G2099 SP3 not working

MofuggerMofugger Member Posts: 90
Just tried 2 times in a row on Epic difficulty of America's All Stars - Week 1. The defenders were Rogue and Sabertooth. In both instances I got them down to 3% and did an SP3. Both times the defender remained at 3%.

G2099 is 5* rank 5. On epic difficulty the health pool should not prevent a K.O.


  • MofuggerMofugger Member Posts: 90
    An example progression:

  • MofuggerMofugger Member Posts: 90
    Well, pictures are out of order, but the second from the bottom is actually after the SP3 finished.
  • Shakti4allShakti4all Member Posts: 120
    Happened to me in the last war, G2099 vs Bishop
  • MofuggerMofugger Member Posts: 90
    A few more data points. I've reproduced this 100% of the time taking the right path in Epic difficulty. SP3 works as intended on left side Epic difficulty. Also works in Legendary and Master difficulties on both paths.
  • KnightNvrEndingKnightNvrEnding Member Posts: 452 ★★★
    Happened to me in the side quest too with two different champs lol
  • VMR007VMR007 Member Posts: 15
    I experienced the same in both legendary and epic difficulties. Opponents were captain America and red Hulk. No damage was done in both scenarios and in both difficulties
  • VMR007VMR007 Member Posts: 15
    Will this issue be rectified any time soon?
  • Crumb3307Crumb3307 Member Posts: 346 ★★
    Doesn’t that path have ebb and flow knock down? Was his damage reduction up? I had this happen too, thought it was because of that
  • ThomildoThomildo Member Posts: 516 ★★★

  • MofuggerMofugger Member Posts: 90
    There is no ebb and flow on right path, only left.
  • ThomildoThomildo Member Posts: 516 ★★★
    Crumb3307 said:

    Doesn’t that path have ebb and flow knock down? Was his damage reduction up? I had this happen too, thought it was because of that

    Thought so too, but in the pics there’s no protection icon. And if i’m not wrong ebb&flow is only on the left path. Must be something else.
  • B_Dizzle_01B_Dizzle_01 Member Posts: 1,637 ★★★
    This has happened to me as well. Also not just in side quest. Happened to me in war the other day. With Claire.
  • Hopper13131Hopper13131 Member Posts: 65
    Just came here to see if I was the only one. Same problem for my 6* r3 g2099 on epic difficulty week 1. Didn't knock out a 3% health Loki or 3% health crossbones. It did knock out a 1% colossus, surprisingly. I just did this with her on legendary difficulty last week and I thought it was working fine then. I did the entire quest on legendary with her and never noticed any issues. I was knocking them out on legendary when at less than 5% health, but it's not working for epic difficulty.

    No word from Kabam?
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