Help with 6* nexus

I just completed 7.3 exploration and my choices are( all 6*). New mr fantastic. AA dupe first time. Silver surfer dupe first time.
I was thinking surfer because I have the 5:65 AA and my prestige is low. I also have a mutant and cosmic T5CC. Let me hear your thoughts. Thanks
I was thinking surfer because I have the 5:65 AA and my prestige is low. I also have a mutant and cosmic T5CC. Let me hear your thoughts. Thanks
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
Otherwise I would suggest to do Silver centurion as you have AA at 5/65. And silver centurion dupe makes him very viable for many matchups due his passive DOT( Sig ability)and other utility I.e Slow and immunity too. At this level people don't focus on 5 stars rather incline at 6 star. And centurion is type of guy which you would likely to upgrade as 6 star dupe but not as 5 star.
I myself have done 7.3 exploration already long ago and still ranked 5 star centurion for his utility in tech class and things he can do in many scenarios. If I had 6 star, I would not bother myself to give iso to 5 star version
Meanwhile champs like AA still motivate people to rank them up even if you have them as 5/65 . So rank up that champ which can fill holes in your roster and making it more versatile and viable
Even if you are lower prestige. AA can still cover so much. Surfer is amazing to but AA fighting no immunities is king(beside Herc now)
It depends on what your goals are though. If you’re willing to drop 160-180 sig stones into Surfer in order to make a play for 13k+ prestige and work towards top 90 AQ then surfer would be your best choice. This also depends on your sig stone stash, what other high prestige champs you’ve got - duped or otherwise - because if you’re going to rank and sig surfer and then max out 4 mid-low prestige champs you’re wasting your time on Surfer. Prestige is an all or nothing game IMO. If you’re willing to make that play, it’s worth doing it as soon as possible so that you can have your high prestige champs, ranked, high sig and out of the way so you can focus on the rest of your roster until 7* come into the game.
If quality of champion is your main concern, duping AA is a no-brainer.