What’s the point of boosts if you just crank up the difficulty?

Why did get the use of boosts if all you are going to do is make the fight that much more difficult to diminish the advantage of the boosts used?
Here is a super basic description of how boosts work in MCOC:
10% health boost - gives your champion an increase in health of 10%. This does not affect any champion you are fighting, only your playable champ. It will function in essentially every game mode from story quests to arena.
If you are complaining about content becoming more difficult as you progress deeper into the game........I don't know what to tell you. You can in fact permanently boost your champions' stats by using things like masteries, or ranking/leveling them up. You can even get better versions of those champions (higher star levels). A champion that is ranked up will then benefit commensurately with the application of all of the attack and health boosts.
I assume if you are asking about this that you aren't to the point of the Act 6 boosts, nor does it seem to apply to XP boosts or anything like that.
Edit: I looked into your only other posts, and it seems as though you have multiple 5* rank 5 champs and also at least one 6* rank 2. I'll throw in some extra advice. The forums are most helpful if you elaborate on your points. The game is also designed so that there are progressively harder fights. Not everyone can just waltz into the Abyss and get to the collector itemless, but it is possible. Boosts are not made to get you through content that you could never get through yourself. They are there to give you an extra edge in tough fights, or help mitigate the cost of difficult content. If you cannot get through a fight even with a boost, then practice a lot and go back to it. Maybe watch some Youtube videos on the game or a specific champ. Hopefully that helps.
Whether you'd agree with it or not, how can you not understand what he's trying to say.
And there used to be a time that Boosts were more rare, then later they became much more abundant and maybe relied on so much that new content is probably tuned with the expectation that Boosts would always be used.
I didn’t assume that he meant that because it doesn’t really make sense. People have completed all content in story quests and monthly quests with reasonably ranked champs and I don’t know many who use boosts for anything outside war or Everest content like AOL. How are you supposed to assume that content is made for better champs than are currently available? Seems like an extremely difficult claim to prove or measure.
Content is ultimately balanced around averages. If everyone used boosts, content would be designed for that situation. But everyone doesn't, and content isn't designed around that assumption. Content is ultimately designed around average metrics. It would not be a terribly large stretch to say that difficulty in a game like MCOC is designed like grading on a curve. Top 10% get an A, next 10% get a B, the next 10% get a C.
When Uncollected difficulty content is played by Uncollected tier players, the developers expect a certain percentage of players to skate through it, a certain percentage of players to struggle, and a certain percentage of players to fail. When content hits those metrics, it is "balanced" for that difficulty tier. If everyone started using boosts, everyone would succeed at a higher rate and the content would get harder over time. In fact, if everyone just got better at the game, the content would get harder over time. This tends to not happen for the simple reason that few players play long enough to get much better that don't also progress to higher tiers in the game. There aren't many ultra awesome skilled players that have also been Uncollected for four years while playing lots of content. Basically, the better you are as an Uncollected player, the less time you spend as an Uncollected player, and the less you matter to the Uncollected averages.
As to the OP, you could also ask what's the point of ranking up champions and beating content if we're just going to have to face even harder defenders in content? In a single player closed ended game, the point to beating content is to eventually reach a victory condition. Eventually you beat the game. In progressional games as a service like MCOC, the point to beating content and progressing is the journey of progressing. Your only reward for beating content is to get access to more content, or even the opportunity to sit around and wait for more content to arrive. And the reason why boosts exist is to give you an opportunity to beat something today that you would otherwise have to wait until tomorrow to become strong enough to beat, via the mechanism of acquiring and managing those resources.
I have completed 90-95% of the content in this game without boosts because I save them for big ticket pieces of content and war so I can say without a shadow of a doubt that there’s no problem.
The new hardest content are things like Carina Challenges, GM Gauntlet, Summer of Spain type stuff. Which all of those types of content have gotten harder.