Kabam Giveth, Kabam Taketh Away

Here begins a story of being filled with joy and happiness, to being annoyed and angry all within less than5 minutes.
Its a Tuesday morning and i login to claim my daily crystal and out pops 10k 6 shards (amazed, shocked unbelievable)
1 minute later....
The crystal gods blessed me with beautiful bearded Hero, who just so happens to be my only sig 200 champ and decided to give me, not a few science sig stones, no extra shards, just 24 bricks of ISO and 1,163 gold.
I feel betrayed by the crystal gods and i will be avenged.
I will be back..
Summoner Fuzzy Fox

Its a Tuesday morning and i login to claim my daily crystal and out pops 10k 6 shards (amazed, shocked unbelievable)
1 minute later....
The crystal gods blessed me with beautiful bearded Hero, who just so happens to be my only sig 200 champ and decided to give me, not a few science sig stones, no extra shards, just 24 bricks of ISO and 1,163 gold.
I feel betrayed by the crystal gods and i will be avenged.
I will be back..
Summoner Fuzzy Fox

But I know that if this happened to me, I would feel a sense of being letdown/disappointed. We are emotional beings. Getting 10k free 6 star shards is exciting and you feel a sense of anticipation. And to have that pull be the worst possible pull for your account is a letdown. On paper, Kabam simply gave and took away; but emotionally, you can't help be to be disappointed, esp. with the odds.
Essentially, you got ISO and gold from the daily crystal. But the emotional roller coaster ride makes that look a lot worse because at one point you were instead expecting a 6 star that could help your account.