Battlegrounds Issues [Merged Threads]



  • designsodadesignsoda Member Posts: 118
    Good observation. Let me try on my small account and get back to you. On my main account the 2nd fight ALWAYS disconnects.

    Although new behavior as this time the game crashed and came back to this;
  • designsodadesignsoda Member Posts: 118

  • designsodadesignsoda Member Posts: 118
    Small sample size but I was able to win 2 out of 2 matches. One completed and one my opponent had problems connecting to the 2nd fight. But on my end my small account seems to be working fine. So could it be account related? Same phone, same OS, same game version!

  • designsodadesignsoda Member Posts: 118

    Question for those trying Battlegrounds during the beta...

    Is anyone who has two (or multiple) accounts finding that BGs is working fine (read as better or more playable) for one account and not at all for the other(s)?

    I run 2 accounts. Both on the same device and both with the same WiFi connection. With one account I've been able to run and fight in the BGs with very little issue. On the second account I always (and I mean 100% of my tries) get the blinking red WiFi symbol of death and very shortly disconnected trying to get into the very first fight after selecting defenders and attackers. When reconnecting on that account, it takes me to a black results countdown screen which then goes nowhere when the timer reaches 0 forcing me to have to hit the exit button or restart the game.

    Would love to know why when everything else is the same, one account works and one doesn't.

    Check out what I've seen. May be account related. Hopefully gives Kabam clues.
  • Will3808Will3808 Member Posts: 3,921 ★★★★★
    edited March 2022
    Not sure if this has been reported yet. I’ve had two rounds in a row now that the champions I’ve selected as bans aren’t who actually shows up banned. I’ll get pictures next time it happens, but, for example, last match I banned wolverine weapon x, mr negative, and void. We got into the selection phase and my screen showed I had banned Angela, human torch, and havok. At first I thought there was some visual glitch because I saw battlegrounds was having a visual selection problem, but my opponent ended up selecting weapon x and he was the first defender I had to fight against.

    Again, I’ll get screenshots to try to document this, but I wanted to make sure it was documented on this thread.
  • Jarvis05Jarvis05 Member Posts: 13
    edited March 2022
    I lost the match after failing to connect. It was not my fault I didn't even play the first round. Atleast before it was a drawn for connection error.

  • DirtyMullyDirtyMully Member Posts: 9
    Has anybody had the issue where it shows a defender and then you get into the fight and it’s different. For example, it said I was going up against spider man stealth suit and I got in the fight and it was actually CMM. But it still showed spider man stealth suit as being used for round one. And then in round 2 I actually fought stealth suit spidey despite it showing a different defender. And then it crashed on round 3 but I was anticipating that lol.
  • HoündHoünd Member Posts: 18

    Frustrating. Can't even play the match. Have great signal and the game disconnects. By the time it loads again, I've lost the match.
  • Lestat2499Lestat2499 Member Posts: 309 ★★★
    Basically it sucks because matches fail and cannot get anything to work.
  • Card64Card64 Member Posts: 1

    As reported the disconnects are very frustrating
    Using android on OnePlus 8t
    5g connection
  • designsodadesignsoda Member Posts: 118
    edited March 2022
    Do we have any update as to why some of us always get disconnected while other (usually high profile) players are having a lot of fun having no issues?
  • Mike_1978Mike_1978 Member Posts: 26
    Besides all the other bugs listed in this thread, has anyone else noticed when you select your champs for the match the defenders rating says one thing, but when you enter the fight it is almost doubled. And what is it with the defender getting the buffs but attacker gets none? Am I missing something there?
  • jetfire18jetfire18 Member Posts: 1
    Not able to fight at all today:(

  • designsodadesignsoda Member Posts: 118
    That may be intended since if attacker and defender are close in power the human attacker will roll over the AI defender. Like in AW and AQ you buff defenders to make fights a little longer.
    Mike_1978 said:

    Besides all the other bugs listed in this thread, has anyone else noticed when you select your champs for the match the defenders rating says one thing, but when you enter the fight it is almost doubled. And what is it with the defender getting the buffs but attacker gets none? Am I missing something there?

  • Whiskey_PoetWhiskey_Poet Member Posts: 249 ★★
    Have to restart my game at the beginning of half the fights. That is, if it doesn't freeze the screen and just make me automatically lose when I restart the game.
    Also, a new thing, since this afternoon it won't let me reroll. Says I have 1/1 available, but the button is faded and unresponsive.

  • ChristoChristo Member Posts: 20
    My biggest problem is the connection issues. Now ive found a way around it. After selction phase when the first fight starts and the red wifi icon comes up i force quit and restart the game as asap and after the game launches takes me directly to the champ page a few seconds later my fight starts but now i only have 60 seconds to win that fight because if i dont finish the fight before the timer runs out i get a black screen and have to force quit the game.

    Sometimes i get the fight done in the little time i have and then go on to the next fight with the exact same problem and the same strategy but then there is 1 of 2 results either i win the fight and get a black screen at the end or i die and still get a black screen.

    Its really frustrating as i just went and checked on some of the streams and most didn't have any of these connection issues that is making it so difficult just to play a fun game mode and its not just me its my entire alliance, so still dont understand how it doesn't affect some players and others go through hell just to play a few fights...
  • ChristoChristo Member Posts: 20

    As you can see, I'm ready to do my fight after the timer hits zero im taken to the loading screen where i get the red icon then i force quit and restart the game. Then I'm immediately redirect to the pre fight screen and can see the time at the top and then i go into the fight with the exact amount of time shown at the prefight screen but whether i win or lose after the fight i get an indefinite black screen and have to force quit but obviously lost the match. Ive played 48 matches and only managed to play 4 complete matches.
  • DoosraDoosra Member Posts: 360 ★★★
    Hoünd said:

    Frustrating. Can't even play the match. Have great signal and the game disconnects. By the time it loads again, I've lost the match.

    Next time it happens close the game an open it quickly
    You will lose sometime
    But something is better than nothing
  • DoosraDoosra Member Posts: 360 ★★★
    Christo said:

    My biggest problem is the connection issues. Now ive found a way around it. After selction phase when the first fight starts and the red wifi icon comes up i force quit and restart the game as asap and after the game launches takes me directly to the champ page a few seconds later my fight starts but now i only have 60 seconds to win that fight because if i dont finish the fight before the timer runs out i get a black screen and have to force quit the game.

    Sometimes i get the fight done in the little time i have and then go on to the next fight with the exact same problem and the same strategy but then there is 1 of 2 results either i win the fight and get a black screen at the end or i die and still get a black screen.

    Its really frustrating as i just went and checked on some of the streams and most didn't have any of these connection issues that is making it so difficult just to play a fun game mode and its not just me its my entire alliance, so still dont understand how it doesn't affect some players and others go through hell just to play a few fights...

    I had the same issue using this method
  • Nightkiller7314Nightkiller7314 Member Posts: 117
    i still won or lose either by myself losing connection or my opponent losing connection. how other people play well then : d
  • designsodadesignsoda Member Posts: 118
    Any updates on this? Still same connection issues for some of us. What explains the discrepancy between Youtubers being able to play cleanly and others not?
  • mostlyharmlessnmostlyharmlessn Member Posts: 1,388 ★★★★
    Not sure if this has been reported yet.

    I've had many of the other issues so not going to rehash those, but today I had the attacker swapped. The attacker I picked was not the one that started in the match.
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  • KDoggg2017KDoggg2017 Member Posts: 1,263 ★★★★
    I have not been able to connect for a single fight yet. Fingers crossed on next month's beta. 😆
  • papk14papk14 Member Posts: 1
    why am i the only one who loses the fight everytime connectivity issue occurs in battleground
  • Predator100Predator100 Member Posts: 5

    Thanks for your feedback, apologies about the connection issues you've been experiencing so far! As with all new shiny features in game, the sheer amount of players trying to access Battlegrounds at once may cause some stability issues. This is beta and there are some kinks to iron out but rest assured we're aware and on the case :)

    It's just beta. I'm fine with it. The thing is that we will loose that awesome profile picture😐
  • Whiskey_PoetWhiskey_Poet Member Posts: 249 ★★
    Well, it wouldn't let me reroll because I was out of that item. lol
    But having to restart and get back into a fight half my rounds is still persistent. As is the screen of automatic death.
  • Whiskey_PoetWhiskey_Poet Member Posts: 249 ★★

  • designsodadesignsoda Member Posts: 118
    Ok now it seems to be working for me. And when it works it's a lit of fun. Kudos. Hope it stays that way!
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