Dead Gwenpool [Not A Bug]

So I just had my Awakened Gwenpool ko'd by a special. It’s like she has lost her powers. Is there a dampening mutant loose in the realm?
Post edited by Kabam Wolf on
First off, if it’s in arena/AW, your opponent might have assassin, which would cause a large chance her sig fails to protect her if spread over multiple hits.
Second, if it’s his s1, then, like Magrailothos said, it might be part of his incinerate dealing that final tick of damage.
Who killed her?
No i meant champ… GP is all KINDS of bugged tboufh
Except if it was a L3 from half health Tiffin Hyperion then there’s an issue
Is this happening to anyone else? My GP still is at risk facing specials. (Hela SP3 took her out). I just ko’d a duped GP with mordo’s SP3. I thought this was plot armour was supposed to prevent this.
Gwenpool's read enough comics to know that the main character doesn't die, preventing her from losing more than 65.03* of her current health per hit from special attacks.
So technically, if they are below 65%, then she has a chance to die from special attacks
Earlier if i hit GP with a multi-hit SP and she was near death, each hit of that SP would do '1' damage and she would stay alive. But now she can be killed with a SP even with over half her hp remaining.
Even if she is above the 18% mark prior to the special?
If 1 hit takes you below 18% then assassins kicks in I believe. Correct me if i'm wrong, but I thought this is how it works.