The weekly compensation package should still be a thing..



  • baskinrobbinsknowsbaskinrobbinsknows Member Posts: 284 ★★★
    Kabam Jax said:

    Hello summoners!

    I wanted to communicate that we've had discussions about the cost and frustrations players have faced due to the energy refill/dimming bug. There are ongoing conversations surrounding how to appropriately provide relief for all summoners.

    This will be separate from the future compensation package for the ongoing input issues.

    I know it's just a nugget, but it's all I know at this time. We will be communicate this info to the entire community once we have concrete information.

    Thanks for atleast giving us some word.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,458 ★★★★★
    Kabam Jax said:

    Hello summoners!

    I wanted to communicate that we've had discussions about the cost and frustrations players have faced due to the energy refill/dimming bug. There are ongoing conversations surrounding how to appropriately provide relief for all summoners.

    This will be separate from the future compensation package for the ongoing input issues.

    I know it's just a nugget, but it's all I know at this time. We will be communicate this info to the entire community once we have concrete information.

    Thanks Jax—appreciate the info!

    Dr. Zola
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  • BadroseBadrose Member Posts: 781 ★★★
    I like this game very much. During the last 7 years I did it all and the more challenging the game was, the more I enjoyed it. But now... Passion is gone. I don't remember the last time I had a normal fight without getting hit because my champion either decide to:

    - refuses to dash back and eat a full combo
    - get his block broken.
    - launches a heavy during a combo
    - launches a special and got parried or not launching a special at all

    As a result, I stopped to complete Act 7, stopped doing wars and moved to an AQ5 only alliance. I'll try but I'm pretty sure I will not be able to do Eternity of Pain Week 5 without consuming a lot of revives. And while I watch videos on youtube I keep saying: "Damn, I'm one of those kind of good players, be patient". But then you play your game and you get hit, frustration increases, patience runs out.

    Thanks Kabam!
  • TrapKill66TrapKill66 Member Posts: 98
    I feel that the previous compensation packages were for a completely different issue, which has been fixed, current issues are different and definitely need addressing with more than a hot fix, but it's a different set of issues. Currently I am playing fine for the most part, but cannot scroll through my many, many champs without near constant freezing. I mean it scrolls through maybe one or one and a half rows and then freezes, and then recognises the final moment of the last part of my input, and opens up a champ's info, which is extremely frustrating, bordering on game breaking. I want something, but the prior comp packages were geared towards a different issue.
  • redsoxpatsfan89redsoxpatsfan89 Member Posts: 164
    Kabam Jax said:

    Hello summoners!

    I wanted to communicate that we've had discussions about the cost and frustrations players have faced due to the energy refill/dimming bug. There are ongoing conversations surrounding how to appropriately provide relief for all summoners.

    This will be separate from the future compensation package for the ongoing input issues.

    I know it's just a nugget, but it's all I know at this time. We will be communicate this info to the entire community once we have concrete information.

    Thanks Jax, really appreciate the update. Even small pieces of information like this goes a long way in acknowledging its still being worked on
  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★
    Kabam Jax said:

    Hello summoners!

    I wanted to communicate that we've had discussions about the cost and frustrations players have faced due to the energy refill/dimming bug. There are ongoing conversations surrounding how to appropriately provide relief for all summoners.

    This will be separate from the future compensation package for the ongoing input issues.

    I know it's just a nugget, but it's all I know at this time. We will be communicate this info to the entire community once we have concrete information.

    Just to make sure.. its not JUST the dimming problem.. its the memory leak.. its the laggy, choppy, game... Inputs being drop a LOT, devices overheating...
    The dimming is the least of our problems
  • Terry_BolleaTerry_Bollea Member Posts: 55
    I have never seen the community so upset and Kabam so absent.
  • Theshark1Theshark1 Member Posts: 77
    They need to update the glory store as well you can only buy 2 potions no revives and there low ones 2500 health and 6000 health plus you can only buy 2 a day that’s not even enough to fully heal a single champ.
  • PintzzPintzz Member Posts: 297 ★★

    The game has actually got worse for me since the compensation stopped and it was supposedly "fixed"

    I feel the same and have spent a lot over the years. After this season is done taking a break indefinitely. Playing Diablo immortal and enjoying it much more then the current state of mcoc
    Will continue EOP weekly but that may be the basis of what I log in for at this point
  • RaganatorRaganator Member Posts: 2,593 ★★★★★
    I'm not sure how, but the controls have gotten even worse for me since the new update. This will be the first July 4th/cyber weekend where I can't justify to myself spending any money. I have no problem with those that will spend either. Been playing for 7 years and while 12.0 was a slap in the face at the least the game was function. And yes, I know some people are not having issues, so my complaints and decisions are entirely subjective. I can accept that and am not suggesting that anyone should boycott/protest. It's just frustrating and a let down that the controls have been this way for almost a year.
  • Anurag1606Anurag1606 Member Posts: 1,189 ★★★
    Kabam Jax said:

    Hello summoners!

    This will be separate from the future compensation package for the ongoing input issues.


    So you do agree that there are "ONGOING INPUT ISSUES" ? Finally kabam team agrees and approves of it rather than amicably announcing that the bugs were fixed and stopped the weekly compensations. Looks like, Internally everyone at kabam knows that the input issues never got solved infact it got worsened. They just want everyone to move along with whatever is left of the game it seems. Almost everyone who's playing the game since long is complaining of issues. Please, a transparent communication would be nicer.
  • Bugmat78Bugmat78 Member Posts: 2,491 ★★★★★
    Kbugii said:

    The input issue was never really fixed and by the company just pretending like it was only angers the player base more. 10 of our 30 members from a long time p2/3 alliance have already given their notice to the alliance that they will be leaving after the end of this season because the problems are too costly and the solution that was given is not really a solution.
    Those revives and pots sent out each week went a long way to at least minimize the pain we were feeling with the input issues especially in aq and aw. I have alliance mates trying to dash back and they run right into the defender. I’ll try to block and just stand there like I forgot what I was doing. Now when those issues happen that are out of our control it costs us more than most are willing to pay. Here’s a great example. My capiw has 38,216 health. If the inputs drop in aq which they have quite a bit. Here’s what it cost for me to get him back from something that I couldn’t control. Revive - 280 Glory (that’s 4K health) lvl 4 pots - 260 Glory (9500 health). So I need the revive and 4 pots to get him back because of an issue from the game itself. That’s 1320 glory every single time this happens or start throwing away those units.
    The same case can be made for war too.

    I also find it ridiculous and a bit transparent that AW revives have been changed to 40% (for 1 loyalty each) but AQ revives are still levels like 350, 1650 or 4000 HP - amounts that were barely relevant for anything above 4*, and here we are with 6r3 or 6r4 reviving at 4k health!

    Like can we at least pretend to be serious?
  • ForwardForward Member Posts: 115 ★★
    Raganator said:

    I'm not sure how, but the controls have gotten even worse for me since the new update. This will be the first July 4th/cyber weekend where I can't justify to myself spending any money. I have no problem with those that will spend either. Been playing for 7 years and while 12.0 was a slap in the face at the least the game was function. And yes, I know some people are not having issues, so my complaints and decisions are entirely subjective. I can accept that and am not suggesting that anyone should boycott/protest. It's just frustrating and a let down that the controls have been this way for almost a year.

    I haven't had any issues leading up to the update. Since the update my game is trash. Lagging like mad and dropped inputs left and right.

    Clearly I meant to stand and take that l2 to the face, thanks for knowing better and reading the dex input!

    I'm on a galaxy s21 ultra for reference.
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  • Snipe981Snipe981 Member Posts: 2
    I have to agree with the masses here that the inputs are far from fixed. Actually, the inputs are far worse that they have ever been for me. Before it was the occasional dash back or parry and, while annoying and a source for unnecessary deaths, the weekly compensation made it more of an annoyance. Now, we're told "good news, it's all fixed". No, no it's not.

    Now I regularly miss the final attack in a mlllm sequence, or parry and sit there while trying to throw a quick heavy, or have block break mid combo. These problems never happened before but are now commonplace. It's a problem and on the is NOT being acknowledged by Kabam.

    I am a Paragon with just about everything in game at 100% so either I forgot how to play sporadically or, more likely, things are not working as intended. While I think the "big compensation" is long overdue I believe the weekly should resume for everyone. While I'm fortunate enough to have a sizeable roster and deep resource pool that is far from the norm and we shouldn't have to dip into our reserves because the game isn't performing.

    I enjoy this game, it's one I've played for several years, I run Map 8, I'm in a top 200 alliance, and I've definitely supported it by picking up packages over that time. This year I am unsure about my future in the game and I know I'm not alone.

    Kabam, please, show us that you're listening and communicate the plan, demonstrate that we are important to you. There is no game without a community of players and we're feeling pushed to the side with our concerns dismissed time and again.

    I hope these thoughts resonate with you and that you recognize we're frustrated but we want to play, we want to support the game, we just need a reason to.

    Lets acknowledge a problem exists, restart the compensation for weekly use, and implement a regular communication schedule so we understand what's going on.
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