Is quake broken.... Evade not working in war

Ok so i have fought with quake in war a million times and on the node combination this sentinel was on Buffet and burden of might .. Neither of these nodes can stop quakes concussion or grant him true strike or accuracy. If she is bugged then she needs to be fixed. I may have cost us this war due to her not working correctly ill post a video if i can to show interaction
Never go into an aw fight on a small revive only on principle tbh one mistake and you’ve given a kill so hate to say it but if you did cost your ally the war it was due to you not healing up rather than quake being broken... @Bigmoney1025
Speaking as someone who used to be the leader of a P1 ally nothing will annoy your leadership more than jumping into an aw fight on only a small revive if you are even slightly competitive in aw!