Should acts Legends runs return? My thoughts and a possible solution albeit a small one.

Hellblazer69Hellblazer69 Member Posts: 66
edited January 2022 in Suggestions and Requests
So I was thinking about the acts legends runs and I thought that it would be great if they started them again. If anyone doesn’t remember,the reason they were removed is because mercs were and still are rampant and kabam had to sift through the data manually and it was a long and gruesome process for them and at the end,even kabam weren’t sure if all the players were legitimate.

My solution: Lower the limit to post your tile for your legend run to 14 or 7 days and extend the positions from 100 to 150/200. I looked through the the 7.1 and 7.2 posts and they had a 30 day period to post your legend run time. With that reduced to 7 or 14 days,there won’t be many mercs taking the place of legitimate players.

Also with the extended amount of ranks,even if some mercs placed,there still would be a major amount of legitimate players so that would also lessen the effect by a lot. At least that’s what I think.

Tell me what you all think.

Should acts Legends runs return? My thoughts and a possible solution albeit a small one. 13 votes

Acts Legends runs should return.
Longshot_33Mobile_P0tat0Agent_X_zzzGrassKnuckles 4 votes
Shouldn’t return. Better as it is.
Raichu626StevieManWonderTimeGenesisWill3808RiptideTheBoogyManJaffa_MightyD 8 votes
Ali_4243 1 vote
Post edited by Kabam Zanzibar on


  • The_greatestThe_greatest Member Posts: 6
    This idea is as effective as pouring water into a sinking boat
  • Wicket329Wicket329 Member Posts: 3,696 ★★★★★
    Why would shortening the window reduce the presence of mercs? Your argument presupposes the effectiveness of that measure, but I don’t understand the relationship between the two.
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  • Mobile_P0tat0Mobile_P0tat0 Member Posts: 966 ★★★★
    Acts Legends runs should return.
    I'm not sure about the idea, but there should be another way to get a legend title other than heroic eq.
  • Mobile_P0tat0Mobile_P0tat0 Member Posts: 966 ★★★★
    Acts Legends runs should return.
    I did a 7.2 run and I knew I was going to be competing with mercs going into it. I ended up getting 32nd which I thought was pretty good for my first ever run.

    Do I like the fact I was competing with mercs on some PAB's account? No, but I would do it again. I just had to make sure my plans were good and I was playing as fast as I could.
  • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 8,318 Guardian

    @Wicket329 In my head,if there’s lesser time to post a run then mercs probably won’t have time to post multiple runs. If there’s a 30 day window,a single merc could post like 30 runs. With a smaller window,mercs probably wouldn’t be able to post as many dua as before and with the extra ranks,even if mercs place,there would still be a great amount of legitimate players.

    That is the mercs source of income, I imagine they would be willing to do 2-5 runs a day if people paid them
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