Free mastery changes - best temporary update ever

I want to take a minute to say how awesome it has been having masteries be free to change this past week. I run suicides regularly and there are so many champs in my roster that have been sitting around collecting dust because they’re basically impossible to play in a style that maximizes their potential while running suicides. I personally used the opportunity to be able to knock out 7.3 exploration and I’m guessing I’m not alone on a list of people getting content done due to free mastery changes. Obviously it still takes time too much time to swap them around, but being able to do it for free definitely eases the sting there. It’s crazy that the top tier masteries are already super expensive to unlock, and then you continue to have to pay for them any time you want to change. This is especially frustrating when you’re just trying to swap out one specific mastery (such as mystic dispersion) and you only need a few extra points, yet have to spend 100-some units just to move three points around. I know “mastery 2.0” is coming “soon”, and maybe it really will be that much better, but this change, albeit a temporary one, has been the best update to masteries in all my years playing the game and I sincerely hope it sticks around.
Why? … because it’s not logic to spend a lot of time playing arena to farm units and then use them on changing masteries
It was really very enjoyable to change masteries without caring of cost , it was really helpful to play many of game modes during this week.
I was able to change my masteries whenever I can to play Arena and change them back when I finish to move in War or AQ and change them again to play the new game mode Battlegrounds.
It was even helpful to play different fights with whatever suitable mastery in War or AQ.
@Kabam Miike think about it .. it will help a lot of players to enjoy the variety of game modes.. and will help us to use our parked champs.