJECTIVES Start: January 5, 2022 @ 10AM (PT) End: February 9, 2022 @ 10AM (PT)
Complete the Searching for Directions Solo Objectives by participating in this month’s side quests. Rewards include Compasses and this month’s Crystal Shards.
Well at the least the epic difficulty gives a 5* class awakening gem. Tho I think it would be pretty difficult if they are giving an awakening gem as a reward. And a 5* nexus
The striker's look interesting. I look forwards to using them in this event and future content. When they were introduced in the roadmap, I figured they would be the champs you had on your team. However, this is much simpler and more fun in my opinion. Think about the combinations now and in later content. That Regen Wolverine could give you would be so useful with so many champions. There could even be say a Striker eventually like Spiderman, and he'll give you a chance to evade. Not to mention the implication on story content! Wouldn't be awesome for Guillotine (currently in 7.2) to jump in and help by placing a Spectre debuff? I cannot wait to see what Kabam does with this new mechanic
How did we go from receiving around 15k-25k 6star shards every month, to reaching barely 5k? As an f2p thronebreaker player, 5stars have become useless to me to progress in the game. And now I have to farm a month of side events, and explore the new cavalier monthly quest for just over 1 new 6star? And even then, have a high chance at getting a useless one or a dupe? How do you even progress anymore?
In terms of the pulls all being garbage, disagree.
Hopefully it is in the Marvel vs Capcom style for the strikers thing - would be like having a 90s arcade machine on your phone #nostalgia
Wondering whether it is still similar to the display in this video.
Me:- more chance to pull 6* moleman
Start: January 5, 2022 @ 10AM (PT)
End: February 9, 2022 @ 10AM (PT)
Complete the Searching for Directions Solo Objectives by participating in this month’s side quests. Rewards include Compasses and this month’s Crystal Shards.
The gameplay should reward more than offers.
These rewards are awful