Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

[merged] Tiered offers



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    Burrito2525Burrito2525 Posts: 510 ★★★
    A lot of these issues would be solved if communication was done IN GAME rather via a website I’d wager the majority of the player base doesn’t even know exists
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    GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Posts: 36,376 ★★★★★
    Grub said:

    Honestly it’s kinda ridiculous. Today is July 4th, which is what the offers are celebrating. The in game mail said the tiered offers would be available through the 5th of July.

    That they ended this morning, is just plain wrong and should be rectified if the people that are buying the unit offers want to purchase them. It’s only right to let them either via ticket or whatever.

    It's not just July 4th. Canada Day is the 1st as well.
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    Deckard2192Deckard2192 Posts: 15

    The percentage of players who use the forums is much, much smaller than Kabam realizes.
    Messages this important should be in an IN-GAME banner.

    They know very well, as active users on a forum is easy to track. They obviously didn’t care for whatever reason in this instance.

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    gforcefangforcefan Posts: 387 ★★★
    This is amazing. If you send an in-game message with incorrect information, then you send a new one correcting the mistake.
    And on top of that, I had been logged out on the forums. That message did not appear for some reason until I logged in.
    Honestly, I appreciate the hard work by some at Kabam. But I am going FTP because I cannot continue to support a company that keeps doing these types of things.
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    Deckard2192Deckard2192 Posts: 15

    Still no response from any of the mods. Seems like they want to sweep this under the rug as always and hope everyone forgets.

    I'll probably forget, but my wallet won't. That dude is a spiteful elephant. 😁

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    Deckard2192Deckard2192 Posts: 15
    gforcefan said:

    I'm not sure if some people just like to argue the contrary. But imagine any other business sends out letters/or emails to customers offering a deal ending on July 5th. When you go to store, they say "sorry, we put a flyer on our window yesterday, you should have read it."

    A million times THIS.
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    YodaKajYodaKaj Posts: 72
    edited July 2022
    @Kabam Jax " I missed ALL the July 4th Deals, because I only read the in game mail, which stated...deals closing on the 5th of July. I had been grinding and saving units since I first heard about the 4th July deals. It's funny, because its called the 4th of july deals, but it closes before. I was still grinidng yesterday too, from 8000 units trying to get to 10K. Very unclear message from Kabam.
    Not everyone is on the forums.

    Allow those who missed and misunderstood the timing to re-access the unit-based deals for 12 to 24 hours. Alot of us are sitting with 10K++ units and were waiting until 5th July morning to spend it.
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    Fit_Fun9329Fit_Fun9329 Posts: 1,893 ★★★★★
    YodaKaj said:

    @Kabam Jax " I missed ALL the July 4th Deals, because I only read the in game mail, which stated...deals closing on the 5th of July. I had been grinding and saving units since I first heard about the 4th July deals. It's funny, because its called the 4th of july deals, but it closes before. I was still grinidng yesterday too, from 8000 units trying to get to 10K. Very unclear message from Kabam.
    Not everyone is on the forums.

    Allow those who missed and misunderstood the timing to re-access the unit-based deals for 12 to 24 hours. Alot of us are sitting with 10K++ units and were waiting until 5th July morning to spend it.

    I don’t think there will be a re enabling of the offers. Let it rest now, act 8 will come at some point this or next year so use the units there. Or the gifting event :smile: cannot see that the offers will come back. It’s unfortunate but it’s over
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    gforcefangforcefan Posts: 387 ★★★
    Kabam Jax said:

    Hey summoners.

    I wanted to let you know that the dev team are having discussions around if there is a way they can make the tiered deals accessible for players who missed their opportunity due to the unclear messaging.

    This doesn't guarantee anything, but I thought I'd let you know that it's on their radar, in case you wanted to hang on to your unit surplus.

    Thank you. I think players appreciate this kind of communication.
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    CovenantOneCovenantOne Posts: 7
    @Kabam Jax I'm really glad Kabam is in talks about this issue. We really would like additional time to take advantage of the 7-4 Tiered Unit deals. A lot of us have grinded our thumbs to the bone in order to prepare for this once a year occasion.

    Thanks again for your consideration!!
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    Sunstar19Sunstar19 Posts: 127
    @Kabam Jax
    Appreciate the update. My first post because I am still reeling from the huge disappointment and shock from not able to buy all the offers when I had full confidence to do so until I realized I could not.

    I hope their solution has considered players who have bought only Tier 1 and 2, and not the last offer because I am one of them, and was confused by the timer reset for a new 3-day duration after my first purchase, believing I had plenty of time. On hindsight, I should have disregarded the new timer and followed the official announcement that it would end by July 4 so it was partly my mistake.

    If they do re-trigger the offers starting from Tier 1 again for everyone, it would be unfair to those who have already purchased the first and/or second deal and can't imagine anyone would have the willingness or the units to re-purchase the deals just to reach the last tier. I am now hoping they are able to develop some system logic to identify this group of players and push the 'correct' level of offers in the game.
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    YodaKajYodaKaj Posts: 72
    @Kabam Miike thanks for considering this.
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