So I ranked someone I can't play properly :/

So I was watching Swedah L alliance war video and I saw his outstanding damage with Sorcerer supreme and I was hyped for the damage and I enter a fight or 2 to practice and I realized I don't know how to play her, can someone help out?
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
The fury icon gives increased attack and applies armor break on specials
The armor up icon gives increased armor and gives a regen on block on specials
the power gain icon grants power steal and applies slow on specials
Special 1 gives a nullification aura that gets rid of buffs if you stay close the opponent.
Special 3 makes one of the blessings permanent so it procs every single special
oh, and do be careful using her against Aarkus
If you start in Fury mode, you attack till Armor Up mode. Launch SP1, you get some regen. Power Gain mode allows you to steal power. When entering Fury mode, launch SP2 for Armor Break and massive damage. Then start over.
If you face against an evading or unstoppable non-science champion, use your pre-fight to start in Armor Up mode. Then you do the same process: play safe till Power Gain mode and launch SP1, this applies Slow. Then proceed: with Armor Up mode launch SP2. Then SP1 at Power Gain mode. This allows 100% uptime to the Slow debuff.
SS requires a pretty aggressive and fast play-time. If you miss a mode or gain too much power, either heavy attack to the correct mode or launch SP1 to get rid of some power.
In a buff-heavy match-up I would cycle pretty much continously SP1 for the nullification aura.
Without MD armor breaks are going to fall off and damage isn't going to be as good