Current state of game

Is there going to be an update on when the games control input issues and server will get more storage so the game doesn’t lag and have all these issues?
The game is absolutely horrible right now Jax. Many of my team are not playing as much as they used to because the load times, the horrible lag in the frames, the control control input issues. It seems like it’s one thing after another man. Why is kabam putting so much time in these new bells and whistles when they should be focusing on restoring the state of the game. It feels like kabam can’t fix it so add all these other things as a smoking mirror… can we get some solid answers @KabamJax?
Is there going to be an update on when the games control input issues and server will get more storage so the game doesn’t lag and have all these issues?
The game is absolutely horrible right now Jax. Many of my team are not playing as much as they used to because the load times, the horrible lag in the frames, the control control input issues. It seems like it’s one thing after another man. Why is kabam putting so much time in these new bells and whistles when they should be focusing on restoring the state of the game. It feels like kabam can’t fix it so add all these other things as a smoking mirror… can we get some solid answers @KabamJax?
Locked on the final screen then booted out to lose half your health when you already won the fight!
This is getting tiresome and costly. The game is going down the toilet faster and faster!
Moto G Power, Android 11, cell and WiFi, anywhere and doing anything in the game.
I just fought terrax in AW and I have full 5g bars and Wi-Fi bars and terrax was able to attack me 3 times in a row all while I couldn’t do a thing about it. This is not fair!!!!!!
The game has been way more glitchy and the controls feel way more sticky. The new update is far worse man. This is not fair at all.
Also the AI is absolute garbage and way too passive for an Aggressive mode like Battlegrounds, War, or Legends Run. right now, I assume as a result of Battlegrounds or Eternity of Pain.
But yet we see lots of posts. “Moved to correct category” by a certain mod. And lots of requests to “use the bug report” by an other mod.
But no comments on this one. Just seems like they are picking and choosing which ones to answer and which ones to ignore.