I’m addicted to quake
So, I’m pimp chimpin, just getting ready to run through the legendary difficulty of The event quest, and I put together the usual, herc, NF, Domino, She Hulk team. In the end, I threw in my quake for the synergy with NF. Anyways, I get to the Quake mini boss, and she starts joking with me, I’m getting heavy spammed, and beat into the wall, long aftershocks, next thing ik, all I’ve got is NF, and quake. And an 80% quake mini boss. So, after some deliberation, I decided to quake the debuff immune quake, and what do I know, easy solo. I quaked quake, do I need Rehab?
gets real bad when you quake a weapon x just because you want to see how many charges he can get up too
Also good job OP on that fight. I find it hard myself to quake when the enemy can't be stunned lol.
There was no icon for concussion when se was introduced.