Longshot Mechanics
Longshot's abilities mention his base Ability Accuracy being 300%. What does this mean exactly? That all his abilities have their AA tripled? Or that they can't be reduced if his AA isn't reduced below 100%?
Post edited by Kabam Porthos on
Speaking of Longshot having interesting abilities...
Would it go from having a 50% to trigger to having a:
150% (3*50)
350% (300+50)
Or would no increase in ability accuracy occur?
@SkyLord7000 there’s your answer
“Low Chance Buff nodes
If Longshot is placed on a Node in Alliance War Defense that has a low chance of activating, Longshot’s base increase of Ability Accuracy increases the chances of that ability activation by 300%.”
“Developer Notes: Longshot will be unaffected by passive Ability Accuracy modifications from Champions like Domino or Blade. Additionally, if you place him on a War defense node that has a Buff such as “Freezer Burn”, his base Ability Accuracy makes it so he has a 60% chance to Incinerate his Opponent whenever he is Struck.”
Freezer Burn
When striking the Defender, the Attacker has a 20% chance to be inflicted with an Incinerate Debuff
Isn’t that 200% increase?
Increased by 100% means 20% becomes 40% chance (+20%p)
So 300% increase should mean 20% become 80% (+60%p)
Seems like Kabam made a small mistake there