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It would be cool if we were able to trade champions with players like if I had a 4 star SPIDERMAN I can trade it to somebody and they give me a 4 star champion they have


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    TrubluMateTrubluMate Posts: 371 ★★★
    It has ruined games in the past.
    I used to play XMen Battle of the Atom. Trading allowed people to make out of game sales, this caused only a few people to spend on the game and everyone else to just buy the champs they wanted using PayPal etc. once that happens the game is financially unsustainable.
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    SpideyFunkoSpideyFunko Posts: 21,872 ★★★★★
    why the necro
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    Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Posts: 7,248 ★★★★★
    This would be so abused. Never gonna happen.
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    why the necro

    Oh snap I didn't even notice that. I think there was a comment that got removed before works.
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    Dash855Dash855 Posts: 239
    And we see this thread again
    People could get tricked into a bad trade
    People would exploit it by farming new accounts
    How would it work with things like level and sig?
    It would break the games economy and trophy champs would lose there worth
    Also, lab ultron. It’s tempting to trade a champ as bad as him, but then people would be complaining all over the forms because they can’t get him back
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    Malreck04Malreck04 Posts: 3,323 ★★★★★

    This gets suggested every year. It's not a good idea and would be terrible for the game. Just about as bad an idea as selling champs

    while we're here, it would be significantly worse than selling champs. Your account loses out by selling champs, but not by trading.
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    CaptainaidenCaptainaiden Posts: 848 ★★★
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    ChatterofforumsChatterofforums Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    Terrible idea that would immediately break the game beyond repair. What many would do (including myself) get even more mini accounts and just do lopsided trades to seriously jackup main account you care about
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    redsoxpatsfan89redsoxpatsfan89 Posts: 164
    2nd accounts would also come into play. Im gonna trade my 6* herc on one account for my 2* groot on my other account. Or what happens if someone trades you a champ you already have
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    H700H700 Posts: 87
    edited June 2022

    This gets suggested every year. It's not a good idea and would be terrible for the game. Just about as bad an idea as selling champs

    I remember getting a 4* punisher in arena crystals, it was a couple of months before they removed that horrible feature, I'm still waiting to get it again to this day, I'm a survivor
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    K00shMaanK00shMaan Posts: 1,289 ★★★★
    There is potentially room for Trading to exist but absolutely not Player-to-Player trading. It would break the economy of the game.
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