Another pointless grind
Member Posts: 472 ★★★
Just grinded the cav eq 100% in just a couple days and this is what I get. I love this game. So much.
Since you're near done with content, what else are you looking for?
Also, how you got the shards for the crystal isn't actually relevant. Because you grinded some fairly easy content weeks after it was released doesn't seem relevant in being upset with your pull (which isn't a bad pull anyway)
Sure, there are far better champs to pull, but that's a good one IMO.
I am gonna go out on a limb an assume you aren't hurting too bad over this
Just changing your perspective or the terms in which you view a situation makes all the difference.
I don’t even give those pulls a second thought. OK, fine, move on to the next thing.
That is what a pointless grinding looks like! A full month of grinding content for a handful of stinking 3*s!
And in my case it seems like my rng was stuck! I have pulled more 3* novas than any player should in a single month of "special" crystals!
8 or nine of them as a matter of fact because he was popping out of all kinds of crystals!
But! As we all know! Everything in this game can have a bug except one thing! Our rng! That is just not possible! Right?