I along with many players in mcoc have been wondering have you guys ever thought about putting the fantastic 4 in the game i think it would be kind of cool
I doubt they will do this because Fantastic Four and other characters are owned by Fox instead of Disney.. I would really like to play as Dr Doom myself but I'm not keeping my fingers crossed.
I doubt they will do this because Fantastic Four and other characters are owned by Fox instead of Disney.. I would really like to play as Dr Doom myself but I'm not keeping my fingers crossed.
@Tlaltecuhtlí Yes. That's the reason why we don't have any X-Men Characters in the game because they are owned by Fox... wait, what?
They kind of screwed the pooch with some of the movies huh? I sure hope of the Doom movie will be good... Btw I'm trying to gather support for enabling 60 frames per second gameplay which looks and feels like a massive improvement over 30fps when it glitches and happens in MCOC, please post a comment in this thread if you don't mind! https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/35095/please-remove-the-framerate-cap#latest
@Tlaltecuhtlí Yes. That's the reason why we don't have any X-Men Characters in the game because they are owned by Fox... wait, what?