Sigil Arena??

This is the max i could grind for:
6 stars: ( 2 million X 7 = 14 Million)
5 stars: ( 1 million X 7 = 7 Million)
Total 21 million
And another
+9 million from ( 5star R1's & 4star R5's)
(600 - 900 units)
Total : 30 Mil
Is this sufficient for Sigil??? And when does the results come out
Dr. Zola
Dr. Zola
Guess I stopped at a good number
Sorry for the OP as well if the scores mentioned here hold up.
Yeah man , it does 😬. Honestly, I would have never minded making 300-500k more than 32m but felt 32m to be safe score. The cutoff went unexpectedly high.
First time I try to go to feature (and last).
All this time and effort for 5*… this reward doesn’t feat the progression level of someone that can grind the feature arena.
I should have stop at 35m for the free sigil… I have much more to do with that than a 5* champ.
You are just on the brink. I missed it with 32.02m
Seeing all these posts of those who barely missed it makes me so happy to I did that last little batch as it looks like I finished up around the bottom of the top 5% cutoff for another month of free sigil