6* champion update - basic pool

Awesome new addition. One question though: what about non-featured, but new champions? Like Hyperion, or if there is a basic champion that is not in the basic pool yet?
Now, they will be added at the same time the champion is added to the other crystals.
Basically: Now new champ every 2 weeks, before only the champs from six star featured got added to six star basic when featured ended.
I can't believe how poorly this was written.
Moreover what about the champions like Hyperion, Rider and Voodoo that were introduced as 6* by the current feature but already exist as 5*...
Please could a moderator bring the light on it?
@Kabam Miike
The sub features / legacy or whatever we are calling them will all go in with Kitty however since champs enter every 2 weeks now I think this is a clear indicator that they are done making legacy champs into 6*.
Blade will never enter the pool and will be available some other way. Same for Quake, Magik, Wolverine and Scarlet Witch.
The same way wolverine, scarlet witch 5* are never going in the 5* basic pool the same applies to the 6* versions. Except in this case the same treatment applies to blade, quake and magik. Apparently they are deemed too powerful to be made available to the general public on an ongoing basis.