What if…

…Multiverse of Madness comes out and a new Doc is introduced into the game (call him “Defender Strange” for sake of discussion)?
History suggests Kabam is often unkind to the OG champs—notable examples include OG Spidey (lots of lost chances to boost with synergies) and OGCM. Plenty of times that were available to make the old champs relevant via synergy, but the team apparently decided to leave most of the old champs weak.
OGCM is perhaps one of the worst examples of elder abandonment/abuse in the game—the intro of CMM provided a synergy that made OGCM specials unblockable while fury was active (furies have a Kabam 11% chance to activate when she is being used as an attacker). Not a lot of love for the old Captain there. Others have gotten a little better treatment (Abom via RG, for example) while some have been all but abandoned (OGIM).
Why mention this now? First, because there’s apparently a newfound interest by the team in making older champs who are acquired by newer players useable (hello again, Gamora). Second, because it’s important to put it out there to the team (if they are designing a Defender Strange) that giving classic Doc some help would be warmly appreciated by the community. And third, because it would be the right thing to do after smacking classic Doc with 12.0 about as hard as anyone got smacked.
Dr. Zola
History suggests Kabam is often unkind to the OG champs—notable examples include OG Spidey (lots of lost chances to boost with synergies) and OGCM. Plenty of times that were available to make the old champs relevant via synergy, but the team apparently decided to leave most of the old champs weak.
OGCM is perhaps one of the worst examples of elder abandonment/abuse in the game—the intro of CMM provided a synergy that made OGCM specials unblockable while fury was active (furies have a Kabam 11% chance to activate when she is being used as an attacker). Not a lot of love for the old Captain there. Others have gotten a little better treatment (Abom via RG, for example) while some have been all but abandoned (OGIM).
Why mention this now? First, because there’s apparently a newfound interest by the team in making older champs who are acquired by newer players useable (hello again, Gamora). Second, because it’s important to put it out there to the team (if they are designing a Defender Strange) that giving classic Doc some help would be warmly appreciated by the community. And third, because it would be the right thing to do after smacking classic Doc with 12.0 about as hard as anyone got smacked.
Dr. Zola
Not a suggestion or a request in the slightest.
Dr. Zola
Anyway, hope we won't get leaks as of who is coming next month, I want it to be a surprise