Unofficial: Zemo or Agatha



  • ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Member Posts: 3,199 ★★★★★
    Ricosco said:

    "It’s not a contest between best and worst though. Whoever loses won’t ever see the light of day of the contest. That’s the worst part of it. Don’t think anyone would care otherwise"

    Incorrect they'll all eventually make it into the contest, over the next few years, like we may see omega sentinal, ironheart etc this year.

    Thats what they want you to think. How long has it been since herc was released and omega still hasn’t come out.
  • ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Member Posts: 3,199 ★★★★★
    Scripps said:

    Y’all really have the time to write some NOVELS on here.

  • BitterSteelBitterSteel Member Posts: 9,264 ★★★★★

    I would have preferred Bullseye over Zemo to be honest... in fact I voted so. But well, between Agatha and Zemo I'd probably choose Zemo, but wouldn't mind if Agatha won cuz I dont mind her. She'd probably have some really killer synergies with Sigil SW, Vision , among others.

    Problem is that all you Agatha haters are hung up with with the way WandaVision portrayed her... but you may not realize that the same applies to Zemo, and that can come back at you to bite you. I really, really , reaaaaasly hope that if Zemo wins, the version they portray of him is NOT the MCU/Falcon WS one... because if you come think of it, there he's basically a wimp that just happens to have been rich and that is also quite smart, with a very prodigious tactical mind.... and I dont think that will translate very well in this game. Besides making him a "Heimdall - like" support champion with lots of synergies and bonuses to support all villain champions ( but not good on his own) I don't see how they'd be able to pull that off.... I could of course be pleasantly surprised if Kabam gets creative but I kinda doubt it.

    The only sure way to make him interesting is if they use as a model the Comic version and forego completely the MCU version... and that is precisely the problem. If Kabam does that, then lotsa people will get pissed because they'll feel that Kabam didn't make the champ they asked for. MCU Agatha, on the other hand, I can see plenty of ways of how they can make her interesting... definetely easier to pull off and make it right than MCU Zemo... that is why I think that all you Zemo lovers / Agatha haters should be very careful of what you wish for.

    Anyone saying they definitively know that there is an “only way to make them interesting” kinda sounds like back when we had Omega Sentinel and people were saying Hercules is a boring character all he has is super strength. And look where Herc is now…

    Zemo could be MCU or Comic, and either way he could be the best champion of 2022 or he could he the worst, I thought by now we’d all figured out that regardless of character, superpowers, skills, look, history or any other part of a particular champion has no bearing on how good or interesting they end up in the game.

    Agatha MCU or Zemo MCU are neither more likely to be interesting, and saying definitively one is more than the other is really just unfounded. Kabam have utter freedom to do whatever they wish with any champion.

    That’s how we have Nick Fury, Ghost, Quake at the top of the game.

    I’ve seen a lot of gate keeping about this vote, saying that people are voting for MCU champions, not taking into account comic books, voting for Agatha just because of her show or whatever, and honestly I’m not here for it.

    It’s a community vote, not a comic book fan vote. If people connect with marvel through a show don’t gatekeep that from them, we all love superheroes - let’s keep this a positive thing and celebrate the game, not get angry because of people’s voting intentions for wanting a character they like to come into the game.

    At the end of the day, none of these champions had any plans to be added in the first place, so it’s a win to get any of them. And besides, maybe hype for certain champions will help kabam realise how much we want these champions. But that isn’t an excuse to judge anyone else’s reasons for their vote. If Agatha gets in because of her show, great! I can’t wait for a new mystic champ to join the contest, and I’m glad she’s got a following.
    It’s not a contest between best and worst though. Whoever loses won’t ever see the light of day of the contest. That’s the worst part of it. Don’t think anyone would care otherwise.
    Without the vote none of them would have seen the light of day any time soon. I don’t know why people can’t see the positives in it
  • ElMelloiElMelloi Member Posts: 101
    We need more mystics
  • TerraTerra Member Posts: 8,656 ★★★★★
    I didn't like Wandavision.

    I'm voting (and hoping for him to be amazing) Zemo.
  • TheBlindSalmonTheBlindSalmon Member Posts: 87
    edited January 2022

    imagine a villain Nick fury type champ giving synergies to a lot of villains

    So kinda what Hood is already?
  • FluffyPigMonsterFluffyPigMonster Member Posts: 2,069 ★★★★★
    I want Zemo the most, but I wish we could get them all.

    Patience i suppose.
  • ChaosMax1012ChaosMax1012 Member Posts: 3,199 ★★★★★

    imagine a villain Nick fury type champ giving synergies to a lot of villains

    So kinda what Hood is already?
    Alpha ray/ thor

    Tbf couldn’t find anything for QS so maybe he isn’t half bad after all, but still want zemo all the way.
  • JAsummonarJAsummonar Member Posts: 171
    Zemo for the final champ🤩
  • 13579rebel_13579rebel_ Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★★
    Zemo For 2022 make MCOC great again
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★

    If you vote for BRB or Agatha i will personally ensure the only champ you ever pull from any crystal, will be Super Skrull.

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