Haven’t been in the game for around 6+ months. But now looking forward to get back in the game seriously. What kind of ally can I hope to get with my profile?
Our ally has a couple open spots if you're still looking. We are S4VED, we play Map 5, Silver 2 in war. Pulling down 4k+ glory a week. If interested just add me on Line, emmettmpq.
Hello! [NJAH!] is a 40 mil 6 year old veteran alliance looking for a few players. Only requirement is AQ maps 4/4/4 with epic and master mods. Must be very active in aq as it is our only requirement. AW is optional with one battlegroup. Discord for comm. We score about 150mil + in aq and get about 3k glory a week. This is a perfect alliance for veteran players tired of the grind, or want to work on end game content without having to worry about a huge AQ or AW commitment but still want glory. Also a good alliance for intermediate players who want to progress. Uncollected or Cavalier suggested. We are a relaxed but efficient adult alliance of long time players. Dm me ingame QueenNjah
Line ID: 3boudy
Gold 2 war season rotating 2 BGs so everyone wars 8 times.
Looking for people who know what they are doing but don’t want to be married to their phone
Around 10k prestige minimum
North American time zones preferred
We are well organized, low stress time friendly alliance
Connect with me if interested.
darkclawprime is my Line ID
UGWLs is alliance tag
Thank you for your consideration