Why is this not in the game already?

I am genuinely interested in finding out what the reason is that Kabam is not tracking attacker deaths in the Alliance Wars game mode?
It seems like such an obvious statistic to track since they already track attacker kills and defender kills and send us in-game mail at the end of the war with this information. I'm just confused about how this isn't already a feature in the game especially after 31 seasons of Alliance Wars. Does anyone think this would be a helpful tool to figure out who is completely dragging the alliance down by being able to see how often they die each war?
It seems like such an obvious statistic to track since they already track attacker kills and defender kills and send us in-game mail at the end of the war with this information. I'm just confused about how this isn't already a feature in the game especially after 31 seasons of Alliance Wars. Does anyone think this would be a helpful tool to figure out who is completely dragging the alliance down by being able to see how often they die each war?
Defender kills is attacker deaths. Attack bonus is counted off whether you die to a defender as well. Die 3 times and you lose the bonus.
OP clearly asked: "Does anyone think this would be a helpful tool to figure out who is completely dragging the alliance down by being able to see how often they die each war?" They're asking to see a feature where it shows how many times individual players died, not total deaths. Maybe read the whole post next time.
Firstly, defender kills and attack bonus are not the same Stat since attack bonus on 1 node caps out after 3 deaths, so attack bonus could be 327 out of 330, but defender kills could be 20 (only 3 count towards attack bonus).
Secondly, as some have stated from understanding my question, I want to know why individual deaths are not being tracked since they are tracking individual kills. They send 3 in-game mail at the end of a war match and 1 of them containes a stat sheet that provides each participants defender kills and attacker kills, but it does not include their deaths. With this mail I can see the worst player in the alliance killed 8 enemies, but I can't see how many times he died while killing those enemies.
Also, if kabam did not track attacker kills I would have no clue how many kills each player had in the war, so this is pretty useful info, but they just need to add deaths to their stat sheet to make this feature completely useful.
Our alliance doesn't boot without proof if you are being active and we aren't going to sit and monitor AW 24/7 to see who dies. Item use is meaningless. It obviously gives us an idea of who revived, but 1 team revive can equal up to 3 deaths so you could have max 6 deaths and 14/15 item usage.
We were a gold 2 alliance, trying to go for gold 1, but solid members quit the game because of life and now we're fighting to stay gold 3 with a record of 1- 3.
It just becomes annoying when you don't know who is dying how many times unless your officers eyes are open 24×7 which isn't possible anyway
Usually I don't mind if someone dies once against some defender as it may happen but if they die twice or thrice then that's the issue and clearly they aren't approaching the fight in right way.
And since Kabam is generous enough with compensation so anybody can heal to full health and use invulnerability boost wherever needed, still dying that way hurts our goal. So it would be something nice if Kabam gives this feature to us.
There is zero reason you hide your deaths from the ally when it affects every single person who is working hard for the tier rewards.
Adding a KO counter would just encourage people to watch it and add another layer to booting people. We don't need any added pressure. The system is designed to pressure people enough as it is.
For those that say "then you should promote communication" ... we already do. Some are open to it and others just don't want to talk to random guys/girls on an online game so we aren't going to boot them for that.
As an officer if I mess up, I post to in-game chat to let everyone know it was me.