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[merged] Tiered offers

SanikđSanikđ Posts: 2
edited July 2022 in General Discussion
Incredibly unfair to remove the offers a full day before the in game mail says they expire. Joined the forums for the first time just because I'm in so much disbelief over this. No communication to anyone who doesn't use the forums. Wasted the last 4 days of my life grinding and being excited to reach paragon but only left with salt and disappointment because the offers were ripped early. I feel bloody awful about it. Horrible communication.
Post edited by Kabam Jax on


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    Malreck04Malreck04 Posts: 3,323 ★★★★★
    quite sure that was 1.5 hours ago
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    My sentiments exactly..
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    SummonerNRSummonerNR Posts: 11,329 Guardian

    Cash offers are till July 5th, unit offers ended 1.5hrs ago

    Mail says otherwise
    But they did have a big GREEN notice on top of Forum here.

    As well (more importantly) as in game itself your Timer Icon for how long you have to buy the offer would have said the exact timeframe.
    Needed to buy the first level (1000 units) of the offer by July 4th midday, and then you get a refreshed amount of time again in order to buy next level, etc.
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    Fit_Fun9329Fit_Fun9329 Posts: 1,897 ★★★★★
    I knew that exactly this will happen .. oh my
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    GreenbaychisGreenbaychis Posts: 16
    Really wish they would have corrected this
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    Was waiting to see if mail or timer was correct. Thanks for saving me money! Now I can quit in peace ✌️
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    Tx_Quack_Attack6589Tx_Quack_Attack6589 Posts: 646 ★★★★

    I knew that exactly this will happen .. oh my

    This is honestly ridiculous. Players in endgame level always look at the in game email more than the forums.
    Strange several of us in the forums are end game players. Again the in game offers had timers, didn’t require you to check forums or in game mail to see those.
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    The unit and progression offers goes together like it always had.
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    YodaKajYodaKaj Posts: 74
    I've been looking for the unit based offers, and it's nowhere to be found.
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    YodaKajYodaKaj Posts: 74
    The in gane mail says valid until 5th July.
    Also its called the 4th July specials.
    I wasted 1000 units on some other t2a bundle as there was nothing else.
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    OGAvengerOGAvenger Posts: 1,121 ★★★★★
    YodaKaj said:

    The in gane mail says valid until 5th July.
    Also its called the 4th July specials.
    I wasted 1000 units on some other t2a bundle as there was nothing else.

    Read the posts right above yours and you’ll have all the answers you desire.
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    GrubGrub Posts: 258 ★★★
    Honestly it’s kinda ridiculous. Today is July 4th, which is what the offers are celebrating. The in game mail said the tiered offers would be available through the 5th of July.

    That they ended this morning, is just plain wrong and should be rectified if the people that are buying the unit offers want to purchase them. It’s only right to let them either via ticket or whatever.
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    GrubGrub Posts: 258 ★★★
    Kabam Jax said:

    It wasn't sent in an in-game message because the information wasn't necessarily incorrect, the two separate timers were just confusing. We addressed it in forum because that's where we received the question, the same way you asked it in the forum.

    The timer was still an accurate representation, we drew direct attention to it to provide clarity.

    Except it was incorrect. The mail clearly says the offers would be available through the 5th. Literally it’s in text.
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    GrubGrub Posts: 258 ★★★
    Grub said:

    Kabam Jax said:

    It wasn't sent in an in-game message because the information wasn't necessarily incorrect, the two separate timers were just confusing. We addressed it in forum because that's where we received the question, the same way you asked it in the forum.

    The timer was still an accurate representation, we drew direct attention to it to provide clarity.

    Except it was incorrect. The mail clearly says the offers would be available through the 5th. Literally it’s in text where the OP posted.
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    GamerGamer Posts: 10,399 ★★★★★
    Kabam Jax said:

    It wasn't sent in an in-game message because the information wasn't necessarily incorrect, the two separate timers were just confusing. We addressed it in forum because that's where we received the question, the same way you asked it in the forum.

    The timer was still an accurate representation, we drew direct attention to it to provide clarity.

    To be honestly everyone should knew it not all is one forums when do Kabam team understanding that’s

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    SummonerNRSummonerNR Posts: 11,329 Guardian
    JAX, since everyone is commenting in this one. How about also a clarification about subsequent offer timeframes.

    Your reply mentioned the 2 separate timeframes, I assume you mean the bottom pop-up style (email) offers to spend units, vs the Unit Store (upper-right) offers spending real money ? And that July 4th was an initial deadline for purchasing THE FIRST Level of the pop-up offer.

    Can you clarify @Maverick75 's question from below.
    Will there be a hard cutoff as per the July 5th time, or will the newer 3-day timers from earlier purchases of the pop-ups continue past July 5th (to whatever their countdown is for each person, based on when they bought the prior Level of the pop-up) ?

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    Tx_Quack_Attack6589Tx_Quack_Attack6589 Posts: 646 ★★★★
    Grub said:

    Honestly it’s kinda ridiculous. Today is July 4th, which is what the offers are celebrating. The in game mail said the tiered offers would be available through the 5th of July.

    That they ended this morning, is just plain wrong and should be rectified if the people that are buying the unit offers want to purchase them. It’s only right to let them either via ticket or whatever.

    The offers had timers on them, I’d trust those more then in game mall, forum posts, word of mouth or any other avenue for information.
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    ArkhamAngelArkhamAngel Posts: 34
    Yeah I was about to buy 2 odins to get to 15k units and couldn’t find the tiered offer. I was grinding arena to get to 9k so wasn’t checking forums. Bad business decision cause I’m sure there’s others that was waiting to buy units to last minute to see that they needed.
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    Some are grinding for units, progression title for better rewards or both like me. Just beat act 7 and could become paragon but oh well, don't need to buy the extra units anymore. Oh well. Bad business decision and sense. What else new
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