An Advanced Look at Statistics in Battlegrounds

TheBair123TheBair123 Member Posts: 5,344 ★★★★★
I know what you're thinking. "Who is this poser? I was expecting @DNA3000 "

Well, too bad, you're stuck with me. Tonight is the last night before college basketball really starts to get good so I figured I'd throw some stats out now while I was bored.

First, I just want to start with my first impressions on the mode. Overall, I love it. It's exactly the draft kind of mode that it's supposed to be, but that doesn't mean there aren't some fine tuning things that can happen. Obviously, the bugs will be worked on before it's officially released in a month or so. I would like to see the energy cost get bumped down maybe just to 10, but I think that could be debated. Lastly, I think the scoring needs to be tweeked. And here's why:

Here's an image from one of my matches just a bit ago. As you can see, this was the winner-take-all match. I had torch fighting apoc while my opponent had herc fighting tigra. I won with 81.4% health left and it took me 47 seconds. He won with 70.7% health left and did it in 31 seconds. So, here's my two cents on this:

I'll start with some numbers. For each 1% health remaining on the defender, you lose 300 points. If you kill the defender, you get 30,000 points. For each 1% health you lose, you're deducted 150 points. If you finish with exactly 100%, you get 15,000 points. With me so far? That makes complete logical sense. The goal of the game is to kill the defender by reducing its health to 0. So, you get more points for doing that than sustaining your own health. Now, here's where it gets to a bit of a grey area.

For each second your fight is going on, you lose 125 points. So, if you finish your fight in 30 seconds, you get with 11,250 points (15,000 minus the 3,750 you lose). If you finish your fight in 60 seconds, you get 7,500 points.

So, the "hierarchy" of importance in this mode seems to be
1. kill the defender
2. keep all the health that you can
3. finish as fast as possible

That's what the points say, at least. Although this seems very logical, I think it is flawed. Take a champion like Magneto. Let's say you're facing a champion like Magneto. You bait out 2 SP2s, which each take one second to finish the animation and then you counter it. So hypothetically, you lose around 250 points during these special attacks (assuming you lose no points for losing health). Next, let's say you're facing a champion like Apocalypse. I just timed it, and his SP1 takes on average about 5 seconds to finish the complete animation as well as the time it takes you to dash in and attack. Every time he throws a SP1, regardless of if you completely dex it, you lose around 625 points. That's the equivalent of losing more than 4% health.

See what I mean? Don't get me wrong, I think time should be a component of this game mode. If you finish a match with 100% health in 100 seconds, and your opponent finishes it with 80% health in 20 seconds, your opponent should win. It should not all be based on the remaining attacker health.

What I'm trying to prove is that time should not be THIS MUCH of a factor in the game. I'm not suggesting that you pick a defender who has specials that take a long time, because that would just be insane. Nor that waiting on defender's specials is that main cause of time ticking off the clock. All that I am pointing out is that time plays a big role in if you win or lose, and I suggest that it has a lesser role. My suggestion is this:

Instead of making it 15,000 points total for attacker health remaining and 150 points for each 1% lost, make it 20,000 points total and 200 for each 1% lost. Also, time remaining should be 10,000 points total and 83.33 (uh, repeating, of course) points lost for every second the fight is going on.

I feel like this would focus the mode more on killing the defender and sustaining your health rather than doing it quickly.

Let me know if you see any calculation errors, because there might very well be some, or if you have any questions on how I got these numbers.


  • dot_dittodot_ditto Member Posts: 1,442 ★★★★
    agreed .. time shouldn't be a big impact . it should be something that comes up "in the event of a tie, or very close outcome prior to that".

    in other words .. if you both kill the defender, and you both have (roughly) 60% health left .. yes, by all means .. time decides the victor .. quicker kill wins.

    But I agree with you, having it have that much impact isn't right and opens things up to all sorts of nonsense (as was seen I believe in the pro circuit when somebody won by dying quickly and not throwing a punch??) LOL
  • Texas_11Texas_11 Member Posts: 2,646 ★★★★★
    Click bait!
  • TheBair123TheBair123 Member Posts: 5,344 ★★★★★
    Texas_11 said:

    Click bait!

    What exactly is click bait in this post?
  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    As long as we all play by the same rules, I'm good.
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  • Noise72Noise72 Member Posts: 337 ★★★
    The fact time plays such a big factor just adds a different element to this game mode than others. It's not a bad thing it's just new and different. I personally like the way the point system works. If you kill the enemy faster then yes you should get a better score in my eyes. This creates more strategy involved when picking attackers and defenders. If you lost because of time then you need to rethink your strategy and come up with new ways to win.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,464 Guardian

    What I'm trying to prove is that time should not be THIS MUCH of a factor in the game.

    I don't think this is something that can be proven. Rather this is a preference that some people like and some people don't like. If I had to guess, I would say that overall the current weight of time is much higher than most people would ultimately think was reasonable. At the moment I've been promoting something closer to 4:2:1 (defender health, attacker health, time) as opposed to the current 4:2:2. For reference, the original beta was about 11:11:1.

    My *actual* preference would be 4:2. Defender health, attacker health, period. And then time as a tie breaker only. But I suspect that has zero chance of happening, which unfortunately means the game mode is likely to launch without a real tie breaking mechanism. Which means players who tie could end up, like alliance war before it, essentially both losing (as neither side is likely to earn victory rewards).
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