Correct, and to summarize, within the square brackets you enter a 3 numeric Hex code in order of RED, GREEN, BLUE (thus RGB terminology, think Computer or TV screens, which only have Red, Green, and Blue elements for each pixel of the screen). Each value ranging from 00 to FF (which in base-10 is 0 to 255). And doesn’t matter if you use Capital letters A-F, or Lower case letters a-f. The higher the value, the brighter the magnitude of that particular color.
So an FF would be full brightness of that RBG portion. [FF0000] is Bright Red, [00FF00] is bright Green, etc.
While 7F is at half strength for the color. [00007F] being medium/dark Blue.
Combining values for more than one of the RGB positions means combining colors, and eventually up at [FFFFFF] becomes full Bright White. And [000000] is total Black.
Below are some color code combinations that I found stand out very nicely on the screen in the game (regular Red text in game I always found to be too dark, even if it is full ff0000)…
You type that code before the text you want to be colored, then to change color just insert a different color code, or revert back to basic grey by changing to [7f7f7f]
Alliance Tab Formatting in Game (edited by Leader). Codes in brackets [...] followed by text (no space between formatting and text). Colors (by Hex code) Red [ff0000], Green [00ff00], Blue [0000ff].
Below are some color code combinations that I found stand out very nicely on the screen in the game (regular Red text in game I always found to be too dark, even if it is full ff0000)…
You type that code before the text you want to be colored, then to change color just insert a different color code, or revert back to basic grey by changing to [7f7f7f]
Alliance Tab Formatting in Game (edited by Leader). Codes in brackets [...] followed by text (no space between formatting and text). Colors (by Hex code) Red [ff0000], Green [00ff00], Blue [0000ff].
Below are some color code combinations that I found stand out very nicely on the screen in the game (regular Red text in game I always found to be too dark, even if it is full ff0000)…
You type that code before the text you want to be colored, then to change color just insert a different color code, or revert back to basic grey by changing to [7f7f7f]
Alliance Tab Formatting in Game (edited by Leader). Codes in brackets [...] followed by text (no space between formatting and text). Colors (by Hex code) Red [ff0000], Green [00ff00], Blue [0000ff].
Then just put the color in a bracket like this
[FFFF00] This is yellow color
Yeah, it's hexadecimal colour codes.
You gotta play around a bit (trial and error) to get it looking right.
Each value ranging from 00 to FF (which in base-10 is 0 to 255). And doesn’t matter if you use Capital letters A-F, or Lower case letters a-f.
The higher the value, the brighter the magnitude of that particular color.
So an FF would be full brightness of that RBG portion. [FF0000] is Bright Red, [00FF00] is bright Green, etc.
While 7F is at half strength for the color. [00007F] being medium/dark Blue.
Combining values for more than one of the RGB positions means combining colors, and eventually up at [FFFFFF] becomes full Bright White. And [000000] is total Black.
You type that code before the text you want to be colored, then to change color just insert a different color code, or revert back to basic grey by changing to [7f7f7f]
Alliance Tab Formatting in Game (edited by Leader).
Codes in brackets [...] followed by text (no space between formatting and text).
Colors (by Hex code) Red [ff0000], Green [00ff00], Blue [0000ff].
--GREEN-- [11bb11]
--RED-- [ff3333]
--PURPLE-- [aa44ff]
--YELLOW-- [dddd00]
--CYAN-- [00dddd]
--Med-BLUE-- [2899ff]
--ORANGE-- [ee6600]
--PINK'ish-- [ff88cc]
Bold ON [b], OFF [/b].
Underline ON [u], OFF [/u]
Italic ON [i], OFF [/i].
SmallText ON [sub], OFF [/sub].
What's the code for the next line?
New Line - \n