Ranking all the Symbiotes



  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,166 ★★★★★
    phil56201 said:

    Also venompool > venom
    Venompool does everything venom does but better

    Venom's ability to regen from any buff off Sp1, evade all the Spider-Men from the start of the fight, bleeds from basic attacks, and true strike when opponent is below 18% health (esp great for IMIW) are all things Venom does better than VP. Not to say Venom does everything better than VP, but they both have areas of utility that one outshines the other in.
    Indeed - True Strike and Unblockable Specials when the Opponent is low on health.

    Plus Venom's Armour Up buffs are very helpful if you want to deal with a Havok.
  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,480 ★★★★★
    I'd have symbiote supreme much higher myself. Being the only mystic symbiote is a big advantage.
  • Bawa69Bawa69 Member Posts: 489 ★★★
    1. Knull (Literal God of Symbiotes)
    2. Venompool (This was not easy I think its a 2 way tie between Venom and Venompool for this spot)
    3. Venom (Variant king this guy)
    4. Symbiote Supreme (One of the best nullifiers in game, pretty niche champ but slays when the conditions favor him)
    5. Anti-Venom (Slightly underwhelming at this point)
    6. Venom the Duck (Build-your-buffs kinda champ but too rng dependent for my taste)
    7. Red Goblin (Painfully long ramp-up)
    8. Summoned Symbiote (Li'l Steve) (Even without his persistent charges he has a decent kit and hits pretty decent)
    8. Carnage (Can move up a few spaces if synergized with roblin but overall needs a tweek to his damage numbers)
    9. Agent Venom (Tenacity is the only redeeming quality about this guy)
    10. Symbiote Spider-Man (Do I even need to explain)
  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★
    edited February 2022
    1. Knull
    2. Venom = Venompool
    3. Sym Supreme
    4. Anti-Venom
    5. Carnage
    6. Venom the Duck
    7. Sym Spidey
    8. Red Goblin
    9. Agent Venom
  • DarkEternityDarkEternity Member Posts: 784 ★★★★
    edited March 2022

    @DarkEternity are you talking about Synergized/Odinified Roblin or him by himself. Cause i said in the title that this was ranking them by themselves.

    @GrassKnuckles No synergies, no Odin. I was talking about the utility and damage offered by base Roblin. Man has so much utility that is overlooked it's absolutely insane. Power burn immunity, Incinerate immunity, anti-miss and autoblock (if ramped and brought down to the proper percentage or with an L3, granted. Still cleans up a majority of fights where these factors come into play), energize + fury buffs, power drain, armor break, incinerate, huge damage off of the L2, etc. He is an absolute monster and it's a shame that so many people don't look into him because CGR had bigger numbers right off of the bat.

    I also forgot to mention, anti spiderverse evade woooo
    The reason roblin is ranked as rubbish, is that in the cosmic class, he's not even top 10, so you would not rank him. Need incinerate? Torch.

    Need to counter spider verse? Venom or VP. Want a better symbiote that's power burn immune, has buffs and does nuts damage? Again, venom or VP.

    As the owner of a duped 6* roblin, I really wanted him to be great, really I desperately do. But he's so far behind CGR it's almost tragic. Not in any order, but CGR, Odin, corvus, Medusa, hype, knull, Angela, king Groot, VP, Hercules, cull, arkus, venom, terrax.... I have 6 of them as 6* and a number at 5/65 so roblin is never getting ranked.

    He's not worth the resources.
    @Moosetiptronic so wait because he does the things ALL of those champs do he’s immediately rubbish? That doesn’t make much sense, now does it? This can literally be applied to every cosmic champ. Need immortality? You have Corvus instead of Herc. Need big crits? No need for Corvus just use Ghost.

    Your argument is simply… illogical on many fronts. His damage is higher than every Symbiote besides ramped Knull. He requires less time to ramp than Knull, however. Just because you have said champs ranked doesn’t make him useless. He’s the best Cosmic for power control as well. Not to mention, you’re putting VP, Venom, Terrax, Cull and KG above him in the top 10? Don’t make me laugh. None of those excluding VP and KG have even half of his utility not to mention damage. It’s fine if you don’t like the champ but don’t take your personal bias into an argument.

    Oh right and about your argument about VP and Venom being better for power burn…. What? They only activate that against techs while Roblin activated it against literally every champ in the game… you good man?
  • ImmortalImmortal Member Posts: 323 ★★
    edited March 2022

    Idk much about knull and antiV, but are they really that good?

    No… Knull is completely useless on any node that power lock. Without his specials, he cannot activate his main mechanic, which is his corruption… render him useless.

    Also champs that can remove debuffs counter knull… This include any node that remove debuffs every few seconds… he can’t stack his living abyss nor the armor break on those nodes…= no damage.

    Anti-venom looks decent on paper… or for the AI… but 6*r3 the damage is so low… He is also not sui friendly as he need to spam his specials.
    …. While his regen is nice, you will for sure time out before the timer is up in aq lol. The healing is also tied to his signature…can’t justify putting any sig stones in him…

    He’s good as a synergy partner for that new Spider-Man 2099
  • MoosetiptronicMoosetiptronic Member Posts: 2,166 ★★★★
    @DarkEternity and other Roblin fans. That's not accurate. What I'm saying, is that in nearly all scenarios, Roblin is not remotely optimal.

    He's not top ten cosmic, not even close. So in a choice of rank ups, only people with very poor roster diversity are going to rank up Roblin. Herc, CGR, Hype, Corvus, knull, KG, Angela, Medusa, Venom, VP, Odin, Hela, CMM. And yes, Cull, Arkus, Terrax. If you are including synergy teams, if you dupe black bolt, then he's potentially up there above Roblin too.

    In a game where resources are limited and players have to make careful rank up choices, Roblin does not feature.

    In a vacuum he's good. But you want power control? Take your pick of tech, science and mystic champs designed to do it.

    Incinerate immune? There's so many better options that benefit from it or make it safer, from shruggers, to immunes.

    Deal with spiderman? Vp, venom and a bunch of true strike options.

    You need buffs and crazy damage? There's champions that can do it off the bat, with minimal to no ramp up. Throw in a synergy or two and there's tons that can out damage him, very quickly. I doubt he's top 40 dps, even synergised, so again, once you get better, he's not going to be used.

    Just in symbiotes and even if there was a special category of rank up mat that could only be used on them, yes, venom, VP, knull, sym supreme are all better. Carnage out damages him in the first 3-4 fights and possibly all the way through with synergies.

    Even if the argument is that Roblin is a ramp up champ, well, if you want damage, or utility, or both and you want to go through 2-3 painful fights and have to carry a synergy team, it's arguable that morningstar, cull, airwalker, let alone aegon, strife, corvus, are all better.

    That's the problem in this game, there are so many terrible champs, but also borderline great champs, that as soon as you acquire a reasonably diverse roster, Roblin just does not have a place that means resource spend on him is sensible for most players.

    He's good. Just not good enough. He's not worthy in the cosmic class, let alone compared to the other top symbiotes.
  • ScreaminghawkScreaminghawk Member Posts: 63
    edited March 2022
    Man_Bat said:

    What niche does Anti-Venom fill, or what does he counter really well? I pulled him recently and just don't know enough about him.

    may be variant 5 Bishop?
  • BocksaroxBocksarox Member Posts: 329 ★★★
    I'm not trying to be rude, but I don't understand why people are into Venompool since his buff. I'm hoping someone can explain it to me. I have a 6* VP and I've tried to like him. It feels like I have to ramp him up every fight, and that is tedious. Maybe I'm using him wrong?
  • jcruz2133jcruz2133 Member Posts: 152

    VtD Carried me through the 2nd half of Act 5 I think a lot of people underrate him

    VTD was my Main for a little while since I accidentally ranked him. He was a lot of fun, especially if you got lucky and stacked Fury's, precisions, or any other damage buffs with his RNA bank and all. But as soon as I got access to a few more champs, he got left behind :'( Justice for VTD
  • GrassKnucklesGrassKnuckles Member Posts: 1,952 ★★★★★

    4* R4 no suicides, only Mr Negative synergy. Very quick.
  • swmcswswmcsw Member Posts: 249 ★★
    I just duped my 6* anti venom. Tried him put but haven't learned him yet. Damage did seem underwhelming but he also Is only r1 for now
  • Peairs420Peairs420 Member Posts: 60
    yeah the devs made this a hard choice to be made but i love all the symbiotes just wish venom and knull had a captain universe synergy that made him ultra op or king in black synergy with surfer and thor
  • Logan00Logan00 Member Posts: 687 ★★★
    I will rank them based on whom I have and the ones that get the most use:
    1- Knull- 6*
    2- Antivenom-5*( utility and synergy with 6* sp2099)
    3- Venompool-6*
    4- symbiote supreme-6*
    5- Venom-5*
    6- carnage-6*
    7- red goblin-6*
    8- VTD -6*( just got him and did not tested him much)
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,685 ★★★★★
    Mauled said:

    I’m not going to comment on the whole top ten but y’all are really doing Sym Supreme dirty. He’s one of the best nullifiers in the game and has some extraordinary damage output when you use him correctly.

    This was my thought exactly.
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