Greater Golden Crystals from original X-Men Use Event
I finished this event before it was deleted yesterday and now have 750 unopened greater golden crystals sitting in my inventory. I realize this was a bug and these rewards are not intended, but am I safe to open these? It's pretty annoying having to spin open any new crystals I get one at a time so I stay above 750.
"We are still investigating this particular incident, and we do not have any specifics about what will happen with these at this time. For the moment, you will want to refrain from opening them, and once we have more information we will let players know through our forums, included in update notes on our blog, or delivered to your in-game mail, making those great resources to regularly check."
Don't open those 750 gold crystals if you haven't yet, or run the risk of getting the ban hammer.
Posting an update when they have no update is just going to antagonize people on the wrong side of their decision, so they expectedly stay silent on the matter until they have a decision to make. When they do decide what action they're going to take, I'm sure we'll hear about via in-game mail, and it will end up pissing someone off (either the people who will have their gold taken away, or those that didn't get the gold in the first place).
Feels bad man.