It does not appear that the infographic above is entirely correct. Last week we had the reworked champions which are shown to be Mar 31 on here, and this week is Stark Spidey which is shown to have been Feb 10th. So it would be a fair assumption to say that everything is one week off until you get to antivenom.
I tend to think the score would be of high quantile of the basics, say 60m range. AA is still one of the game changers. If you look at this month Cav EQ, he beats 5 out of 6 bosses easily, leaving Sam for Warlock.
The score will depend on who the featured 6* champ is. If it is groot (no offense to groot lovers out there) then AAs score could go to the hundred millions. If it is someone coveted like Kitty Pryde, then the score will be drastically lower.
The score will depend on who the featured 6* champ is. If it is groot (no offense to groot lovers out there) then AAs score could go to the hundred millions. If it is someone coveted like Kitty Pryde, then the score will be drastically lower.
I think it will be one of the two heroes that coming in March. If this happen i think 45-50m is enough to get it.
But He is long in the Game.
It shouldnt be to crazy?