Timeout changes for AQ?

Cma1323Cma1323 Member Posts: 68
Did the timeout penalty change for AQ with no notice? I was in a fight but had to pause it to deal with something which took a little longer than expected. I had map 7 MB down 30% health and I was at 10% myself. When I got back to game it fight was over with 0 points for score and I was at 50% health and MB was at full 100%. I know it had been mentioned a while back that it would change so did this already happen with no notice, just like the extra time of fights?


  • Cma1323Cma1323 Member Posts: 68

    The timer continues when you're on pause.

    Yeah I know cause you know its pretty much always done that, but that doesn't have anything to do with my question. I asked if the penalty for a time out changed. The penalty for a timeout use to be you would lose half your remaining health and the defender would be left with damage taken. So I would have been left with 5% health and MB would have been at 30% and that isn't what happened.
  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,689 ★★★★★
    Sounds like a glitch. The change was going to be Corvus not surviving. Your opponent wouldn't get their health back regardless.
  • Cma1323Cma1323 Member Posts: 68

    Sounds like a glitch. The change was going to be Corvus not surviving. Your opponent wouldn't get their health back regardless.

    That is what I thought but unfortunately that isn't what happened. I was using my R5 CAPIW on MB so trying to do the timeout survivor trick wouldn't have mattered for him anyway. I restarted app and came back and someone else took shot at MB and he was at 80% health despite that I had taken him down to 30% already. I have a ton of compensation stuff saved up so maybe I will try to test it out again and post it.
  • BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Member Posts: 2,548 ★★★★★
    edited March 2022
    Just happened with me just 2 min ago in map 7. I timed out on annihilus when he was at 20% and I was 80%. But as soon timer went out, I had 0 score and he was at full hp and I lost 50% of mine.☠️☠️
  • PanbohPanboh Member Posts: 72
    Its like that for ages under one condition: You don`t time out, rather "not finnish the fight" eg: game crash, your phone goes into sleep, switch to another app, etc. If you time out, you need to pause the fight and let the "timeout" animation proceed.
  • AverageDesiAverageDesi Member Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★
    Did you throw the game into the background? If you did, this happens. It's happened to me long back like this
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,345 ★★★★★
    Happened with me last war. I faced this bug a total of 3 times in about an year.

    And then he came back to full with my health halved.

    Did the whole fight again with AA.
  • Cma1323Cma1323 Member Posts: 68
    edited March 2022
    Panboh said:

    Its like that for ages under one condition: You don`t time out, rather "not finnish the fight" eg: game crash, your phone goes into sleep, switch to another app, etc. If you time out, you need to pause the fight and let the "timeout" animation proceed.

    If the game crashes or I force quit sure but it has never done that on a time out, which is my point. I had the game paused and the timer went down to 0:00. Even in the past when I would pause the game cause I was about to get KOed from an input issue I just let the timer run out and I would just lose half my remaining health but the defender never got all their health back.

    Did you throw the game into the background? If you did, this happens. It's happened to me long back like this

    Nope game was still on screen running the timer and when I came back it was on defender victory screen with 0 score for me.
  • Joker1976Joker1976 Member Posts: 892 ★★★
    Happened to me 2 times in AQ fighting Thanos with Odin and also in the Aw boss fight,..all down to 20% health and after the timeout they come back with full health.
  • Joker1976Joker1976 Member Posts: 892 ★★★
    Panboh said:

    Its like that for ages under one condition: You don`t time out, rather "not finnish the fight" eg: game crash, your phone goes into sleep, switch to another app, etc. If you time out, you need to pause the fight and let the "timeout" animation proceed.

    Nah this is a server thing my friend,..I’ve had my phone set up the same since I got it. And I just timed out 2 times at the AQ boss and 1 time at the AW boss, ..all 3 times they reverted back to full health.
  • Joker1976Joker1976 Member Posts: 892 ★★★
    Any info on the reason for this @Kabam Miike ??
  • Cma1323Cma1323 Member Posts: 68
    Joker1976 said:

    Any info on the reason for this @Kabam Miike ??

    Guess not?
  • Shad0wShad0w Member Posts: 87
    edited March 2022
    He doesn't respond, with unnecessary stuff he says, which is kinda dumb
  • Cma1323Cma1323 Member Posts: 68
    ShadowOG said:

    He doesn't respond, with unnecessary stuff he says, which is kinda dumb

    Not to say my post is more or less important than others but clearly there is an issue going on which should at least be addressed. Certainly wouldn't deem it unnecessary. A simple looking into it would suffice.
  • Richard2ZvenRichard2Zven Member Posts: 2
    Check this: https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/284834/alliance-quest-season-9-and-map-8-starting-november-19-2021

    Time out remove from map 8, the same thing would happen to the other maps, so…
  • BuggyDClownBuggyDClown Member Posts: 2,548 ★★★★★

    Check this: https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/284834/alliance-quest-season-9-and-map-8-starting-november-19-2021

    Time out remove from map 8, the same thing would happen to the other maps, so…

    I have read it, there is nothing new about map 6 and below
  • Liss_Bliss_Liss_Bliss_ Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    I just had this happen on my main alt. Got the main boss down to 3% with my attacker (Warlock) at 35%. Was mid L2 when time ran out. Was expecting to be able to go back in and just love tap him down. But he was back to where he was previously and I had more health missing.

    It's kind of like that bug we had with fights restarting, that infinite looping thing we had a while back.
  • SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Member Posts: 6,345 ★★★★★
    Couple of dedicated threads on this, in last few weeks in bugs section.
  • Cma1323Cma1323 Member Posts: 68

    Check this: https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/284834/alliance-quest-season-9-and-map-8-starting-november-19-2021

    Time out remove from map 8, the same thing would happen to the other maps, so…

    Yes that was months ago, buy there was never an announcement. If they made the changes that is fine then say so but at the same time the defender shouldn't go back to full health. I just dud a fight with a r3 namor against IW with 60% health on do you bleed map 7. I timed out with her at 9% health. I lose 50% health and she goes back to 60%. Didn't even try to time out bleed rng was horrible didn't even pause fight or anything. So it's garbage that we lose that much health and they go back to previous amount.
  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    @Liss_Bliss_ Yes, I had this happen last week with map 8 Peni boss. Only difference was my venompool had way more health, but the time out KO’d venompool and fully healed Peni. 🤦‍♂️
  • GamerGamer Member Posts: 11,520 ★★★★★
    Jaded said:

    @Liss_Bliss_ Yes, I had this happen last week with map 8 Peni boss. Only difference was my venompool had way more health, but the time out KO’d venompool and fully healed Peni. 🤦‍♂️

    It so stupid haven’t had a timeout in a long time again also only playing map 6. And I’m just dies if I’m can se I’m won’t win. Depending one ho of course
  • PirateJonPirateJon Member Posts: 82
    This happen to be agin today in AQ boss. Waste of 5min. Wtf
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